The Grizzled Young Veterans Share Their Reasons for Leaving WWE

The Grizzled Young Veterans Share Their Reasons for Leaving WWE
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James Drake and Zack Gibson (The Grizzled Young Veterans) were granted their WWE releases during the latest round of “budget cuts.”

Speaking to Metro UK, the team commented on why they requested their release from the company, and more.


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

Gibson on being bored in NXT: “In a nutshell, this is one of the big driving forces as to why we wanted to leave and get out because without going into too much, we just weren’t particularly happy with how things were going. It all felt a bit boring.”

Gibson on how there was no animosity in their exit from WWE: “When company objectives shifts, sometimes you find yourself not lining up with what it is that they want at that current time. Our decision to move on wasn’t necessarily like, ‘We don’t like that company anymore!’ It’s not a big middle finger to the company, the company is doing great business, it’s just we felt that as a product, we weren’t doing the best business.”

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James Drake and Zack Gibson, collectively known as The Grizzled Young Veterans, recently made headlines when they were granted their releases from WWE as part of the company’s latest round of “budget cuts.” In a recent interview with Metro UK, the team shed light on their decision to leave the company and shared their thoughts on their time in WWE.

One of the main reasons cited by Gibson for their departure was a sense of boredom in NXT, WWE’s developmental brand. He expressed that they were not particularly happy with how things were going and that it all felt a bit mundane. This dissatisfaction with their situation played a significant role in their desire to seek new opportunities outside of WWE.

However, despite their decision to leave, Gibson emphasized that there was no animosity towards the company. He acknowledged that sometimes company objectives shift, and individuals may find themselves not aligning with what the company wants at that specific time. He clarified that their choice to move on was not a reflection of disliking WWE but rather a belief that they could achieve better success elsewhere.

The Grizzled Young Veterans’ departure from WWE does not signify any ill will towards the company, as they acknowledged that WWE is doing great business. Instead, they felt that as a product, they were not performing at their best and wanted to explore new opportunities that would allow them to thrive.

Fans of The Grizzled Young Veterans can keep up with their wrestling news on, a reliable source for all things wrestling. Additionally, they can follow the website on Twitter and Facebook for regular updates.

In conclusion, James Drake and Zack Gibson’s decision to leave WWE was driven by a sense of boredom and dissatisfaction with their situation in NXT. However, they made it clear that their departure was not a reflection of any animosity towards the company but rather a desire to pursue new opportunities and achieve greater success elsewhere. Wrestling fans can stay informed about The Grizzled Young Veterans and other wrestling news on