The Impact of Bobby Lashley’s Experience on The Street Profits, as Explained by Montez Ford

The Impact of Bobby Lashley’s Experience on The Street Profits, as Explained by Montez Ford
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Montez Ford recently sat down for an interview with Fox News, where he talked about his experience working alongside Bobby Lashley and the positive impact it has had on The Street Profits.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:


On Bobby Lashley: “We consider him what we call an O.G. He’s seen like every transition, every wave. He’s seen WWE superstars come and go on so many different occasions. He’s seen it all, and he’s obtained such a massive amount of success.”

On how Lashley has helped The Street Profits them: “And the same thing with the Street Profits, we’ve had team success. We’re Triple Crown tag-team champions, but that’s kind of been stagnant for the last few years. Bobby’s kind of like swept in and took us under his wing and pretty much just chiseled out whatever was lagging, the excess that was stopping us to flourish, and kind of just keeping us on the straight and narrow and pretty much teaching us the same ways in which he had success and instilling that within us now.”

On Lashley’s experience: “It helps out a lot. When you’re dealing with someone who’s been a part of the game and seen all the different waves, and like, you kind of see how they react, it kind of sets the tone because you don’t see them panicking, or if you don’t see him worry too much about anything, that’s just kind of what the demeanor is going to be. Bobby’s kind of really been that way this whole time. Very mellow, very calculated, methodical, but that’s his pace. He’s cooking up something, as we can say. Right now, what we’re doing and our best to do is not just listen but most likely just obey because, obviously, what he’s done has led to success.”

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In a recent interview with Fox News, Montez Ford discussed his experience working alongside Bobby Lashley and the positive impact it has had on The Street Profits. Ford referred to Lashley as an “O.G.” who has witnessed numerous transitions and waves in the WWE. He has seen superstars come and go, and his success speaks for itself.

Ford highlighted how Lashley has helped The Street Profits improve their performance. Despite their previous team success as Triple Crown tag-team champions, they had been stagnant in recent years. However, Lashley took them under his wing and helped them overcome any obstacles that were hindering their progress. He taught them the ways in which he achieved success and instilled those principles within them.

Lashley’s experience in the industry has been invaluable to The Street Profits. Ford emphasized that having someone who has seen it all and knows how to react in different situations sets the tone for the team. Lashley’s calm and calculated demeanor has had a positive influence on The Street Profits, as they have learned not to panic and to trust in their abilities. Ford described Lashley as methodical and mellow, and his approach to the game has been instrumental in their success.

The guidance provided by Lashley has been crucial for The Street Profits, and they have learned to not only listen but also obey his advice. They recognize that Lashley’s track record speaks for itself, and they are determined to follow in his footsteps.

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In conclusion, Bobby Lashley’s mentorship has had a significant positive impact on The Street Profits. His experience, calm demeanor, and guidance have helped them overcome obstacles and achieve success in their careers. The Street Profits are grateful for the opportunity to work alongside an industry veteran like Lashley and are determined to continue learning from him.