Sonya Deville Expresses Frustrations, Takes Shot At Dakota Kai

Sonya Deville Expresses Frustrations, Takes Shot At Dakota Kai
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Sonya Deville, a prominent figure of the Pure Fusion Collective, voiced her discontent on Twitter concerning her absence from the tournament for the inauguration of WWE Women’s Intercontinental Championship. She prefaced her explanatory video with the quote, “I would post the rest of the video but I wouldn’t want to get ‘in trouble.'”

Deville expressed in her video recording, “I have literally conquered hurdles; however, I don’t sit here singing lyric about my entitlements. You have Dakota Kai participating in the tournament. Nonetheless, today she is being excessively applauded for recovering from her fourth injury in four years. Is that the new badge of honour? And, does it make her deserving of a reward? What’s happening around here?”

She attached her thoughts with an incomplete video snippet, vaguely hinting towards possible repercussions if the complete recording goes public.

Twitter post:
“I would post the rest of the video but I wouldn’t want to get ‘in trouble'” accompanied by her video snippet. Posted by Daria/Sonya Deville (@SonyaDevilleWWE) on December 5, 2024.

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