The Challenging Journey to WWE: Insights from Chelsea Green

The Challenging Journey to WWE: Insights from Chelsea Green
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On a recent edition of the “Bleav in Pro Wrestling Podcast,” WWE Superstar Chelsea Green discussed the kind of struggle and hard work it takes to get to WWE.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On the struggle it takes to getting to WWE: “When you come to WWE, the WWE Universe doesn’t always know the struggle it took to get there.”

On fans not seeing the work she put into her career before WWE: “They see you debut at the Royal Rumble, they see you set a record, they see you win the championship two times –- but what they don’t see is the 10 years I put in prior to this. What they don’t see is the blood, sweat, and tears, or the times I’ve taken these insane bumps or I’ve had these crazy matches. I’ve literally done everything you can do as a female wrestler up until you get to WWE. For me, people may think it’s annoying that I ask for everything -– but guess what? That’s why I’m here.”

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WWE Superstar Chelsea Green Opens Up About the Struggles and Hard Work Behind Her Journey to WWE

Becoming a WWE Superstar is a dream for many aspiring professional wrestlers. The glitz, glamour, and worldwide recognition that come with being a part of the WWE Universe are undeniable. However, what fans often fail to see is the immense struggle and hard work that goes into making it to WWE. In a recent episode of the “Bleav in Pro Wrestling Podcast,” Chelsea Green shed light on the challenges she faced and the sacrifices she made to achieve her dreams.

Green emphasized that the WWE Universe doesn’t always understand the struggle it takes to get to WWE. While fans may witness a wrestler’s debut at a major event like the Royal Rumble or witness their championship victories, they often overlook the years of dedication and perseverance that led to those moments. Green revealed that she had spent a decade honing her skills and pushing herself to the limit before stepping foot in a WWE ring.

“They see you win the championship two times –- but what they don’t see is the 10 years I put in prior to this,” Green expressed. “What they don’t see is the blood, sweat, and tears, or the times I’ve taken these insane bumps or I’ve had these crazy matches. I’ve literally done everything you can do as a female wrestler up until you get to WWE.”

Green’s journey to WWE was filled with countless sacrifices and hardships. She endured grueling training sessions, took dangerous bumps, and participated in intense matches, all in pursuit of her dream. The road to WWE is not an easy one, and Green’s story serves as a reminder of the dedication required to achieve success in the industry.

Despite facing adversity, Green never wavered in her pursuit of greatness. She acknowledged that some people may find her persistence annoying, but she firmly believes that it is her unwavering determination that brought her to where she is today. Green’s refusal to settle for anything less than what she believed she deserved ultimately paid off, as she now stands as a WWE Superstar.

Green’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring wrestlers who may be facing their own struggles and setbacks. It highlights the importance of perseverance, hard work, and never giving up on one’s dreams. Green’s journey is a testament to the fact that success rarely comes overnight and that true achievement requires dedication, sacrifice, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.

As fans, it is crucial to remember that behind every WWE Superstar’s success lies a story of struggle and hard work. While we may only witness the final product in the ring, it is important to appreciate the countless hours of training, the physical toll, and the sacrifices made by these athletes to entertain us.

Chelsea Green’s story serves as a reminder that success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter. It is earned through perseverance, resilience, and an unwavering belief in oneself. So, the next time you watch a WWE Superstar perform, take a moment to appreciate the journey they undertook to reach that stage and the struggles they overcame along the way.