The Rock Proposes an Epic Tag Team Match for WrestleMania 40 (Night One)

The Rock Proposes an Epic Tag Team Match for WrestleMania 40 (Night One)
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It was The Rock’s call for his character to turn heel on WWE programming following the backlash to his return to the company.

After it was teased that The Rock would face Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40 instead of Cody Rhodes, fans expressed their opposition with the ‘#WeWantCody’ movement.

In the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it was noted that The Rock pitched for his heel turn and has pitched a tag match for WrestleMania 40 (Night One). The report states,

“There is said to be far more behind the scenes that hasn’t come out but given the timing can’t be talked about now. But [Dwayne] Johnson over the weekend said it was best to be out of the Reigns match, put Cody in, which by this point everyone conceded by then. It was Johnson who then pitched the heel turn and he did pitch the idea of the Reigns & Rock vs. Rhodes & Rollins match for night one. So that was his idea if that is how it turns out.”

At the WrestleMania 40 Kickoff press conference, Rhodes declared that he would face Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, disrupting the plans of the Tribal Chief and his cousin.

WWE WrestleMania 40 will start on April 6 from Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, PA, and will host its second show the next night.

The Rock’s Heel Turn and the Potential Tag Match at WrestleMania 40

In a surprising turn of events, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has reportedly pitched for his character to turn heel on WWE programming. This decision came after the backlash he received following his return to the company and the speculation that he would face Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40 instead of Cody Rhodes.

Fans expressed their opposition to The Rock’s potential match with Reigns by starting the ‘#WeWantCody’ movement. This movement gained traction as fans voiced their desire to see Rhodes in the ring against Reigns instead of The Rock.

According to the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, The Rock himself pitched for his heel turn and even suggested a tag match for WrestleMania 40 (Night One). The report states that there is more behind the scenes that hasn’t been revealed yet due to timing constraints. However, it is clear that The Rock acknowledged the fans’ wishes and proposed a match that would include Reigns and himself teaming up against Rhodes and Seth Rollins.

This development came after Cody Rhodes disrupted the plans of Roman Reigns and his cousin at the WrestleMania 40 Kickoff press conference. Rhodes declared that he would face Reigns at WrestleMania, potentially throwing a wrench into the original storyline.

WrestleMania 40 is scheduled to take place on April 6 at the Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, PA. The event will span two nights, with the second show occurring on the following night. The potential tag match between Reigns, The Rock, Rhodes, and Rollins could be a highlight of the event if it comes to fruition.

The Rock’s decision to turn heel and his willingness to adapt to fan demands demonstrate his commitment to providing an entertaining and engaging experience for WWE viewers. It also showcases his understanding of the importance of fan feedback and the impact it can have on the direction of storylines.

As WrestleMania 40 approaches, fans eagerly anticipate the outcome of these developments. Will The Rock’s heel turn be successful? Will the proposed tag match become a reality? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure – the wrestling world is buzzing with excitement and anticipation for what promises to be an unforgettable event.