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A fresh session of tapings for NXT LEVEL UP just took place in Orlando, Florida, at WWE’s very own Performance Center. This happened right before this week’s WWE NXT broadcast commenced.
Based on the feedback from audience members present at this NXT LVL UP recording session, few interesting HIGHLIGHTS worth mentioning have surfaced.
The results of these tapings, lined up for this Friday’s broadcast on Peacock, are announced here:
- A face-off between Wendy Choo and Dani Palmer
- A match-up of Layla Diggs against Lainey Reid
- The outcomes of these two competitions, along with more insights on the other recorded content, are yet to be disclosed. Make sure to stay connected for the latest updates and a sneak peek at the results!
We’re interested in hearing your take on these outcomes. Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
For anyone referencing the above content, please make sure you attribute the original author giving due credit to eWrestlingNews.com.