Ted DiBiase Praises Goldberg, Names Brad Armstrong In His Top 5

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On the latest episode of his “Everybody’s Got A Pod” show, WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase shared his thoughts on Goldberg, lavished praise on Brad Armstrong, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On Goldberg: “I can’t blame Goldberg for anything. I mean, it was just — he was at the right place at the right time. And it was a great opportunity, but you’re talking about a guy that they pushed from the get-go that had no earthly knowledge about what the hell he was doing. I mean, he was just such a novice in terms of being a wrestler. And it wasn’t his fault. Being the right guy with the right look at the right time at the right place, that’s how I look at that whole thing.

“Personally, I think he’s a great guy. But I have never considered him like, I wouldn’t put him in the top five, maybe not even the top 10 of like performers. He was just — again, he came out of football. And that was his way in. And there’s nothing wrong with that either. I just was never that impressed with his wrestling ability.”

On Brad Armstrong: “And I would agree [with him being a top five performer]. And you know, I had a lot to do with the young Brad Armstrong. Because when he first came to Atlanta, he and I worked a lot together. And I think even Brad would’ve told you that I helped him mature a lot as a worker. But oh my gosh. I mean again, he’s a guy like myself who grew up idolizing his dad and wanted not to do anything else, but be a wrestler. He was really good. I would put him in the top five absolutely without a doubt.”

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