The Sandman on The Mr Sandman Surfer Gimmick

The Sandman on The Mr Sandman Surfer Gimmick
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The Sandman on The Mr Sandman Surfer Gimmick
Interview arranged courtesy of Appalachian Championsip Wrestling
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I be mad for wrestling match, because they are fascinating!! Correct how will you bound straight correct i've bought a theory i'm going to throw this out to you you're you're a surfer in the present day that's your character mr sandman had been you a server oh my character i only bought the surfboard because jerry lawler uh uh uh joel joel goodheart modified into sending uh jerry lawler wished two guys of us to .

Come down so joel sent me and uh and the sunless cat and so they wished me to bear more of a uh gimmick you realize what i mean so so i'm relish all correct successfully i'm the similar man and that i'll fetch a [__] i'll fetch a surfboard so i went to the pit bull's condo i told him i wished i wished a surfboard he .

Goes advance down to my condo we'll bound fetch you on because the acne aid then uh gary and anthony they knew they ran the bouncers all around the set aside in every membership they knew all individuals they had been relish working that city at that level so um wait the set aside the set aside modified into i uh the .

Surfer oh yeah so so there's this membership on delaware avenue it's down on the water that's the water that separates novel jersey from uh pennsylvania and um and we bound into the rock lobster membership gary goes as a lot as one of the well-known bats he goes .

That's sir since it modified into relish it modified into relish a seashore membership you realize what i mean with relish the untrue grabs hanging around [__] uh all sea stuff because my buddy wants that surfboard off the wall bouncer went correct up he needed to head fetch relish a instrument or one thing took it off and that i had the surfboard and that's why i broke that's .

The very best causes why i ever ended with the surfboard i modified into going to uncover you my theory modified into that because ray odyssey i wager he did the browsing thing as successfully and that i wasn't doing that i didn't wish to be identified relish that yeah exactly but i modified into thinking correct with browsing it modified into relish successfully it's a wetsuit .

It form of appears to be relish spandex then but again it's potentially more cost-effective and simple to fetch and that i assumed that is at chance of be a staunch opinion to fetch a browsing thing dazzling since it modified into a more cost-effective more or less spandex i dazzling didn't need i didn't wish to fetch the outside thing i didn't that it wasn't about me i didn't if truth be told know my character even .

That noteworthy but anyway but i knew i didn't wish to head that manner yeah successfully yeah successfully you fetch um obviously the sandman that all individuals is aware of and esteem uh mr sandman the browsing thing did you war by every other characters attempting them out or modified into it dazzling these two yeah that modified into it yeah so that you just bought it correct 2d strive .

Yeah successfully yeah you
I be wild about wrestler and grappler, because they are the best.

The Sandman on The Mr Sandman Surfer Gimmick

The Sandman on The Mr Sandman Surfer Gimmick