The proposal from WWE for me to guide Lacey Evans was a direct insult, says Sgt. Slaughter.

The proposal from WWE for me to guide Lacey Evans was a direct insult, says Sgt. Slaughter.
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During a recent guest spot on the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Sgt. Slaughter – a member of the revered WWE Hall of Fame – verified the circulating rumors that WWE had extended an offer to him to take on a managerial role for ex-WWE Superstar, Lacey Evans. Slaughter described the offer as a “slap in the face” and decided to turn it down.

Below are some key takeaways from the podcast:

Discussing WWE’s approach for him to manage Lacey Evans, Slaughter stated: “They proposed that I take on the role of her manager, but when I reviewed the contract, I felt it was an insult. They should have offered me a billion dollar contract considering what I’ve contributed to the company. To receive a contract that was so disappointing that I wouldn’t even consider using it as toilet paper… I handled it professionally and let them know ‘I’m not interested. If you can propose a more substantial amount that could allow me to retire from this industry, then maybe I’ll contemplate a comeback. Until such an offer materializes, I have no plans of returning.”

Slaughter also touched on the use of the Cobra Clutch as Evans’ finishing move, saying: “That’s when I drew the line and conveyed to WWE ‘Hey, that move is my intellectual property.’ I didn’t mean to be harsh or hurt her feelings, I just wanted to clarify ‘The Cobra Clutch isn’t meant to be used in this manner. It’s supposed to mark the conclusion. It puts an end to the narrative.’ Just like when you hear ‘Hey D-Von; get the tables.’ That signifies the story’s end.”

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