Ted DiBiase Sr. Remembers Collaborating with LA Knight & Cameron Grimes in NXT.

Ted DiBiase Sr. Remembers Collaborating with LA Knight & Cameron Grimes in NXT.
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In a recent episode of his podcast, “Everybody’s Got a Pod”, WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase Sr. touched on his collaboration with LA Knight and Cameron Grimes as part of an intriguing storyline from WWE NXT in 2020.

Here are a few highlights from his podcast:

Discussing how he got roped into his WWE NXT cameo: They contacted me with the idea of playing along with this storyline involving Cameron Grimes, who actually made some significant investments in the stock market and earned huge profits in short time. The idea was to use this real-life event as part of the storyline where Grimes starts to behave like me lavishly spending his money – buying luxury items. They brought me in as part of this storyline where Grimes is making extravagant purchases like watches and cars and I continue to taunt him saying what he had wasn’t a ‘Million Dollar’ watch or car! That was the fun part of the storyline.

About the prolongation of the storyline by WWE: The idea was initially to incorporate this storyline which involved a spin of real-life events for just a few shows. However, seeing that it was resonating well with the audience, they decided to keep me on for a few more weeks, and I was happy to oblige.

You can watch the complete podcast episode here [embedded content].