The Undertaker Discusses Triple H’s Calm Leadership Style in WWE

The Undertaker Discusses Triple H’s Calm Leadership Style in WWE
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In one of his Six Feet Under podcast episodes, The Undertaker commended Triple H for his ability to manage WWE efficiently, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the numerous challenges he faces on a daily basis while running the creative for the company.

“He’s doing it calmly. So I’m not I’m not around, obviously, like I used to be. When I was working full-time, or even when I wasn’t working full-time. It was just so chaotic. There is like this calm backstage. The crew itself, the talent, they’re relatively young. Top to bottom, they’re young people. They’re all so chill,” he said. “I’ve seen Triple H get worked up, but I haven’t seen him yell at Talent. I haven’t seen him bad mouth anybody.

There’s been times where you come back through the curtain and you know that ass-chewing is coming. I haven’t seen that with him,” Undertaker continued. “Like I said, I haven’t been around a whole lot, but I’ve been around enough, and I know him well enough, and I can just tell it’s such a chill vibe. For me, I almost don’t like it because it’s almost too calm. To me, and this is just me on the outside looking in, it’s like they don’t care enough. It’s not that. It’s just the atmosphere.”

In a recent episode of his Six Feet Under podcast, legendary WWE wrestler The Undertaker praised Triple H for his exceptional management skills and ability to maintain a calm demeanor while facing the daily challenges of running the creative side of the company.

The Undertaker, whose real name is Mark Calaway, expressed his admiration for Triple H’s calm and composed approach to managing WWE. He noted that even though he is no longer as involved with the company as he used to be, he can still sense the difference in the backstage atmosphere.

During the podcast episode, The Undertaker stated, “When I was working full-time, or even when I wasn’t working full-time, it was just so chaotic. There is like this calm backstage. The crew itself, the talent, they’re relatively young. Top to bottom, they’re young people. They’re all so chill.”

The wrestling icon went on to highlight Triple H’s professionalism and how he handles difficult situations without resorting to yelling or badmouthing anyone. The Undertaker mentioned that he has witnessed other WWE executives giving talent a stern talking-to after their matches, but he has never seen Triple H do the same.

“There’s been times where you come back through the curtain and you know that ass-chewing is coming. I haven’t seen that with him,” The Undertaker explained. “Like I said, I haven’t been around a whole lot, but I’ve been around enough, and I know him well enough, and I can just tell it’s such a chill vibe.”

However, The Undertaker also admitted that the calm atmosphere sometimes makes him feel like the company doesn’t care enough. He clarified that it’s not that they don’t care, but rather that the atmosphere is different from what he was used to during his active years in WWE.

Triple H, whose real name is Paul Levesque, has been an integral part of WWE for decades. He started as a professional wrestler and eventually transitioned into a backstage role, where he currently serves as the Executive Vice President of Global Talent Strategy & Development. In this position, he oversees talent recruitment, training, and the overall creative direction of the company.

Triple H’s ability to maintain a calm and collected demeanor while managing WWE is undoubtedly a valuable asset. It not only sets a positive example for the talent and crew but also contributes to a more harmonious working environment. The Undertaker’s praise serves as a testament to Triple H’s leadership skills and his ability to navigate the challenges of running a major wrestling promotion with composure and professionalism.

As WWE continues to evolve and adapt to the ever-changing landscape of professional wrestling, having someone like Triple H at the helm ensures that the company remains focused and efficient. His calm approach to management sets the tone for a productive and collaborative atmosphere, ultimately benefiting the entire WWE roster and the fans who enjoy their performances.