**SPOILERS** From The UWN Championship Wrestling Tapings

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On Tuesday night, the United Wrestling Network taped the following matches for upcoming episodes of UWN Championship Wrestling:

* David Marquez started off by talking to the audience and getting them warmed up. He asked them for their best wishes for UWN getting a big business opportunity this week.


* Jordan Clearwater started the taping by an interview with Adnan Kureishy, who said that Clearwater wanted them to know he is better looking and the fans should be quiet.

* Slice Boogie def. Cameron Gates

* United Heritage Championship Match: Kevin Martenson def. Evan Daniels

* The Institution attacked Papo Esco

* United Television Championship Match: Jack Banning def. Papo Esco after a ref bump and shot to the head with the title.

* Zeda Zhang def. Bryn Thorne

* Bateman def. Peter Avalon

* Golden Opportunity Qualifying Match: EJ Sparks def. R3 Charles Cassus

* United World Tag Team Championship Match: TMZ def. Michael Hopkins & Miggy Rose

* Savanna Stone def. Brittnie Brooks

* Beef Candy def. The Institution

* Golden Opportunity Qualifying Match: Sledge def. Dom Kubrick

* United World Championship Lumberjack Match: Danny Limelight def. Jordan Clearwater. The Lumberjacks were The Institution (Jack Banning, Honest Jon, Brendan Divine), TMZ (Bad Dude Tito & Che Cabrera), The Bodega (Papo Esco, Slice Boogie), Beef Candy (Richie Slade & Flex McCallion), Sledge & EJ Sparks.

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