The Undertaker Refutes Claims of Attacking Chris Kanyon with a Chair Due to His Homosexuality.

The Undertaker Refutes Claims of Attacking Chris Kanyon with a Chair Due to His Homosexuality.
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In a recent episode of his “Six Feet Under” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer, The Undertaker, shed light on a memorable SmackDown incident from February 2003, involving the late Chris Kanyon, a former WWE Superstar.

The iconic wrestler addressed and denied allegations of inappropriate behavior towards Kanyon during that specific incident.

Below are some notable insights shared on the podcast:

When speaking about hitting Kanyon with a chair, The Undertaker said, “I’ve been blamed for striking Kanyon with a chair because of his sexual orientation. I wasn’t even aware of his sexuality. It wasn’t something that came to light until years later. I was indifferent to it. However, certain individuals have perpetuated that rumor, claiming, ‘The Undertaker attacked him.’ I swung the chair in the way I typically would … If someone were to swing a chair at me the way I did, I’d anticipate the same in return.”

Regarding what we currently know about chair hits and head injuries, The Undertaker reflected, “Undeniably, with the present understanding of head injuries, things have shifted. My piece of advice would be make sure you protect yourself with your hands.”

In 2004, Kanyon was released from his WWE contract. Heartbreakingly, in 2010 at the age of 40, Kanyon ended his own life. His professional and personal challenges were highlighted in a Season 3 episode of Dark Side of the Ring. These experiences were also documented in his autobiography, Wrestling Reality: The Life and Mind of Chris Kanyon, Wrestling’s Gay Superstar.

In that book, Kanyon insinuated that the controversial segment was an attempt by ex-WWE Chairman, Vince McMahon, to add to his humiliation.