The Undertaker: “Maintaining The Character in Today’s Era Would Be Quite The Challenge”

The Undertaker: “Maintaining The Character in Today’s Era Would Be Quite The Challenge”
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Professional wrestling icon, The Undertaker, caught up with Maven on the Six Feet Under podcast. In the conversation, he spoke about his commitment to maintain his professional wrestling character, kayfabe, when interacting with the public throughout his career.

“Certainly, it would necessitate an extreme concerted endeavor. For years, I stayed true to my Undertaker character. Occasionally, it was arduous. Ideally, one would have to be unattached, without a family.”

“In today’s world, people are everywhere with their mobiles, constantly recording. So, to successfully maintain the character now, one would need to be extremely dedicated. It would be like the man seemingly had no existence outside his character, without any noticeable presence.”

He concurred that remaining faithful to his character in today’s times would be daunting. He expressed,

“I often grapple with it. If social media had been prevalent when I was in the prime of my career, I’m not confident that I’d have been able to maintain it as I did.”