Ted DiBiase Sr. Shares the Reasons Behind His Appreciation for His Intense Travel Itinerary

Ted DiBiase Sr. Shares the Reasons Behind His Appreciation for His Intense Travel Itinerary
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WWE Hall of Fame inductee, Ted DiBiase Sr. recently shared insights from his years in the wrestling ring on his podcast – “Everybody’s Got A Pod”. During the discussion, he delved into the challenges and rewards that come with the rigorous itinerary of professional wrestling alongside the significance of engaging with seasoned veterans in the industry.

Highlighted below are some notable moments from the podcast:

When asked about his initial contest with Dick Murdoch & Terry Funk against Jim Dillon & The Patriots, which was unknowingly recorded, he confirmed saying, “Yes, it was. Yeah, it was my first recording. I didn’t know that it was recorded.”

When reflecting on his relationship with JJ Dillon, DiBiase Sr. reminisced, “I remember him when he first entered the territory. Basically, he was introduced as a villain. He and Dick Murdoch had an exceptional partnership. Even today, I have immense love and respect for him. He was good. JD was genuinely competent.”

Regarding the intense travel regimen as a professional wrestler, he expressed, “Well, having been brought up in this world, I always perceived it as a part of the game. You have to be fully committed, or else you’re out. You know what I mean? If you’re someone who cannot withstand long car rides, then wrestling is not for you. That’s a fact. [laughs]”

In the embedded content below, you can find more in-depth insights from the discussion.