The Undertaker Is Now On TikTok

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The Undertaker Is Now On TikTok

the undertaker firefly funhouse

Photo Credit: WWE Network

In “Undertaker: The Last Ride,” the Dead Man made it clear that he’s ready to retire. Naturally, The Undertaker is transitioning into his life after wrestling. Now, that journey has taken him to a place you might not expect to find him: TikTok. That’s right, The Undertaker is now on the popular social media platform that’s largely known for dancing clips. It’s easy to follow his logic; TikTok has over 500 million subscribers, so it’s an easy way to reach a wide audience. Interested fans can follow the Phenom’s TikTok by clicking here. As of this writing, The Undertaker has over 50,000 subscribers, a number that’s sure to rise rapidly.

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