The bar previously owned by late WWE Referee Tim White has recently changed hands.

The bar previously owned by late WWE Referee Tim White has recently changed hands.
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The recent news from The Boston Globe sheds light on the changing hands of The Friendly Tap, an establishment previously held by the late WWE referee, Tim White. The ownership of this star-studded bar, which was under White’s name from 1989 to 2011, has recently switched gears.

Previously, in the rustic environs of Cumberland, Rhode Island, the ownership of the bar lay in the hands of Debra and Gerald Podgurkski. After acquiring it from White, they ran the place for a commendable stretch of 13 years before handing the baton over in April.

With the curtains lifted on May 3 post refurbishments, The Friendly Tap has resumed services. Reimagined as a hybrid of a high-end Irish-American pub and a vibrant music stage, the place stands ready to welcome patrons anew.

Further casting light on Tim White’s legacy, it’s worthy to note that he was commemorated with a well-earned place in the WWE Hall of Fame posthumously. In the Class of 2023, his name was honored, a year after his demise at 68 in 2022.