Tears fell from my eyes when Uncle Howdy made his comeback, exclaimed Corey Graves.

Tears fell from my eyes when Uncle Howdy made his comeback, exclaimed Corey Graves.
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On a recent episode of WWE RAW, viewers were taken by surprise with the unexpected return of the character Uncle Howdy, brought to life by Bo Dallas, and the presentation of the new faction Wyatt Sicks, starring physical embodiments of Ramblin’ Rabbit, Huskus The Pig, Mercy The Buzzard, and Abby The Witch, with the character Abby being played by Nikki Cross.

Beyond this, Corey Graves, a commentator for WWE, expressed his personal views on this new development during Over The Top, a podcast hosted by Peter Rosenberg. His commentary is quoted below:

“I was moved to tears. It was late at night, and I was lying in bed, with my wife [Carmella] sleeping soundly by my side. I had anticipated the big reveal to be at the end of the show, but I wasn’t entirely sure what was coming. Bray [Windham Rotunda] was an important figure to a diverse group of people. His individuality in character and unique delivery couldn’t have been portrayed any better than what we saw on Monday night. Witnessing Gorilla entering with the camera and viewing the aftermath of chaos on the set, was startling for me. Having worked there for many years, I was accustomed to its typical state. To see it in complete disarray and surrounded by sparks flying everywhere, was jaw-dropping. There’s no way I can do this justice with just words. I’m telling you, watching Uncle Howdy revealed, and taking towards the camera brought about such an emotional moment. The man behind Uncle Howdy [Bo Dallas] was as much a part of the WWE family as the man behind Bray Wyatt. The audience’s understanding of what was unfolding as Howdy moved created a kind of magic on screen. Bray was instrumental for us, and everything he crafted and cared for so deeply, would have been dishonored by anything short of perfection. The execution was exceptional. I was so engaged that I left my bed and rewatched it twice more in my living room, each time noticing new elements and perspectives. I couldn’t have asked for a more thrilling execution.”