The most recent information on Kota Ibushi’s injury status reveals…

The most recent information on Kota Ibushi’s injury status reveals…
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Kota Ibushi, a key player in the wrestling world, has been off the stage since his participation in the ‘New Year 2024’ event organized by Pro Wrestling NOAH. He was a part of the main event, a grueling singles match against Naomichi Marufuji, that carried on for more than half an hour.

Unexpectedly, Ibushi continued the game despite a hurt ankle following a moonsault. Intriguingly, the gravity of the situation was revealed later when it was stated that both his ankles had sustained injuries early in the match. Consequently, Ibushi had to undergo a surgical procedure for a fractured ankle. He is projected to step away from the limelight for a hiatus spanning six to twelve months.

In a tweet, Ibushi expressed that he is currently in rehab at a medical center. He penned down his thoughts saying,

“Having trouble with my left ankle. My inner ankle? I wish there was a speedy solution for it! I’ve sought help from several places. (Continuing rehab at the hospital). Is there someone who can guide me?”

In the tweet embedded below, you can see Ibushi’s original message in Japanese.