Teddy Long Continues To Claim John Cena Is A ‘Real-Life Heel,’ Doesn’t Give Proof

Teddy Long Continues To Claim John Cena Is A ‘Real-Life Heel,’ Doesn’t Give Proof
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Teddy Long, a prominent figure in the wrestling world, believes that John Cena embodies the persona of a ‘heel’ or bad guy in his day-to-day life, even though he has not provided specific instances of Cena’s wrongdoing. During a certain iteration of the podcast labelled “Wrestling Time Machine,” Teddy reinforced his claim about Cena’s real-life ‘heel’ character. His statement,

“John Cena’s current persona reflects his real-life character. The epitome of a villain is when it mirrors one’s real-life essence. This is not to discredit Cena, I’m fond of him as a person. However, his real-life persona is that of a villain and it suits him to perfection. His ability to deliver promos with impeccable acumen has improved significantly compared to the face-to-face promos he used to deliver. Keep an eye on his transformation.”

Even when requested to disclose the wrongdoings Cena possibly committed justifying his denunciation, Teddy maintained discretion by responding, “That’s exactly who he is and that’s all I have to say on the matter.”

In a recent wrestling event, the WWE Elimination Chamber held in Toronto, Cena adopted his heel role for the first time since 2003, officially portraying himself as a villain on screen. During a segment on the latest WWE RAW, Cena justified his transformation, implying that his years of commitment to fans as a hero had only been met with demands and expectations.

In addition to Teddy’s remarks, an insightful analysis about Cena’s recent transformation into a heel was also provided by Dutch Mantell in a recently uploaded video.