The Daughter of The Undertaker Aspires to Enter the Realm of Professional Wrestling

The Daughter of The Undertaker Aspires to Enter the Realm of Professional Wrestling
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In a recent discussion with Chris Van Vliet, the iconic retired wrestler known as The Undertaker divulged details about his life after retirement from wrestling, his final closure at WrestleMania XL, and various other subjects.

One quite notable bit from the interview was The Undertaker remarking on the keen interest his daughter shows in the wrestling business. He stated that she is thoroughly “into the business” and has set her heart on entering the wrestling world herself.

Even though she is merely 11 years old, she’s already vigilant about wrestling techniques such as leg slaps. When Van Vliet asked The Undertaker about his feelings regarding his daughter’s passion for wrestling, the legendary Deadman expressed, “If her heart is in it, and she puts in the work, I’ll support her. She’s an exceptional athlete”.

For now, she is an active player in flag football, a sport that The Undertaker points out as one of the most rapidly growing sports for women currently. Everyone at eWn is rooting for her success in her upcoming tournament.

Is it possible that in the following years, we would witness Kaia Faith Calaway stepping into a WWE ring? And how would a potential WWE family tree with Kane and Paul Bearer in the fictional world of wrestling make sense? We’d love to hear your creative ideas in the comments section!

A video featuring The Undertaker speaking about topics such as WrestleMania 40, Cody turning heel, Brock Lesnar, and his retirement is embedded below. Take some time to watch it for the full context of this story. Remember, he speaks broadly about his career, his retirement, and his thoughts on other wrestlers. Enjoy!