The Undertaker Isn’t Fond of Chops, Yet He Would Allow GUNTHER to Proceed.

The Undertaker Isn’t Fond of Chops, Yet He Would Allow GUNTHER to Proceed.
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In a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet for Insight, The Undertaker revealed his dislike for receiving chops during wrestling matches. Despite this aversion, there was one exception he made to this rule, the former WWE Intercontential Champion, GUNTHER.

The Undertaker confessed,

“Chops aren’t my favorite, I admit. I remember, I had to face Flair and I gave specific instructions – three chops maximum. Although, I recall that I ended up succumbing to more than just three. He did get more than the specified three [chuckles]. Even Shawn Michaels had the liberty of delivering some decent chops in our matches. It’s an odd liking of mine. I’d always prefer a solid punch that looks good than a punch that misses by a significant margin. I’d advise, ‘If you’re going to hit me, ensure you hit a safe spot, make it count and we’ll carry on. It’s better to have the match looking good rather than me selling a poorly executed punch.’ Numerous guys put in loads of effort to perfect their punches, aiming for lightness, and they then just charge full force with a chop. Now that’s something. Currently, working with Gunther is an exception I’m willing to make by letting him unleash his fierce chops on me. It would be a thrill to collaborate with him.”