The CMLL International Grand Prix Elimination Match was won by Claudio Castagnoli.

The CMLL International Grand Prix Elimination Match was won by Claudio Castagnoli.
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Claudio Castagnoli recently added to his remarkable career portfolio by emerging victorious from CMLL’s Grand Prix, proving a significant win for the one-time ROH World Champion.

The August 23, 2024, episode of the notoriously spectacular CMLL’s Friday Night Show saw the 2024 International Showcase Elimination ‘Grand Prix’ tag match take place.

The extravaganza hosted Team Mexico, comprising luminaries like Máscara Dorada, Volador Jr., Esfinge, Euforia, El Valiente, Templario, Místico, Titán, Ultimo Guerrero, and Atlantis Jr.

The opposition, Team World, had the talents of Castagnoli, Yota Tsuji, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Mansoor, Ikuro Kwon, Flip Gordon, Robbie X, AKIRA, Rocky Romero, and Kyle Fletcher.

The consequential match saw Castagnoli pull off a win over Volador Jr. This was the Swiss Cyborg’s sophomore appearance for the CMLL.

This triumph has made Castagnoli the first Swiss professional wrestler to clinch the Grand Prix title, following only five non-Mexican wrestlers who have earnt the same honor.

The official tweet by Lucha Libre CMLL (@CMLL_OFICIAL) on August 24, 2024, proudly announced – “¡El triunfo es para Suiza! Claudio Castagnoli derrota a Volador Jr. y se convierte en el ganador del #GrandPrixCMLL 2024. #ViernesEspectacularCMLL”| EN VIVO → @ClaudioCSRO @AEW”