The Undertaker holds the opinion that the reign of the Ministry of Darkness could have extended for a longer duration.

The Undertaker holds the opinion that the reign of the Ministry of Darkness could have extended for a longer duration.
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On his “Six Feet Under” podcast, The Undertaker (pictured) took the opportunity to dive deep into the roots of his Ministry of Darkness persona from the WWE’s Attitude Era. He analyzed numerous aspects of the character including whether the gimmick’s exit came too early and more.

Highlighted below are some key takeaways from his podcast:

When asked about the possibility of the Ministry of Darkness gimmick sticking around for an additional year, The Undertaker admitted, “It indeed had the potential to last if it hadn’t been diluted as it did, I anticipate it could have been a two to three-year gimmick. There was a myriad of remaining potential we could’ve utilized to push the boundaries along with persons to work with… still, it served its purpose during my career. I’m considerably proud of it as it came at a time when I was seeking reinvention.”

Commenting on the gimmick’s aesthetics, he added, “Yes, it’s absolutely true. I always wished to retain a few aspects of the original, as a homage to my foundations, while simultaneously expanding. The long coats with sleeves and straps that I often branded as ‘hellraiser jackets’ gave me a unique yet distinctly Undertaker look. It was an effort to distinguish myself from other things happening at the time.”

Reflecting on the inclusion of Stephanie McMahon into the storyline, The Undertaker says, “The plot developed naturally with Vince. Eventually, I ended up abducting Stephanie with intentions to marry her… I vividly remember how I haunted Vince by setting a teddy bear on fire… Despite extensive security, I managed to reach her. From being the ‘boss’s sweet innocent little girl’, Stephanie turned into a potential prey for ‘boogeyman Satan’. This certainly struck a chord with the audience, establishing an uncanny discomfort.”

Speaking about how fans reacted to the gimmick, The Undertaker recollected, “Initially, the audience was quite skeptical and found the gimmick a bit scary. People thought I was pushing the envelope. However, it slowly grew on them and gained popularity. The Ministry of Darkness personality became a huge hit later on, with fans reminiscing it as ‘super cool’.”

The Undertaker elaborated on these points in his podcast, which can be watched as an embedded content in this article.