The Twin Players from Tonga Face Bullying Allegations in World of Warcraft, Their Retort Follows

The Twin Players from Tonga Face Bullying Allegations in World of Warcraft, Their Retort Follows
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Professional wrestling twins Kaoz and Kona, also known as The Tonga Twins, have left WOW – Women of Wrestling. The exact circumstances surrounding this departure remain shrouded in ambiguity, but the Twins have been vocal in their criticism of the promotion. More revelations are expected in the coming days.

Former colleagues, Heidi Howitzer and Simone Williams, have come forward with allegations against The Tonga Twins. Both Howitzer and Williams took to Twitter, accusing the twins of being bullies.

Williams stated, “WOW has many flaws and has had a ton of growing pains with good and bad decisions along the way, but what’s happening right now is NOT RIGHT. The Tonga Twins were LET GO, they did not quit….” She accused the twins of bullying, threatening, and acting unprofessionally online.

Similarly, Howitzer leveled criticisms at WOW and the Twins, accusing the latter of bullying and causing injuries due to negligence and improper training. She even claims having to go to the ER due to their negligence. She further added that the twins also bullied a close friend who was seriously injured and voiced her concerns.

Meanwhile, The Tonga Twins have replied to these accusations by posting a video of themselves addressing the locker room backstage. They wrote, “If you know us then you know NOTHING BUT LOVE ALWAYS !! The real gone ride the fake gone divide !!! #tongatwins who’s a bully???”