Sol Ruca Interested In Women’s Strap Match, The Hardy Boyz Return To WWE NXT, Jaida Parker News

Sol Ruca Interested In Women’s Strap Match, The Hardy Boyz Return To WWE NXT, Jaida Parker News
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Sol Ruca Interested In Women’s Strap Match, The Hardy Boyz Return To WWE NXT, Jaida Parker News

Sol Ruca has conveyed her interest in participating in a women’s strap match. During a fresh video chat with ItsMastodon, Ruca revealed her ambition to engage in the novelty match in NXT. Her words were,

“I truly have an aspiration to partake in a strap match. I can’t recollect if the girls have ever done that before, at least not on NXT. I wish for a women’s strap match on NXT.”

She further added, “I fail to remember the last occurrence of such a match. There hasn’t been any recent news or updates about it.”

Matt and Jeff Hardy have made another appearance at WWE NXT at the Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, ecstatic about their return to WWE. An intervention occurred by Hank Walker and Tank Ledger, seeking guidance. The Hardy Boyz advised them to “push the boundaries and take it to the extreme,” causing Walker and Ledger to mistakenly interpret it as participating in TLC matches.

Subsequently, an interruption by Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura made them the target of laughter for attempting to win the Hardys’ approval. They even threw a challenge at them for the TNA World Tag Team Championship. In response, Hank and Tank executed suicide dives against them.

In the final segment, World Tag Team Champions of WWE NXT, Axiom and Nathan Frazer made their appearance, leading to a short and respectful face-off against the Hardys. All of them decided to battle it out in New York City the following week to establish the premier tag team. Frazer and Axiom issued a challenge to the Hardy Boyz for the TNA World Tag Team Championship at WWE NXT Roadblock.

Jaida Parker is all set to proceed to New York City after her victory against Kelani Jordan in the March 4th episode of WWE NXT. She announced her presence at WWE NXT: Roadblock in Madison Square Garden to spectate the match between Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia. Parker is keen on the results of the match as one will emerge as the holder of both the NXT Women’s Championship and the North American Women’s Championship on March 11, 2025.

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