Simon Gotch 2021 Shoot Interview (Stout Interview)

Simon Gotch 2021 Shoot Interview (Stout Interview)
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My WCW Wrestler says this plugin is comely!! that's appropriate nonetheless retract notes yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't know okay let me query you construct he owns it he owns a castle in scotland appropriate i didn't know that yeah why on story of he's [ __ ] nicholas cage the man act i i in the end realized it .

Because i turn out to be esteem what he seems to be esteem a substandard actor on story of he acts at 100 in every purpose the full lot he does he provides the full lot 110 and [ __ ] you for no longer liking her for standpoint within the movie um what’s it a ghost rider yeah they're going to explore g out his head you're no longer going to explore his head his .

Head doesn’t seem within the movie when he's ghost rider for those scenes he had voodoo paint he had shadowy contact lenses he had his enamel blacked out and he had tons of voodoo iconography sewn into the jacket or lining up his jacket so he's wigging out he's giving the .

Uncommon face he's doing all that [ __ ] for no one nonetheless slice slice the no one else is getting the leisure out of this all of the actors are esteem we can act afraid we're paid to act we don't need you to in actual fact are attempting and be troubled us nonetheless he doesn’t he he doesn't know techniques on how to construct half-assed complete ass .

Complete ass nicholas cage and welcome to the current that's the legitimate intro i refuse to introduce it any other methodology nonetheless there we hunch here is uh sorry you're watching this that's the opposite factor about the present is that what it's known as yeah i'm on it no yeah that's all .

That turn out to be additionally within the sport for smackdown logs on it yeah oh man i turn out to be on smackdown once i didn't know that i did i wasn't on it there's repeatedly a probability there's potentially a business for holy foley i turn out to be on that that's essentially the most attention-grabbing probability i had what turn out to be it esteem roderick mighty turn out to be esteem he turn out to be .

Esteem ring of honor champ this i have confidence that turn out to be what ended in the changes he turn out to be esteem ring of honor champion he went into the enhancement match and squashed on television and so that they're esteem yeah you guys can't construct that anymore yeah then they're esteem no no motivate on you guys easiest work for us on occasion they .

Received equipped by sinclair broadcasting and now that i’ve nothing substandard to advise about till they make a option they don't deserve to rent me then i'll have all of the homely ways to advise no one hires me so [ __ ] you snubscribe i got ill esteem broadcasting no they'll track you down man they got powers so i have confidence the first query we now have to .

Question is what the [ __ ] nicholas cage esteem you i you lively went on a 15-minute tirade when the cameras have been rolling about the greatness of nicholas cage my query is when did that look after form of esteem salvage its methodology into your so potentially it started i have confidence the identical methodology it did for so much of folk here is .

About seven eight years within the past now a man named harry hirano who i don't notify is around anymore on youtube did a a sizable lower of nicholas cage freaking out in movies oh yeah and now for standpoint i grew up with elevating arizona that turn out to be one amongst my accepted movies when i turn out to be a toddler even supposing i didn't absolutely keep the context of .

It as a toddler i lively most popular the the practically hyper realism that the coen brothers dropped at it so nicholas cage turn out to be repeatedly form of on the relieve of my mind he's esteem that's a lively actor that's somebody i abilities and then he obtained the oscar and that i deserve to advise it turn out to be 96 for leaving las .

Vegas and then he for no reason somebody could keep turn out to be esteem are you leaving las vegas what's subsequent you ever hear a movie known as the rock oh what's that about okay it's me and sean connery and there's gonna be esteem missiles and .

There's gas and low attitude shots and there's a reason on the relieve of some reason a hummer can take with a [ __ ] drag automobile well i will mutter here is that militia vehicles construct in actual fact have to have i mean the hummer is a militia automobile it's a civilian model nonetheless they construct in actual fact have to have very mighty .

Engines that's why uh bray wyatt he this turn out to be it turn out to be the full factor when he turn out to be on uh mighty ample or no longer he's a ferrari engine in a tank or whatever yeah he acknowledged my soccer coach by no capacity acknowledged that that turn out to be something they made up and it doesn't like any sense on story of a ferrari engine is no longer mighty ample to pass a tank .

Authorized nonetheless that's all torque so the the hummer is gonna have a complete shitload of torque so it's gonna be in a remark to [ __ ] off the line and hunch nonetheless it's composed a heavy ass automobile by about four thousand pounds nonetheless it’s san francisco so it's so much of mountains so it's potential to climb .

San francisco i'm from the bay remark i'm from northern california so i will safely mutter that san francisco is the stupidest dangle for a metropolis ever it's esteem hi there let's retract a tall metropolis and put it on high of a hillside well i mean uh you additionally have fragment of san francisco burnt to the bottom and so that they rebuilt lively on high of san .

Francisco which is one other icy truth about san francisco yeah the earthquake and each form of stress-free in actual fact one amongst my accepted folks is from san francisco and it's emperor norton and it's the emperor first emperor of the United States protector of mexico and it's what i based mostly my complete .

Wrestling persona off of wow so emperor norton he’s a don quixote form one who esteem uh besides esteem esteem um san francisco is his sancho panza where folks lively esteem let him be crazy esteem he came in he misplaced so much of money in a rice deal on story of they’d esteem um all the strategy by means of the um after they destroy up up china .

They had esteem a rice embargo and so he equipped a tall shipper fleshy of rice and he's esteem i'm gonna like a shitload of money on it and when the when the trucker came the tanker came within the bay they have been esteem oh no embargo is over and so he misplaced all that money so he went crazy and he started asserting .

He turn out to be an emperor uh and no one puzzled him esteem yeah all appropriate so he would esteem costume in esteem what he believed an emperor would put on and uh he went and visited these esteem involving places and he turn out to be esteem paying esteem emperor money which wasn't valid i’ve a chief query per .

Everything you lively acknowledged you should always dangle did they ever salvage his body on story of who he sounds a lot esteem don quixote oh god i'm gonna give you a marginally he wears sparkly clothes he keeps cats now what if he didn't die what if he's lively what if he's been reincarnated as .

Tedward what if he didn't what if he by no capacity died at all and tedward is in actual fact immortal and that's why he does what he does on story of he knows he in actual fact can't die he’s essentially the most amazing person to attain no longer in a lively methodology esteem esteem legit esteem valid esteem you wish .

Somebody to communicate to esteem the methodology i portray it to folks is he's esteem the schrodinger's cat of folks on story of the full lot about him is 100 appropriate and 100 false simultaneously at all instances yeah even as you urged me ted could fly esteem of his possess energy i'd factor in you and that i additionally would mutter there's no methodology that's .

That which that you may presumably factor in yeah and that i will't present that's appropriate nonetheless i have not any belief why i don't factor in you it's the weirdest factor it's esteem even as you even as you're esteem ted acknowledged oh if he turn out to be esteem yeah i by no capacity did that he by no capacity did that there's i'm esteem 100 factor in he didn't nonetheless i additionally 100 percent additionally i’ve this footage yeah it's esteem .

I in actual fact have the footage of you doing it nonetheless i additionally by some capacity factor in you didn't i don't know what it’s and that's why even as you urged me he turn out to be in actual fact an immortal uh an immortal human being who at one point turn out to be the emperor of uh the americas i factor in that yes for the easy truth that i've but to explore proof he’s no longer .

Effectively for some reason and whatever i'm esteem this isn't i assume it's gonna change into a [ __ ] and teddy laborious factor i don't know the man wrestled with the ankle the the ankle computer screen on i don't know esteem i i asked him i turn out to be esteem how esteem legally how on story of you're no longer presupposed to head away the .

Esteem you're above even as you happen to're getting that on your self even as you're dwelling yeah now to no longer mutter hunch six states over to california or one other seven states over to florida esteem i don't know the methodology you construct that legally on story of it's no longer esteem which that you may presumably glean on a plane with out them realizing so appropriate yes .

He has to physically power or have some documentation i'm esteem i will't even resolve out the methodology which that you may presumably glean that who would have even the center to be esteem yeah i need the doc i i need you to give me a letter that claims i will fly on story of here is my job and here is how i like a living i i .

I would i’d absolutely ask that the retract would explore at me and hunch work at [ __ ] walmart yeah that's it yeah one other [ __ ] job nonetheless yeah he he i seen him whatever it turn out to be esteem summerslam or something turn out to be at uh in in brooklyn at uh that arena whatever and that i .

Literally turn out to be esteem there talking to somebody my buddy turn out to be working for something i got esteem box seats i turn out to be up within the opera so i'm esteem oh my pretending i'm an govt for a firm teddy hart literally walked into the constructing with a cat .

Staunch into esteem no one stopped him yo he paid kalisto with a cat once lucha kitty teddy hart he booked him on a present in canada and as opposed to paying him he gave him the cat admittedly the cat had papers and a purebred persian cat is esteem 5 immense nonetheless on the identical time which that you may presumably't pay your .

Lease which that you may presumably't let hunch hi there man this cat's price 5 immense so esteem that's esteem lively for three four months what yeah it's a pawn shop deal where you're esteem i'll be relieve to eradicate them up i lively need the three immense to pay them subsequent month's hire nonetheless once more it's the sheer madness of it .

And that i i will't wrap my head around it and that i have confidence that's why i'm hooked in to it on story of i need i esteem portray i steal in insist to explore at a foundation of middle and finish and seek how something capabilities i esteem repeatedly sunny in philadelphia on story of the continuity yeah there's repeatedly .

Yeah there's repeatedly esteem a waft yeah yeah esteem after they glean arrested within the next episode they’ve community carrier and so that they're talking about it on story of they got arrested yeah nonetheless with ted there's esteem no continuity i will't resolve it out i need esteem i need it all to attain sense so i don't have to notify it .

And it lively by no capacity dies have you ever wrestled them fortunately no nonetheless oh i'm sorry nonetheless nonetheless once more it's it's hit or miss on story of there's some those that'll be esteem oh he turn out to be perfectly beautiful and then one other evening he'll be esteem yeah he determined he mandatory to construct a moonsault within the balcony .

For no reason and he didn't portray me and that i turn out to be no longer there to expend him and then he lively landed on his toes and kept going esteem why what esteem what possesses a human being to construct that i wrestled him at jersey all skilled in esteem 2006. it turn out to be me and trent against him and jack evans .

And the trent the tramperetta bread okay yes so i picked so the remark is presupposed to be whatever whatever teddy heart places me within the the um what you name the relieve breaker and then uh jack that's the shooting star elbow no the bat even supposing the tumbleweed relieve up so i'm freaking out i have confidence i'm gonna .

Take it appropriate ideally superior the gang [ __ ] erupts esteem jack evans to on the 2d had by no capacity hit that pass besides he did on my face for some goddamn reason so i retract it crowd goes up jack's on the point of pin teddy goes no me and he goes up and he .

Does a shooting star elbow drop and pins me i'm esteem yo esteem you didn't need esteem he got upset that jack turn out to be gonna glean the remaining pop he had to glean the remaining pop and it wasn't esteem he turn out to be esteem no esteem yeah i repeatedly glean the remaining pop and me and tremble esteem i mean we lively .

Received paid so we don't in actual fact give a [ __ ] nonetheless um that turn out to be a unnecessary factor to [ __ ] construct nonetheless it's once more it's the sheer madness of the 2d and in actual fact this practically plays into the nicholas cage factor on story of nicholas cage is an instance of a man who is at as we have been asserting .

Uh on the foundation he works at 150 at any time when mandy that scene within the bathroom it's a good movie i lively watched that movie no longer that methodology relieve i i’ve by no capacity been so transfixed by a movie and in actual fact a friend of mine uh he introduced up the point that mandy turn out to be directed by panos cosmados who's .

If truth be told the son of the fellow that directed cobra the stallone movie oh yeah yeah that's [ __ ] ill nonetheless um i didn't keep that oh yeah the scene within the bathroom even supposing appropriate after she dies i turn out to be esteem here is that this doesn't seem esteem a movie scene this seems to be esteem a .

High art portion that somebody would construct esteem esteem some performance art [ __ ] and it turn out to be insane that he turn out to be it turn out to be esteem here is the full lot nicholas cage has prepared for lively a man going at 150 experiencing the be troubled of shedding his his his uh valuable other um the apprehension of watching how she died the .

The impotence of no longer being in a remark to complete it the infuriate of searching revenge esteem this turn out to be a [ __ ] shakespeare play this turn out to be hamlet smashed down into 90 seconds and it turn out to be insane to glimpse one person battle by means of it nonetheless folks composed explore at it and snicker on story of out of context they don't keep esteem no here is .

Qualified yeah and that i have confidence that's maybe why folks will explore at his [ __ ] and so that they'll hunch oh well he's goofy he's no longer goofy he's lively going so laborious on it that you should always will he's wonderland yeah oh yeah okay if i urged you you're no longer gonna talk on this movie .

Then that turn out to be esteem that's it which that you may presumably have not any dialogue you lively you lively you lively you no one else can have pulled it off i factor in in mandy he wasn't even urged what to construct and what it turn out to be going down i have confidence that turn out to be filmed earlier than the movie and so that they have been lively esteem hunch to the bathroom and then that's what occurred lively on story of on story of let's give .

Him on story of it's so droll esteem i i watched it so uh my my designate accomplice bill esteem made me eradicate me that movie for me to glimpse and that i'm watching i i'm sorry i’ve to interrupt this one on story of i will't name to mind bill with out taking into consideration of a [ __ ] over here lively shut up [ __ ] myself .

Staunch form of that is basically the most attention-grabbing goddamn narrative i'm lively esteem where have you been [ __ ] myself and esteem when i heard that i turn out to be esteem i don't even know techniques on how to employ that one up on story of lively esteem the essentially the most attention-grabbing in wrestling could you be so nonchalant about something that would .

Terminate a long-established person tiring of their tracks well he urged me in he turn out to be at fcw he misplaced a match to roman reigns by doing a leg drop and then [ __ ] himself on the landing so he goes roll me up so all somebody seen turn out to be bill hitting the leg .

Drop and then roman reigns lively pushing him relieve right into a pit bull and that's how he misplaced the match and that i'm esteem i will't factor in they fired you man that's wild to me that they would enable you hunch after this kind of mind-numbingly amazing match admittedly they i i will portray you from abilities the .

Of us they esteem i i had this dialog with somebody on the present time i turn out to be making the point esteem there's your true job in developmental and and here is the factor no one tells you on story of they repeatedly you concentrate to your job is to battle yeah your job is to attain advocates yeah and that's the tall mistake guys esteem i .

Went in there esteem i'm a wrestler i've been wrestling since i turn out to be 18. i'm i turn out to be 30 after they signed me arrested for 12 years and so that they signed me and all i turn out to be getting solutions brilliant turn out to be essentially that complete we're going to investigate cross-take a look at and destroy you down and rebuild you i'm esteem you don't accumulate a [ __ ] ferrari .

And put and put rims on it yeah it's a [ __ ] ferrari you don't you don't give it a wild paint job esteem it's a ferrari it's ideally superior as is out of the showroom um i abominate that there's esteem a form of um homogenization of wrestling uh even as you happen to head there where it's esteem well here is how we construct it .

It's esteem nonetheless construct you [ __ ] have to construct it that methodology esteem it bothers me the odd factor you'll bustle into is that they bustle so here is some once more here is something that came up a lot they would overview matches for my fragment um nonetheless generally nonetheless they'd additionally generally point out the context of within the fleshy present if there could be .

Nights where they would portray us why doesn't somebody lively settle with a roll up out of the middle of the heat it's esteem well on story of if we construct that you're going to query why the [ __ ] we lower our we didn't have a comeback that's why no one does it on story of you're going to retract our match for my fragment and mutter .

You didn't have this you didn't have that you lacked this there turn out to be no comeback there's no you lively pinned him out of the heat that's dull yeah so you're attempting it's esteem we can't there's no winning on story of you should always make a option are you judging the full present or the actual person match .

Because the actual person match it’s that a lively dangle for my fragment i wouldn't be keen on it nonetheless that's that's lively me nonetheless on the identical time they in point of fact have that behavior of pushing simultaneously you specialise in about your match as a person factor nonetheless additionally you specialise in about the context of what else .

Is occurring on the present first three matches no one must hit the roast yeah nonetheless once we're watching this the next day to come in cranium session you're no longer gonna necessarily know that no you're gonna be esteem what the [ __ ] is that this why didn't you guys construct the leisure you explore esteem you're .

Being slothful and additionally i esteem the premise that somebody's esteem you shouldn't bustle the ropes within the first few matches nonetheless then esteem you hunch to esteem a television and no one within the sphere has adhered to that ever legitimately we did a custom match one time it turn out to be me and yoshitatsu and he known as something and that i urged him i .

Was esteem uh dude the coaches are gonna esteem that i have confidence they're gonna glean upset that we did this and he goes no no it's okay we repeatedly construct television's okay okay we'll construct it first factor they are saying as soon as we're carried out why'd you guys construct that esteem esteem on story of i'm esteem i'm no longer gonna .

[ __ ] fight the fellow on it and yo she's esteem he known as it i will mutter this yoshi is no longer going to bust you i will mutter that he’s no longer going to throw you below the bus as nor he must or must he glimpse somebody i repeatedly notify that esteem in particular factor in you glean so much of instances where folks esteem .

Why didn't it work and it's esteem it's esteem no esteem the match wasn't lively esteem we lively didn't construct something appropriate or esteem why'd the remark happen we idea it'd be a lively remark esteem it's [ __ ] pointless well once more it's so much of it comes all of the formula down to esteem there's additionally it's repeatedly the identical .

Omission is the worst one i have confidence it's one factor to throw the fellow into the bus i practically notify it's worse even as you happen to glean asked what occurred and so that they lively that or if the fellow will get it yeah that form of esteem you're esteem esteem or the fellow or the the actual individual that opinions it will get it imperfect esteem .

They don't know what occurred and so that they by no capacity glean corrected i've viewed that happen more than about a instances where i turn out to be esteem dude that guy's the actual individual that [ __ ] up i seen it am i in a position to mutter and that i don't need i comprehend it's going to relive esteem a 2d that i'm obvious you've talked about ten thousand instances that turn out to be my stutter .

With the enzo remark when each person gave you a mountainous replace of [ __ ] for it blind for that what's that lame steve austin appropriate what what king of the hills yeah that that's more hank hill hi there texas man what would you esteem yeah i got esteem one texas accent it's essentially hank hill in search of to construct steve austin well .

I feel my accepted factor about the hamp hunch to hank hill is the lively the dull hank-isms esteem oh you have been flirting alongside with her i wasn't even talking about propane esteem that form of [ __ ] that's esteem one amongst my accepted traces nonetheless anyway his odd obsession with propane is .

Esteem essentially the most attention-grabbing fragment of that it’s nonetheless it's creepy within the grander sense and bobby being some level of gradual that which that you may presumably't in actual fact eradicate up on i don't notify he’s i have confidence that turn out to be the nonetheless he isn't nonetheless he’s he's a savant i in actual fact feel esteem bobby is somebody who don’t have been born in texas and that's what it came all of the formula down to .

Whereas you in actual fact destroy that showdown i mean that bobby turn out to be somebody who will deserve to have been born anyplace nonetheless texas esteem on story of we've all met that kid even as you've ever grown up in a dinky metropolis that kid who lively turn out to be no longer supposed for this esteem they have been supposed for in other places here is a story esteem here is a celeb esteem .

Yeah here is somebody who needs to be riding a bull for a living esteem this i stay within the ny and that i composed be folks esteem you shouldn't be here you could you shouldn't be a the ny person yeah this isn't a the ny you're no longer a long islander you're in actual fact i comprehend it's no longer the ny nonetheless .

It turn out to be staten island i seen that the king of staten island or whatever that movie is i in actual fact feel esteem it turn out to be potentially very poignant for folk from the remark nonetheless i turn out to be esteem i construct no longer glean any of this i don't keep it at all i'm an irish person from the ny so .

Fireman culture is a valid tall factor around from so uh there's so much of firemen culture in there that you're esteem oh yeah esteem i do know this guy esteem each person there's esteem a tommy or a billy or i mean esteem that's beautiful bustle of the [ __ ] mill for us nonetheless uh .

I notify i i believed turn out to be beautiful lively nonetheless so so i deserve to dangle the topic that's the factor with my interviews i will waft of consciousness i'll come relieve it's lively i'll hunch the enzo factor once more and essentially the most attention-grabbing reason is on story of esteem each person watches it goes esteem you threw them too laborious or whatever .

That's esteem a beautiful long-established esteem and there's a few those that construct it too esteem they known as seth rollins on a remark with finn balor that i turn out to be esteem that wasn't seth rollins fault and esteem i had esteem that 2d of esteem as a wrestler you hunch that's no longer what occurred and also you glean esteem nonetheless to possess so much of [ __ ] for .

Throwing enzo out nonetheless enzo's the one who lively didn't retract the remark appropriate and that's how i checked out it so there have been two things that so much of folk weren't privy to um the factor #1 is that before the full lot even as you've ever carried out the the uh the bar the bar bouncer remark which is .

Literally collar and belt yeah which that you may presumably't physically throw somebody that arduous it's no longer that which that you may presumably factor in yeah on story of your hands are at fleshy length so you don't in actual fact have any valid leverage the [ __ ] can yeah yeah factor number two is that uh and that i easiest discovered this out later he'd in actual fact injured himself .

Doing it in england after they have been when uh they did the six person designate where it turn out to be or no yeah it turn out to be six person designate where it turn out to be um it turn out to be no it turn out to be lively a straight designate it turn out to be dawson and wilder versus um enzo and cass in england which in actual fact here is fully unrelated .

Nonetheless i had in actual fact idea that one amongst the supreme reserving complications that came up within the designate division on the 2d turn out to be me in english our gimmick turn out to be methodology more superior to the british viewers yeah enzo and cass have been methodology more superior to a northeast viewers you build the belts on us in brooklyn and .

You gave them the match in england when the more logical factor to construct would have been put them over at brooklyn uh on blake and murphy have dawson and wilder attack them retract the titles we wrestled dawson wilder when the title's off them in england and this turn out to be going to essentially leverage so that they may elevate enzo and enzo and .

Cass and then dawson wilder up the principle roster yeah and then construct that essentially in january then what you construct is once we glean to the uh to mania and dallas which that you may presumably have american alpha beat us and then we glean known as up that to me turn out to be the more logical reserving on story of .

Every person's getting it dallas is the United States's metropolis the [ __ ] yeah yeah the two the athletes the american athletes come in and so that they beat the two [ __ ] hoity-toity [ __ ] yeah that makes ideally superior to me that turn out to be ideally superior reserving nonetheless they did it turn out to be practically esteem they did the .

Proper opposite every step of the methodology um nonetheless so he'd in actual fact injured himself in england doing the true identical remark which i wasn't privy to i easiest discovered that out later and furthermore bo dallas had carried out that it turn out to be a long-established smiley remark bo dallas had carried out that [ __ ] i deserve to advise on smackdown about a months .

Later about a months earlier than and he did it with much less distance regarded methodology uglier and didn't be troubled himself on story of bo turn out to be in actual fact in actual fact talented that turn out to be in actual fact lively and it nonetheless it turn out to be the factor that uh on story of i it will get introduced up a lot i i got to the point where on story of i tried for a long time to esteem present it .

To folks who turn out to be why i did so many interviews when i first got launched turn out to be my idea turn out to be folks lively don't know yeah and what be troubled up going down turn out to be every component of what i acknowledged grew to alter into a meme yeah no one paid consideration no one listened i droll narrative about it now esteem which that you may presumably have not any belief what number of threads i seen .

Where the 99 of the argument besides steve austin acknowledged appropriate and that i have confidence that the stutter is that esteem i have confidence that steve austin additionally catered to esteem enzo being a television guy that i assume turn out to be composed there on the point i keep in mind when the timeline occurred it occurred um it turn out to be at indecent guidelines in .

Chicago which in actual fact i felt in actual fact substandard about on story of english is from chicago so essentially ruined his pay-per-see debut in chicago with that one um explore what you did i construct i i passe i esteem the droll narrative that i’ve essentially the most attention-grabbing worst luck in skilled wrestling um lively esteem i esteem substandard things don't happen to me .

Except it's esteem i don't know where to portray it i don't esteem esteem i don't step off the curb and esteem sprain my ankle i climb the high of mount everest and glean shot esteem it's repeatedly that it's by no capacity it wasn't the non-sequitur appropriate once more yeah yeah it didn't happen .

At a dwelling present it didn't happen on a ecu tour it didn't it occurred on a pay-per-see that participants have been watching yeah and it got known as out by essentially the supreme star within the commerce and that i got the had the and he turn out to be in search of to be well mannered the methodology he acknowledged i hunch he's a lively runt employee nonetheless he's in actual fact got .

To relieve off on the throttle i retract offense to that on story of i'm this kind of lively runt [ __ ] employee [ __ ] then why the [ __ ] did that happen yeah on story of which that you may presumably't on story of each and each can't be appropriate appropriate if i'm so lively then that shouldn't have occurred nonetheless the additionally the argument then that's .

What most folks are gonna hunch with nonetheless the actuality is esteem it occurred on story of it's form of out of my hands i'm relying on somebody to construct their fragment yeah um there's and once more some you even as you battle for any length of time injuries happen some shit's beyond your motivate an eye on .

Uh brandon kirk in actual fact earlier on the present time uh i by probability broke graham kirk's nose i wasn't in search of to and it turn out to be on story of he mandatory to construct a regal suplex and of all things he didn't know the strategy flexible i’m so he grabs my leg and where a long-established person's leg is going to be pulling against the .

Grip mine goes appropriate into it so once we hit on the impact my knee went appropriate into his face on story of he's keeping my leg up here lively most folks could be even as you build your arm up here valid like a flash esteem it's a leg there it's pulling against this .

The grip mine does this and goes appropriate to you that to me even then even with the regal suplex esteem you're either or you're creating your possess pocket esteem i make my possess pocket once more nonetheless there's the belief that the leg isn't gonna construct .

It it's that you're trusting the human body to construct it construct what you specialise in it's gonna construct yeah and if somebody who knows me my body lively by no capacity does what you specialise in it's going to construct my body doesn't construct what it's presupposed to construct that's the contrast the two of us your bicep is flexible mine is lively breaking as i pass .

And uh that's why even as you tried yoga yes i construct ddp yoga now you tried williams yeah i will portray you appropriate now i've tried valid yoga the stutter i’ve with it’s the methodology it's a talented the hippieness of it no longer even the the sit down and breathe and it's esteem i [ __ ] please esteem lively .

I have to head and esteem loosen my body up nonetheless uh i construct yoga and that i the dpo got pattern is basically purposeful for me it lively it keeps me all in favour of what i'm doing that's essentially the most attention-grabbing i wish i turn out to be more flexible he’s more and he’s more spicy than most yoga teachers uh yeah i tried sizzling yoga it smelled valid .

Negative i tried i've been going by means of the sport you absolutely put the bother yeah i'm no longer i'm no longer i'm no longer lively esteem a runt bit television esteem i'm for sure no longer that person i’m even supposing i possess a peloton now which capacity i’m very great that person so i made a counterfeit telethon ad with a clip .

From uh cribbier enthusiasm once on story of i lively turn out to be watching i seen he randomly that larry david had a peloton in it i turn out to be esteem they lively present up riding on it for a minute and then he will get esteem there's no droll narrative it's lively i'm on the peloton i believed to myself that's [ __ ] esteem here is the next ad .

Than the actual individual that turn out to be that turn out to be popular yeah no no i i turn out to be i turn out to be asserting esteem so much of wrestlers well esteem so much of folk seen esteem i'll employ seth rollins finn balor when finn balor turn out to be winning the belt he esteem did the running route into the the the .

Uh barricade and it destroyed finn balor's shoulder each person's esteem oh around's unsafe it's esteem finn reached he went esteem this that's the stutter that occurred and it's esteem they're by no capacity going to acknowledge it finn's no longer going to be esteem no esteem whatever esteem whatever on story of he's out nonetheless .

Esteem even as you're a wrestler you form of hunch esteem no esteem you don't attain it's nonetheless once more it's additionally you should always notify there's so much of stuff that participants don't explore at finn is older than i have confidence most folks keep yeah he's been around he's been wrestling for a long time .

And he'd been within the personal computer for methodology too long the truth he turn out to be within the personal computer as a i assume well privy to esteem his talents esteem what are you doing so the personal computer is a 3 million buck marketing employee they i mean essentially the most attention-grabbing wrestler to ever come out of the personal computer that didn't have outdated trainings esteem bliss and that i need you to in actual fact take into story .

That for a 2d on story of the list of folk on the principle roster who came out of developmental who by no capacity had any wrestling coaching i will't resolve out if they're watching a feed or something else they're watching the wrestling tonight nothing okay no nothing else in tampa's going down .

Yeah there's nothing going down they're lively sitting there watching porn it's icy man tall titties is that what you guys are lol i’ve i don't know of that movie no so here's the factor is that i focus on esteem folks have esteem odd porn kings and that i turn out to be talking a few odd point king and that i'm esteem .

I don't keep on story of esteem i literally will hunch point and be esteem tall boobs lol esteem that's and it's lively esteem tall breasted ladies it's esteem hell yeah esteem that's all i need nonetheless there are folks esteem no i esteem watching ladies getting spit on it's esteem what the [ __ ] esteem you don't have a god on your lifestyles esteem .

Effectively here's what you should always resolve is that the full lot on the tip of the day is about um shortage okay if something's scarce on your lifestyles then you that's what you hunch for even as you as an illustration even as you’re a younger man rising up in an irish .

Neighborhood in uh the ny and there aren't hundreds elevated than ladies that could lively be your factor and whatever i esteem puerto ricans i have confidence yeah conversely even as you let's mutter you’re that identical uh you’re a asian man rising up in uh in uh taiwan there are no longer any shadowy .

Ladies folk around so which that you may presumably on story of it's a rarity it's something that which that you may presumably't necessarily glean at dwelling to be able to communicate what's your rarity you don't deserve to dangle i esteem i esteem topless ladies knitting weirdly i it's structural this could this .

Might possibly additionally sound in actual fact odd nonetheless it's a structural factor there are obvious uh ingredients of pornography that i salvage scrumptious nonetheless it's practically repeatedly structural i look after if there's lively comedic timing as odd as it can in all probability sound is that this construct you esteem destroy the full lot down esteem this yeah no i .

I potentially i've uh more than uh this outside of the fellows on reddit uh who i have confidence we're mostly asserting it’s an insult that has been implied to me more than once that i could simply be uh somewhere on the spectrum yeah i keep so i glean it mind you even as you hunch on reddit if they are saying that about each person they .

Don't esteem so i don't know if i don't know no one's talked about me on reddit nonetheless i keep if they did they would potentially name me autistic i i glean it nonetheless um i construct destroy so much of stuff down i have confidence it's why i'm now to no longer toot my possess horn nonetheless i'm an distinctive teacher on story of .

I don't explore on the leisure and hunch okay construct that i hunch okay retract a explore on the purpose from the foot retract a runt bit purpose on the knee shift roll by means of esteem i'm going by means of i destroy the full lot down very very uh meticulously and within the identical methodology with the porn .

If truth be told i in actual fact look after comedic timing and porn hi there that's something that i in actual fact look after on story of i mean even then once generally you'll glimpse a scene and something will click on and also you'll be esteem i will't glimpse that once more what what will get me is on story of a .

Lot of time you'll seek the even as you explore for any form of milf porn you'll come upon the inevitable uh stepson scene there's repeatedly a stepson scene even as you explore for milf porn robotically first off what did sport of thrones construct that made folks be esteem step point is where we deserve to be oh it's been that .

Design eternally nonetheless you wish to dangle what's worse and it's no longer essentially the most insane factor nonetheless it's going to be beautiful insane there is one line of debate in some like or one other that exists in each milf stepson porn uh remark of affairs the line oh no there's a worse one there's one .

Worse one you i assume there's two fragment my ass no the line that seems to be in each porno with that setup is oh my god you're so great bigger than your father and it panicked me to keep this on story of that capacity somewhere available there are guys who they're complete king on story of they .

Prefer to dangle their dicks bigger than their dads that that's the factor that in actual fact will get them off nonetheless my dad left when i turn out to be one so i glean this nonetheless esteem it's odd to notify that that that runt bit of trauma within the relieve of their head that can be from something .

Esteem lively having an absentee father they that's the factor that will get them is esteem yeah higher than my dad [ __ ] him yeah [ __ ] dad it's esteem that is insane to me that that nonetheless it's so long-established and it's so long-established that i practically surprise esteem is that this written in or is that this lively esteem each .

Woman who performs in these scenes goes well it's time to pull out the fashioned dad dick line it's esteem it's esteem mutter something she's esteem you're so great bigger than your dad he's esteem yeah [ __ ] yeah and this goes over into spilling over to one amongst the worst motion photos ever made substandard moms christmas .

I in actual fact have no longer watched that that i heard substandard moms turn out to be acceptable it's no longer it’s miles no longer ample no it's a it's a movie that turn out to be continued that's why i acknowledged it's ample i haven't watched it yeah they're each and each terrible you're a movie critic they're they're terrible .

So i will mutter this there's a droll narrative within the first movie about um kristen bell's husband no longer being in a remark to glean an erection and about how they are saying he's ain't by no capacity laborious even supposing they’ve children he lively by no capacity has a fleshy erection and within the next movie her mom is esteem watching them bang and .

Makes a comment about on story of they like some comment about how he can in actual fact glean a fleshy route now his mom goes her mom goes oh and he's so great bigger than your father lively job nonetheless who the [ __ ] is that line for who turn out to be esteem what we need a script how would you feel about having your mom .

Relate on your husband's dick complimentary i mean within the future somebody's determined that's esteem the the purpose i i have confidence that there's so much of esteem odd tropes that dig and point that's one amongst them the stuck porn is one which i esteem somebody's esteem .

Looking out for to construct uh their laundry and it's lively esteem i'm stuck within the dryer esteem what the [ __ ] have been you doing esteem relieve her out how did you glean in while which that you may presumably't glean out that's repeatedly my query esteem and then esteem the solar comes he's esteem oh candy she's lively esteem it's esteem your mom's in .

Likelihood esteem she's she's protection the mom turn out to be dull ample to by some capacity climb right into a dryer esteem here is somebody who's esteem oh there's a sock within the relieve higher put my complete higher torso in there i do know i construct that that's lively well you're sizable flexible you're .

Esteem let me glean that sock yeah i put it on on this machine lively inch it on the foot what’s um so you even as you happen to got introduced up you have been on television is there the leisure that you wish you had carried out a runt bit in any other case esteem no longer esteem as some distance as esteem um persona vogue esteem whatever .

I esteem i in actual fact maybe will like it more persona vogue on story of i have confidence within the future you guys have been there and it turn out to be esteem okay esteem what's subsequent so there have been about a complications with once we got introduced up before the full lot um i don't notify they knew what we did um i have confidence that's custom with a lot .

Of it oh yeah nonetheless what we did turn out to be so particular that i in actual fact feel esteem you don't necessarily have to dangle what apollo crews does yeah on story of uha is he's jacked he's beautiful he can [ __ ] flip he's a shooting star yeah he can construct the leisure the fellow's [ __ ] amaze the fellow .

Is more healthy he's literally higher kofi esteem the full lot which that you may presumably mutter about kofi uh kofi's son of uh immigrants from ghana well uh is the son of immigrants from nigeria uh kofi is a lively dad uh has a sizable dad kofi's athletic ooh is methodology more athletic kofi is tall who eyes and tall nonetheless he's jacked as a .

[ __ ] esteem the full lot determined which that you may presumably mutter about kofi which that you may presumably in actual fact mutter about uha and then some so you don't in actual fact need hundreds of prep time for that you lively have to be prepared to build the [ __ ] rocket on yeah with us there turn out to be so great you mandatory to .

Produce with introducing us that i felt esteem we’re going to deserve to have had about a weeks of vignettes and they maybe will deserve to have [ __ ] warned us they have been calling us up they didn't portray us till the day earlier than and the neighborhood they urged us with have been the neighborhood of fellows that have been on breaking .

Flooring we weren't on [ __ ] breaking ground there turn out to be no right reason now to no longer portray us nonetheless they lively didn't on story of as terry taylor would mutter well if it changes then you're gonna be angry at us esteem no i'm no longer terry i'm gonna factor in .

[ __ ] telling you we're smitten by bringing you up is a lively methodology to advise esteem prepare that's a lively methodology to be esteem we're smitten by bringing you up lively no droll narrative when uh on story of of how we misplaced the designate titles all of the chatter from about i assume it .

Was september turn out to be once we dropped them physically october is when it aired in television from october to the day we got known as up which turn out to be in april so what's that six months all of the chatter turn out to be there getting fired they're getting fired each person idea .

They're they're getting fired seen how the titles officer whip they're getting fired so once we got urged mark caron needs to consult with with you guys the next day to come morning what we idea english checked out him he acknowledged what construct you specialise in i acknowledged where are they getting known as up or fired .

Because there's easiest two causes karana needs to name you yeah in actual fact and that i mean lively money turn out to be potentially no longer getting known as up lively on story of i mean why the [ __ ] would you fireplace us at wrestlemania why wouldn't you wait till we weren't dwelling hi there guys welcome to the dance it's the .

Final time you're gonna seek it so glean the [ __ ] out retract your [ __ ] with you hi there you guys glean your tights are you yeah lively throw them within the rubbish you're fired jewish robinson quit all the strategy by means of uh wrestling i do know and so that they composed let him dangle they're esteem are you able to dangle up the week esteem they didn't .

Even [ __ ] let him finish that rattling am i in a position to portray you me and bill have been with jews robinson appropriate when he gave his glimpse esteem he gave his glimpse and then met us at a bar that dude that [ __ ] day that turn out to be the identical day i met merrick mettlesome for the first time .

And that i misplaced my [ __ ] on story of i didn't keep in mind what he regarded esteem nonetheless i keep in mind you keep in mind the reward of him hitting i keep in mind my [ __ ] reward yeah and he goes whats up the United States oh i keep in mind you he goes yeah shooting started yep have been you esteem a student of indie .

Wrestling on story of it turn out to be esteem there's a fragment of you that i have confidence is somebody who's esteem knows all about esteem indie wrestling from the time you began to now so like a flash query how fashioned construct you specialise in i’m i'm going to advise 39 shut i'll be 39 october yeah i'm 38 so the identical age so so much of folk don't .

Value that i started wrestling in 2001 2000 yeah i assume yeah so nonetheless you're in that identical ballpark where lively when the cyber web turn out to be turning into tall with indie wrestling yeah doi [ __ ] ccw followers all that [ __ ] so so much of folk notify on story of they by no capacity heard of me lively on story of it wasn't .

A tall title on the indies that i will deserve to have lively there are those that in actual fact believed i turn out to be assigned to nxt and had no wrestling abilities they didn't know yeah and so much of folk seen my matches potentially felt the identical methodology i will't put myself over on story of if i construct folks notify i’ve an ego it's in actual fact .

Uncommon dude then no one on this present has an ego lively on story of we lively traipse ourselves apart this complete present is about us uh self-relationship ourselves appropriate yeah no one hates himself more than skilled wrestling i have confidence that's appropriate comedians additionally additionally so much of crossover oh it's the identical it's the identical yeah .

You're on the identical tracks you're lively doing two assorted jobs i i watched that present uh on story of i i construct abilities pete holmes and that i watched that present crashing yeah and that i turn out to be esteem essentially the most attention-grabbing instance of comedians i turn out to be esteem no no i've carried out that i've stood outside i've i've had to fly a [ __ ] present to the .

Plan [ __ ] you here is fair too valid dude you don't glean to construct that mark selling [ __ ] realizing the promoter and getting put on the present uh being accused as a female of [ __ ] the promoter and that's why you're on the present nothing is changing it's the identical drama lively assorted scenery .

I feel here is why so many wrestlers notify they’ll construct stand-up comedy dude none of them can fresh corporations no i will't i will my mom in actual fact on story of my mom went to ucla so she passe to when she turn out to be within the college she passe to head seek george carlin repeatedly esteem she seen george carlin i have confidence two dozen instances .

And it's esteem top carl in esteem leisurely 60s early 70s carlin gutsy richard pryor got to explore joe she got she once got her pals when she joan rivers and so that they got made stress-free of by joan rivers she invited him on the relieve of the curtain and apologized after the present joe people i've heard is esteem one amongst the nice she blew oh yeah off stage .

On stage lively esteem it wasn't even esteem optimistic it turn out to be lively esteem yelling at them lively screaming yeah lively esteem lively you and your [ __ ] esteem they would lively mutter oh yeah she turn out to be esteem oh explore you're lively a bunch of canines that methodology you with many are you’re you lesbian she didn't employ .

The observe lesbian she passe a selected observe yes nonetheless yeah yeah she turn out to be talking about esteem those river blockers what are those things known as what anyway so that they're in denmark yeah runt boy had to build his finger in one to motivate the league from going i'm lively gonna lively here is that this i don't .

Prefer to advise the words no we don't we don't construct that anymore yeah i will mutter that's one factor that's in actual fact improved the level of informal homophobia in actual fact drops drastically and that's nice that's a lively that's in actual fact a lively factor that's esteem there are folks i went to high college .

With esteem yo i heard i will't mutter it's esteem yeah you couldn't mutter it then either nonetheless you did esteem it doesn't mean it's a hunch i turn out to be beautiful when i turn out to be okay when i turn out to be younger it's no longer beautiful now it's esteem you comprehend it wasn't beautiful even as you happen to have been younger lively no one yelled at you for it beautiful .

Worthy i mean it's the the sizable factor about i don't know if it's in each build else within the sphere nonetheless for sure the United States we don't learn the leisure from the leisure no we stopped learning within the future and we lively hunch things are higher than esteem it turn out to be lively esteem we passe to advise the n observe repeatedly you guys can't mutter .

It anymore in actual fact okay well let me portray you about the gays yeah it's esteem no which that you may presumably't construct the leisure what construct you mean you lively went by means of this with the n-observe how construct you no longer know what we mean yeah you're figuring it out as we hunch and then it's esteem uh well i don't mean homosexual when i .

State the the f slur and he's esteem i don't mean homosexual in actual fact what does it mean construct you mean bundle of sticks i wager you [ __ ] don't construct you mean a cigarette in europe i wager you [ __ ] don't i didn't seek a cigarette europe droll narrative once nonetheless that turn out to be that turn out to be unrelated that turn out to be .

Fully assorted carlin's in actual fact one my mom urged me when i turn out to be a toddler i turn out to be esteem very younger i’d glimpse carlin on um esteem on television and that i’d snicker at his punchlines even supposing i did no longer know what he turn out to be talking about nonetheless i knew the timing to then snicker so when i started doing kyrie mom's esteem .

Yeah that makes sense esteem here is why you're esteem oh you should always have urged me that once i turn out to be younger and let me trot a dream or two dreams dreams are for we're in wrestling dreams are dreams die gradual painful death essentially by the hands of ourselves yeah you're watching it stay on high spots .

Hello keep in mind i turn out to be i've been on wrestlemania and now i'm here yeah i turn out to be on a television present that aired after summerslam once i've shared an elevator with a juicing lager me too uh he's so nice he pool narrative at wrestlemania we seen him he turn out to be in .

Our pool we went to ebola it turn out to be esteem he turn out to be lively inserting out within the pool esteem it's [ __ ] juicing esteem esteem you lively form of esteem i have confidence somebody here has a story about he lively seems to be to be like esteem a buff a runt bit gnome that capacity dude i he's my easiest mark photo that i've ever been esteem no i gotta retract this one esteem i .

I i even as you happen to beginning in particular 2001 folks esteem don't retract a [ __ ] portray of wrestles in actual fact a [ __ ] mark esteem i seen that lived in my head eternally and then i seen a liger and [ __ ] bola i'm esteem i explore you're essentially the most attention-grabbing [ __ ] one i'm gonna construct this for esteem i lively can't esteem .

Take the image you're esteem oh here is so thrilling i did nothing with it i put it on instagram and that's esteem stayed on my cellular phone eternally nonetheless that's my easiest mark photo we all of us have on the least i i started getting over it more the longer i turn out to be in wwe lively on story of i .

Realized there have been obvious ones nonetheless i turn out to be repeatedly in actual fact contextual esteem i i’ve one the first one i in actual fact got turn out to be uh it turn out to be me english brookside and johnny saint oh yeah once we have been in england on story of i turn out to be esteem i'm no longer gonna no longer glean a photo with johnny saint nonetheless there's additionally department esteem .

If we're all in it it's esteem a neighborhood factor esteem we're having stress-free glean the squads relieve collectively yeah it does if it's lively essentially the most attention-grabbing two um in actual fact marked images that i got um and one amongst them i didn't in actual fact query for nonetheless uh he he equipped it and that i turn out to be blown away .

Was i got one with uh yoshihiro takayama oh once we did the touring once we did the loop in japan i got one with takayama and that i got one with mara fuji and um i do know more i i'm no longer esteem personal pals with him nonetheless i've known mara fujii for potentially since 2006. he repeatedly .

He remembers me on story of i turn out to be at one amongst harley's camps and that i i turn out to be so blown up on push-united stateslike i in actual fact cracked my cranium beginning esteem i tried to push by means of one hands gave out and that i cracked my [ __ ] head on the concrete and that i started bleeding so he he remembers me for that nonetheless he .

Was it turn out to be esteem takayama came up and he mandatory a photo with me it's esteem [ __ ] yeah i turn out to be esteem hi there am i in a position to glean one alongside side your food you acknowledged oh obvious nonetheless uh about a weeks later a man sent me a photo of a mutual friend and it turn out to be takayama carrying about villains shirt sitting within the front seat .

Of his uh his uh camaro that's suited i turn out to be esteem oh dude it's esteem a [ __ ] retirement i don't need the leisure takayama wore my shirt um sasha banks obtained my shirt once and that's it that claims that's my takayama sasha banks carrying my higher than you specialise in i’m shirt .

If truth be told i need each person to have a takeout 2d i don't care what it’s i i one time i need a wrestler you steal to build on your shirt i hope each person within the commerce will get mad i i’d look after i'm in search of to notify esteem who esteem enormous esteem oh uh khali if khali can put on a rattling barrier shirt that's it's a jubile .

Shirt my first day of coaching kali and a man named jordy france borrowed my automobile turn out to be it retract colleen portray your gym hunch to the gym they're esteem hi there will we borrow your automobile i'm esteem am i 18. esteem yeah esteem i don't [ __ ] know esteem the weirdest [ __ ] in .

Wrestling seems to be esteem it appeared long-established on the time on story of once more we have been all we have been all brainwashed by years of learning [ __ ] have a nice day and all of the the wild rose narrative yeah oh you gotta respect peanut butter and white bread within the automobile and the methodology the present is asleep on 95. it's esteem hell yeah yeah .

[ __ ] esteem that we have been i i drove 80 legitimately 86 miles each and each methodology uh each day to coaching mom turn out to be esteem eight minutes away nonetheless no tall deal [ __ ] you nonetheless once more this turn out to be the form of factor that i believed turn out to be long-established i believed i did that power um on the least twice a week for .

Jordan there's no rubbish fail over there i lively esteem doing that within the midst of interviews you lively acknowledged jordan you weren't even particular which one yeah well no longer a basketball enjoying jordan no that turn out to be uh jason jordan jordan oliver oh you're jordan oliver .

Collabs i esteem jordan he's in actual fact lively nonetheless he turn out to be [ __ ] up on the present time oh god he i i heard i heard it when it went south esteem i seen him appropriate on the tip i felt substandard on story of i turn out to be going off the sport dude i felt so substandard nonetheless he turn out to be esteem puking he's esteem he's esteem 12 matches in man .

He's beat up he's [ __ ] kid i i i did two this week i turn out to be presupposed to construct three nonetheless it grew to alter into out i i turn out to be within the foundation booked for a present bustle by a racer sex perpetrator and then grew to alter into on his e-book for a present bustle by an unregistered sex perpetrator kelly is making an are attempting to bail out on that one too .

I mutter hell yeah at essentially the most homely 2d so that's essentially the most attention-grabbing time to advise it on story of if i didn't if i didn't bail on it that's even as you happen to got to be shy that's when i wouldn't deserve to relieve even as you stood up for him afterwards i turn out to be esteem wait a minute he turn out to be going to pay me he's got a letter from the police that .

Says he's lively no longer being investigated anymore i mean yeah there's a world pandemic appropriate now and investigations price money nonetheless he's got the letter long pause all i could name to mind all i could name to mind when he sent it to me turn out to be .

The [ __ ] what’s it uh it's one amongst the transformers movies where the fellow has esteem the the runt card explaining that he can have sex with a 17 365 days fashioned girl and the factor that somebody had to construct learn on that oh god they haven't put that on this to build that within the script and that i lively idea to myself why would .

Esteem why would you construct that why would you write why would you willingly place your title to that that's esteem the fellows on twitter who hunch man females who bang dudes with tall dicks their [ __ ] lively have to be broke appropriate it's esteem bro what did you lively admit to yeah let's .

Let's hear about your sad dick i'm talking about that here is the substandard substandard toddler whatever her title is that esteem money me outside girl yeah she lively launched an easiest followers and folks six million greenbacks dude folks wrote esteem i've been ready six years for this she grew to alter into 18 and the day she grew to alter into 18 .

You're asserting you have been esteem dude well that 12 365 days fashioned girl turns 18 i turn out to be [ __ ] jerk off to her so laborious esteem i wager you didn't wait you [ __ ] creeps the the worst factor a human i have confidence a human being can construct on story of i it's no longer even lively about what you construct it's what which that you may presumably have the .

Foresight to dangle you shouldn't mutter and then mutter it anyway yeah esteem i i’ve a runt bit respect for a liar who knows when to lie esteem i i’ve respect for a serial killer who doesn't lively send letters to the newspaper be esteem yeah i did this [ __ ] yeah they’ve a runt bit respect for somebody who's esteem .

All those our bodies got in my spin remark esteem they knock on dahmer's doors esteem a odd smell i don't know i've been learning some cooking have you been talking to my dog that's casey in actual fact i don't know why i acknowledged no no the dog turn out to be son of sam to be able to advise okay yeah you're appropriate you're appropriate .

Was the clown nonetheless in actual fact i did the droll narrative imperfect turn out to be going to be i've been learning vietnamese cooking nonetheless which is maybe the fellow's filipino it's terrible narrative it's terrible i will deserve to have made it in actual fact yeah lower that no no hunch away it in [ __ ] it lively what are they gonna construct e-book me much less yeah i die factor in me i do know that .

Fight speaking of so you're at mlw what construct i got to construct what occurred man what'd you construct i didn't construct the leisure um so what it came all of the formula down to turn out to be um my contract turn out to be going to come up for uh for renewal or or it turn out to be ending at finish of january 31st .

And on the time uh they hadn't talked to me it turn out to be it turn out to be uh i believed we did the television taping in october and so that they acknowledged nothing to me in october about the contract and that i'm esteem i knew the precious math turn out to be i didn't know the strategy long this television factor turn out to be going to .

Carry us by means of nonetheless i turn out to be esteem it's on the least by means of the tip of january esteem i'm taking into consideration it’s miles counseled to consult with with me appropriate now on story of i don't esteem you don't deserve to make investments in an attitude or something you wish me for and then for me to lively mutter [ __ ] off appropriate that's lively esteem fundamental .

Booking 101 is don't negotiate with somebody till which that you may presumably have which that you may presumably till which that you may presumably have the attitude online page up and also you are making a option how great leverage you wish to give them so the full lot ends um or it comes the full lot comes up i glean uh i have confidence they hit me up within the future in december .

And essentially acknowledged that on story of i didn't deserve to keep for a longer timeframe on story of i'm 38 appropriate now and it's esteem i don't deserve to keep for 5 years on story of now to no longer be this guy i don't know what's available for me i i in actual fact when i signed i signed with mlw in february of uh i .

Judge it turn out to be february 1st turn out to be technically where my contract started of 2018 and that i have confidence a week later i wrestled um josh alexander in canada and [ __ ] uh what's his face uh scott the moore turn out to be there he most popular it and his first questions are are you’re you signed with mlw and that i .

Stated i lively signed with somebody went [ __ ] and there's that fragment of me in particular now that goes i will have been with impact who in actual fact kept running all the strategy by means of the pandemic and had an on a regular basis paycheck from that as opposed to mlw who um they lively weren't running it's .

No longer a knock on them nonetheless it they weren't running and it's a paper appearance deal that capacity i'm no longer getting paid all the strategy by means of the pandemic and that i've here is my fleshy-time job here’s what i construct for a living that's how i pay for my mortgage so um we had so i essentially turn out to be esteem i didn't deserve to in actual fact i wasn't in actual fact .

Attracted to signing for a long long term deal and so that they acknowledged well we can keep you for a short term deal nonetheless it'd be for the identical money you're getting now uh on story of we don't have stay audiences and that i turn out to be esteem i wasn't in actual fact gay with that on story of my idea turn out to be esteem explore we're no longer even running reveals i don't .

Prefer to conform to something even as you happen to could't i urged myself even as you guys deserve to give me something once we can beginning running reveals with followers i'm beginning to it in portray so that you can employ me with out a contract which they employ guys esteem ach and uh tjp so much of so much of so much of three-letter .

Connections uh who else uh um there are a couple other guys they passe to work below contract i'm esteem they're no longer below contracting you employ them lively beautiful no longer one amongst the mexicans as some distance as i do know are below motivate an eye on don't lose yours so even as you guys esteem lively deserve to employ me with out a contract i'm beautiful with that .

Because my complete idea is explore either i'm so precious that i'm price paying more or i'm no longer precious at all i'm chasing about fear about somebody that's hiring me yeah so either methodology it's beautiful i lively don't deserve to in actual fact feel esteem i'm stuck in one other purpose where somebody else provides me something else .

And that i will't construct it on story of i'm below contract to you that's essentially what occurred to mjf yeah turn out to be he got equipped the aew deal nonetheless he had lively signed with mlw and on the time i'm no longer even gonna i'm no longer going to shame him by telling you how great they have been paying him nonetheless simply mutter it turn out to be insulting .

No i do know i i in actual fact i i'm yeah yeah yeah and it turn out to be it turn out to be a [ __ ] wretchedness and fortunately it turn out to be in a remark to be labored out nonetheless it turn out to be one amongst those offers where it's esteem you're in search of to lock a man who's 20 24 25 years fashioned and construct a long-term deal nonetheless that's no longer .

Benefiting him that's benefiting you yeah and that i glean that as a commerce you're in search of to you're in search of to broaden your imprint you're in search of to construct your commerce nonetheless you should always keep as as particular person contractors even as you're no longer paying me a fleshy-time wage then which that you may presumably have nothing to esteem while which that you may presumably pay me that .

Rate a week no topic what that'd be one factor i heard that turn out to be going down with one of the most most nwa guys that they have been getting paid a weekly rate whether or no longer they have been running reveals or no longer esteem okay that's esteem that's lively that's a contract yeah that's a contract which that you may presumably't construct pay-per-appearance and then no longer bustle reveals for eight months and .

Expect me to surprise well that's what that's what the um what i keep of that deal is that uh mgf turn out to be additionally equipped something identical with esteem an evolve yeah and then it turn out to be esteem it turn out to be esteem no we you shouldn't construct that esteem they're you're you're easiest lively asserting .

You're guaranteeing your dates portray them esteem i don't need a contract to guarantee your dates give me your dates in come i'll retract your dates um and he turn out to be then he turn out to be essentially uh urged no by the folks to blame and evolved and then he went to mlw and it turn out to be esteem .

You know there's no contrast between the two agreements lively one happens to be on television yeah and it's esteem nonetheless i have confidence max made a level to be esteem i deserve to present that i'm lively on television and that i have confidence he did all appropriate with that now he's making more money than all of us nonetheless he's he's a sweetheart of a .

A part of [ __ ] and mgf will stay on with us for eternally oh yeah and once more it's nonetheless it's an instance of how i have confidence so much of the contract stuff goes um so i i acknowledged my so much of the stuff with mlw that turn out to be form of where i'm at with it i'm esteem i'm perfectly prepared to return to work i have not any stutter .

With it i have not any belief if they’ll e-book me once more i in actual fact don't on story of the remaining match i had it lively aired turn out to be me and jordan oliver he obtained and it's very easy to lively write me off after that yeah esteem i don't seem within the leisure we didn't movie the leisure no promos nothing yeah .

Um so i construct have a fresh standing provide that i'd steal to retract there are obvious uh i equipped it to them it's a high spots deal i'm gonna have my possess present it's lively gonna be it's gonna be a movie overview present nonetheless we're lively gonna glean in actual fact in actual fact .

Baked and glimpse the identical movie consistently and seek if we overview it in any other case at any time when i have confidence you obtained't even like it to the overview of the movie on story of you'll beginning the overview and by some capacity finish on the battle of 1812 and also you obtained't know the methodology to possess there oh i repeatedly know techniques on how to glean there .

As great as i'm the king of the non-sequitur i construct no longer i do know where i hunch away yeah i've i've introduced some beautiful odd uh rants all of the methodology relieve around and that i you it's essentially you'll you'll portray on story of i'll beginning doing it'll seek me esteem inviting the dialog yeah and .

There's lively ascension earlier than and that's why enzo will deserve to have taken his possess goddamn bump the uh fragment i didn't even name that remark he did yeah oh boy and we didn't even need it on story of english had already lower him off there turn out to be literally no reason he known as it within the ring no no they known as within the .

Abet nonetheless it turn out to be one amongst those offers where i'm esteem and that i i are attempting and be well mannered and respectful of folk um as surprising as it can in all probability simply be for some on story of i glean very appealing when i glean inflamed wesley blake in actual fact loves watching me glean inflamed on story of i’ve two modes which is that this .

After which i’ve uh nicholas cage on all of the cocaine inflamed whats up that those are my two modes that's it that's on story of of your look after of cocaine oh it's on story of my look after of uh infuriate nonetheless uh it esteem so one one one amongst the components uh after it .

Came about um i walked by somebody one amongst the brokers he went oh yeah you should always have given him more remark on that's why it occurred oh okay thanks and that i believed i went we have been on the three-quarter mark yeah esteem and that i if i introduced them any farther relieve cass can have tagged them so i didn't deserve to raise him past the .

Three-quarter mark going three-quarter marks so much of [ __ ] remark he lively he took the spiral and nonetheless once more i i tend to i are attempting and switch away from it on story of i've had so the opposite factor here is something in actual fact i've by no capacity talked about so i'll portion this one lively on story of i esteem you dan you're a nice guy hi there i'm a .

Sweetheart i once i once additionally uh a fan randomly got to motivate my cellular phone number once um and it's very attention-grabbing they they have been they kept attempting disclaiming they have been a girl that i met on uh uh what’s it um it's a boulevard down in orlando i will't keep in mind the leisure on story of i don't hunch out .

Partying anymore uh oh uh walt disney power well no wall boulevard uh wall boulevard orlando it's essentially there's esteem six bars on either side of the boulevard and so that they'll lower it off so which that you may presumably lively inch relieve in with 300 bars um nonetheless this this text message kept coming by means of .

Pronouncing yeah uh we met on wall boulevard i'm esteem i've no longer been out on wall boulevard months i absolutely didn't glean my cellular phone number out to somebody i hunch how'd you glean my number and the number goes oh i got it from enzo and that i literally i'm esteem okay that ain't [ __ ] appropriate on story of he doesn't have my .

Number first of all and that i explore at money i hunch yeah i got somebody asserting esteem this cast turn out to be in we have been in catering and attempting out esteem hi there cass here's what i turn out to be esteem yeah i got somebody [ __ ] sending me text messages claiming that enzo gave me my number he's esteem yeah dude he doesn't even have your [ __ ] number esteem yeah .

That's what i believed so i halfway by means of the dialog i'm esteem they're esteem so i turn out to be yeah this isn't simon gasp esteem who is it dan barry now i turn out to be in actual fact in search of to name to mind michael berry who's a wrestler from oklahoma nonetheless i acknowledged dan as an alternative and then they in point of fact this fan dm's dan .

To portray him this yo simon gotcha is telling each person that you're giving out your cellular phone number it's what he acknowledged to me he's esteem cybergus is giving out your cellular phone number and that i'm esteem what and he's esteem yeah and esteem he's having this complete factor and that i hunch i send him a message i'm esteem yo i don't .

Know what the [ __ ] here is i do know and that i defined to him the wretchedness nonetheless i turn out to be in search of to name to mind michael berry who's a man who wrestles in oklahoma nonetheless i acknowledged dan barry as an alternative nonetheless uh nonetheless you should always keep esteem we had by no capacity no we by no capacity know nothing nowhere ever and in actual fact i mean here is i don't .

Imply this in any methodology i turn out to be convinced you had no [ __ ] clue who i turn out to be oh and that i turn out to be esteem why would he mutter my title and then i'm esteem what's going down i misplaced my [ __ ] when i discovered out uh tristan tai um [ __ ] uh ikuro kwan when i discovered out he turn out to be trained by grim .

Reaper i misplaced my [ __ ] i believed that turn out to be the supreme factor ever you have been a doi fan oh yeah uh corvus uh [ __ ] eric corvis one didn't know the strategy i knew him as corpus fear and that i turn out to be esteem on story of of [ __ ] i turn out to be esteem on story of i do no longer overlook that factor on doi and he turn out to be esteem where they idea you .

Had been tiring put up the tall narrative about you dying oh my god it turn out to be lively esteem he went away for a weekend he wasn't even he turn out to be on vacation he lively didn't respond to text came relieve and there's this tall narrative about him die god [ __ ] and that that gap turn out to be a dana daremond factor where yeah that complete [ __ ] .

Drama relieve earlier than we even had moral drama on the cyber web dude diy message board or doi wrestling turn out to be esteem the beacon of lively esteem it turn out to be esteem 8-chan earlier than 8-chan turn out to be 8-chan it turn out to be this you presumably can seek esteem uh esteem okay as an illustration esteem uh simon gotch had sex with tara .

Charisma and got aids and esteem that may be esteem a complete esteem 16 pages on the methodology to possess aids and other those that additionally have aids that got it from you and tara charisma in a threesome and it's lively esteem graphic factor and it's lively esteem what the [ __ ] am i .

Watching esteem i i it's nonetheless it turn out to be amazing it turn out to be a odd online page so much of the uh i'm gonna put this most cyber web uh wrestling message boards esteem that once more ccw followers as an illustration yeah uh or um death valley driver video overview so much of it repeatedly came relieve to lively followers form of bullshitting with each and each .

Utterly different doi turn out to be the one where it repeatedly felt esteem there have been wrestlers below pseudonyms shedding [ __ ] that's all it turn out to be that and it's identical factor esteem the ring of honor message boards how guys would hunch there and lively esteem i have confidence that's why gabe started locking it within the foundation turn out to be on story of the the fresh .

Members turn out to be on story of somebody would construct a sad match and then with out discover there'd be esteem 5 fresh accounts inserting over that murky match which is on which is amazing to me on story of it's esteem it's so transparent deal i had there turn out to be one amongst .

My favorites is frank goodman frank kevin turn out to be a [ __ ] promoter up there oh i do know frank goodman dude he's a promoter down here too dude that guy stress-free narrative uh i went to a barbecue at his dwelling once when he lived within the ny and we're no longer pals esteem .

I turn out to be lively invited and that i'm lively form of inserting out he goes i passe to be a terribly lively wrestler appropriate i'm esteem okay he goes i did suplexes and the full lot and then he walked away i turn out to be esteem oh that's the barometer esteem there it’s it's esteem that's why tonight i'm esteem brother i gotta throw .

Some suplexes these followers no longer gonna notify i'm lively esteem that's a complete frank goodman would put up in all caps repeatedly esteem whatever you're taking into consideration no topic which person he had logged in in and he's a widely known esteem fan of esteem fashioned college [ __ ] esteem .

Scare movies so you'd seek boris karloff logged in and all caps are dan barry sucks and is an f slur for something else so i'm esteem i'm esteem that's [ __ ] goodman nonetheless then folks would log in as esteem vague names and kind in all caps and that i'm esteem okay that's .

Shawn the mick posting as frank goodman esteem and also which that you may presumably esteem eradicate as you have been going by means of esteem the writing kinds i'm esteem there's methodology too many accurately spelled words for this to be frank goodman it must be sean the mick esteem it's i lively blame inexperienced lantern fan i mutter it's .

Continuously inexperienced lantern fan he attacked somebody's no i don't know if he's tiring i have confidence he's composed alive okay he attacked me esteem at a present i did a present in medieval instances in fresh jersey and the principle tournament turn out to be steve carino versus scott steiner the dream match all of us been .

Asking for jim powers escorted scottsdale to the ring so it turn out to be sizable to explore the gang relieve collectively and that i had carried out uh i turn out to be wrestling and this guy i lively gave him a ddt and he took it esteem [ __ ] esteem he lively took a shitty ddt and also you hunch greenland fan lively stands up .

Esteem the full [ __ ] sea folks on story of your ddt [ __ ] sucked esteem any appropriate inexperienced lantern fan esteem i lively i didn't know what to advise i'm esteem staring this guy it turn out to be my first esteem valid esteem a probability at doing something attention-grabbing and it turn out to be esteem .

I turn out to be esteem yeah esteem i hit a dt i'm esteem well that sucked it goes your dd [ __ ] sucking esteem what am i presupposed to construct esteem [ __ ] chunk out the inexperienced lantern fan nonetheless jim powers additionally met me and when he shook my hand he goes you guys esteem the present tonight to me and one other guy and that i'm esteem i turn out to be on earlier than .

You finish at jim powers i esteem wrestling oh god what turn out to be it we have been my first east cruise reserving turn out to be me and jay lethal it's in actual fact talked about from aclan uh for the very short-lived fusion promotion that it turn out to be the uh evan valorous and the the sats .

And on that present turn out to be no longer no longer that narrative the true wcw have inspired us there's an indie wrestler no longer even an indie guy within the ny who started calling himself evan valorous ignoring that there turn out to be already and having valorous nonetheless we'll i will focus on him hi there what there's i wrestled a man named .

Tony storm nonetheless uh the hell yeah i have confidence he modified his title to esteem uh storm to esteem uh storm jeremy daniels oh esteem storm andrew he modified it to cw anderson it's christopher anderson yes we're on the cw we don't need folks getting perplexed um nonetheless uh on that present one amongst the .

Matches uh one turn out to be esteem the semi-main turn out to be um marty ginnetti versus scott hall so inexperienced lantern fan turn out to be in actual fact committed to this bit on story of he stood up so she got esteem what 365 days is that this what 365 days is that this and scott hall seems to be to be like over there goes 2004. .

Are you obvious it's no longer 1986. and scott lively seems to be to be like and goes dude i got paid esteem two weeks within the past i don't give a [ __ ] what you should always mutter it lively goes it does does jenny battle from marty janet he's esteem oh come on man oh no we did we have been [ __ ] um i turn out to be in tennessee .

A couple years within the past and it turn out to be me shane helms and uh james storm the promoter having dinner at applebee's afterwards hell yeah designate apps on the bar turn out to be birthday party genetic on story of it seems to be there turn out to be one other present within the identical metropolis that identical evening gennady turn out to be on it so me and me and storm beginning cracking jokes and it's esteem that .

Uh marty gennady over on the bar that and when he will get up and leaves shane seems to be to be like esteem oh [ __ ] that turn out to be muddy he didn't keep that we have been in actual fact asserting marty jeanette he idea we have been lively asserting oh yeah that schlubby attempting guy with the in actual fact in actual fact swollen ankle is seems to be to be like esteem marty j .

No that turn out to be marty shitheady dude that ankle that ankle is disturbing dude he has to build on he wears esteem wrestling shoes repeatedly now and that i don't notify i have confidence it's on story of which that you may presumably't retract that one off commit to the bit don't [ __ ] don't have ass come on man i'm lively gonna counterfeit a assassin it's okay .

Dude dude oh if somebody ever asks why we can't construct higher more high foreheadstorytelling and skilled wrestling the reason is on story of skilled wrestlers are such notorious scumbags that once we are attempting and advise we're doing something as a gimmick it can in all probability no longer ever seem esteem a playing will repeatedly seem .

Valid there's repeatedly slightly esteem portion of [ __ ] on the full lot a wrestler does there's by no capacity esteem a wholesome esteem i'll glean an instance it's esteem i'll employ david starr david starr being esteem guys we got to be in a union we got to beginning inserting the full lot collectively esteem .

You know we got a portion we got to alter into a neighborhood a family whatever and it's esteem additionally i i'm a sizable rapist and also you're esteem oh what you esteem it's esteem man i you you couldn't lively esteem lively be the fellow that did the neutral factor there's esteem repeatedly esteem a odd sub attitude that's esteem valid [ __ ] .

Unpleasant about folks i i don't know what it’s i i'm composed from the abilities that turn out to be esteem lively motivate to your self don't it don't glean concerned with the leisure don't fear about the leisure don't are attempting esteem i'm i and it can in all probability simply need been to my detriment in wwe on story of esteem i acknowledged .

Sooner than it's about making advocates it's esteem i'm esteem if i consult with aaron anderson about wrestling i lively deserve to consult with with aaron anderson i'm no longer going to take a seat down there and stroke on addison's ego for 45 minutes and portray him i'm out radius and it's esteem if aaron anderson wants me to portray him he's sizable then he's .

He's got to notify in actual fact laborious he's a wrestler even supposing nonetheless you should always accept as true with in mind he's a wrestler and lively esteem you’re esteem on your head esteem i [ __ ] suck no topic what happens oh no i don't i construct what the worst fragment is as great time outwardly self-deprecating i’ve an insanely high thought of myself internally i’m it’s .

Disgusting i i’d abominate me if i knew me as i in actual fact am in my head um on story of i'm a tall critic nonetheless yes oh no i'm excessive don't glean me imperfect nonetheless i'll explore at nonetheless on story of i’ve that excessive glimpse i explore at each person that methodology so it's esteem okay yeah i abominate how this seems to be to be like when i did it oh my god how does .

That guy have a [ __ ] reserving esteem it will get that esteem you which that you may presumably have more infuriate that that guy who can't even construct a fundamental lock up has a reserving oh no i don't even inch up anymore i've in actual fact straight up ruined wrestlers for folk i'm no longer joking i’ve i and customarily it'll be a minor factor they'll be esteem .

Oh yeah i glimpse this guy he's in actual fact lively yeah glimpse how consistently he moves his hair out of his eyes that's a tall [ __ ] dude i’ve the supreme odd pet peeves inviting your hair even as you’re the actual individual that does this it's esteem lively .

Esteem while which that you may presumably't construct this esteem you're carried out esteem i i don't glean it nonetheless why i i glimpse with that thriller i i to a obvious extent when i mutter i esteem wrestling nonetheless i abominate it i abominate it the methodology that somebody who once more a stand-up comedian hates comedy on story of they've heard each droll narrative known to man and it's laborious .

The methodology somebody who works within the adult movie commerce could abominate sex on story of it's laborious to in actual fact explore at it and no longer dissect it professionally nonetheless i esteem that to me even supposing it's esteem you dissect it professionally and then you salvage that one portion of art you're esteem that's .

Plenty and it couldn't be a complete match nonetheless it’s essentially a 2d and that 2d is esteem [ __ ] that's that's why i esteem that that does come up generally esteem every on occasion the remaining one esteem the remaining tall one i do no longer overlook that on the least that the majority folks would know on story of it could commerce my thought of him .

Was there turn out to be a match where i deserve to advise it turn out to be uh it turn out to be claudio cesaro and um and ambrose moxley i have confidence it turn out to be a hardcore match on story of i keep in mind there's a level where uh claudio goes to light him up with the shin glimpse with the kendo stick and mox trapped it and lively started .

Shaking and esteem staring him down and that i went he's gonna be the supreme [ __ ] star out of the defend esteem appropriate when it occurred i turn out to be esteem and we in actual fact had the dialog where folks esteem who construct you specialise in's gonna be esteem in cranium session who construct you guys .

Judge's gonna be a tall beginning of the self-discipline and that i turn out to be essentially the most attention-grabbing one asserting moxley it's esteem you don't notify it's gonna be imperfect and that i turn out to be esteem i will't portray you they're gonna push nonetheless i turn out to be esteem that 2d [ __ ] turn out to be evocative that turn out to be a 2d that participants are going to explore at and hunch oh my god .

That guy esteem he will get wrestling he does glean wrestling in so much of ways i have confidence he plays his persona to the methodology that's esteem believable in his persona he knows essentially the most attention-grabbing methodology to be moxley and that i have confidence the factor so much of fellows miss is that they employ so great time in search of to make a gimmick or a persona .

As great as folks mutter you'll hear the phrase what in the end be troubled up working for me turn out to be retract my possess persona turning up to 11. what this capacity is emotional funding now that doesn't mean what you're doing is lively don't glean me imperfect there are so much of .

Guys who’ve [ __ ] personalities that's 11. that's worse i assume jupiter can portray you how consistently i've acknowledged that esteem even as you're [ __ ] dull up to 11 you're dull at 11. esteem you gotta be and and the common sense of well it'll glean heat i i've tried heat doesn't exist anymore no longer within the .

Design we notify no longer within the methodology of no one's going to pay to glimpse me die if they know i'm no longer in actual fact going to die folks easiest pay to glimpse me die esteem even as you acknowledged hi there me and dan barry are going to have a boxing match esteem a legit fight he could he or i could respectively lively be [ __ ] .

And likewise which that you may presumably pay to glimpse one amongst us glean beat up nonetheless if they comprehend it's no longer a valid fight if they know we're no longer in actual fact going to head available to be troubled each and each other they know all of the talks lively talk it doesn't in actual fact have any price i motivate promos i have confidence are essentially the most overrated agree with wrestling on story of .

We’re so inundated with that phrase it's all about the promo we now have it shoved down our throat for the remaining 30 years here’s what wrestling's about here’s what makes dressing valuable nonetheless it turn out to be easiest all about the promo when it turn out to be valid on story of you had to have a lively talk .

Because you couldn't construct you didn't have 300 matches a 365 days in front of the audiences you presumably can have one match a 365 days in front of 1 viewers and so that they wouldn't seek you for one other 12 months till you came relieve by means of on loop yeah on the 2d the full lot's televised the full lot is on [ __ ] iwtv or high spots or .

Fight for some streaming carrier or youtube even so the times of i will lively [ __ ] talk you and also you're going to deserve to explore me glimpse well now which that you may presumably very well be discerning here is absolutely what occurred to daniel bryan daniel bryan by his possess admission turn out to be a low drawing champion he turn out to be no longer a lively design .

The reason brian wasn't a lively design wasn't on story of he wasn't talented it turn out to be on story of he turn out to be overexposed they put him on two fleshy matches on raw two more segments on the identical present then they put him on smackdown in a match and a segment and so that they did this week in week out week in week out and no longer easiest did he construct that they have been .

Giving freely the matches those that most popular brian would pay to explore brian versus cesaro ryan vs punk brian vs tyson kidd these have been all carried out on television for free and bet what brian's matches on pay-per-see are brian versus kane bryan versus randy orton brian versus tall present .

And it's no longer a knock on any of those guys nonetheless within the identical methodology even as you query me if i deserve to explore jackie chan in a movie with jet li i mutter icy even as you mutter would you steal to explore jackie chan in a movie with arnold schwarzenegger i beginning up to head ah maybe even as you mutter would you steal to explore jackie .

Chan in a movie with sandra bullock i hunch [ __ ] no disagree sandy bullock i factor in in you hunch available and construct your possess stunts you crazy crazy lady you i seen tempo to cruise motivate an eye on i have not any religion okay tempo nonetheless she's overexposed she turn out to be in tempo one she turn out to be on a bus .

High-tail two she's in a [ __ ] boat it's that miss congeniality which i steal to factor in is tempo three nonetheless esteem canon tempo yes she's maintained the identical purpose into tempo three nonetheless now she's doing this and then she did tempo two and there turn out to be a tempo three i have confidence .

They're esteem there turn out to be no longer are you obvious oh yes maybe it's directed dvd it can in all probability simply need been that that occurred generally in actual fact uh uh what turn out to be it um standard soldier the return with uh bill goldberg they known as it that on story of there have been in actual fact two standard troopers sequels carried out for sci-fi channel .

Two and three so that they’d to name it the return on story of it couldn't technically be two nonetheless most folks hadn't viewed two or three so you couldn't you couldn't hunch away it in canon it couldn't be four it had to be yeah like a flash is popping out turn out to be it with keanu and sandra oh they're coming relieve identical that's no longer .

The identical can't have [ __ ] fresh sandra she didn't have the identical market potential younger sandra bullock she composed seems to be to be just like the identical even supposing yes she does and keanu seems to be to be just like the [ __ ] identical by some capacity he's so gay hawaiian dude there's something about those guys they lively don't have some dudes .

They don't age the the pacific islanders man they lively got that [ __ ] down and so that they glean the toughest heads within the sphere jeff cobb is the toughest head of any human being i've ever been discovering he’s a monster i esteem him he's he's an absolute teddy endure nonetheless i esteem him he's lively i in actual fact uh the .

Man that trained cobb oliver john turn out to be a friend of mine oh in actual fact ollie's ollie turn out to be a machine ollie turn out to be the fellow that would hunch available and he's in actual fact seamus's first match on television oh in actual fact um and ali turn out to be one amongst those guys that essentially they mandatory to keep him nonetheless .

They they're esteem you should always head developmental it's esteem there's no reason to send in each build john to bill mel nonetheless his mom in actual fact had most cancers on the time and he's esteem i will't pass he lives in sacramento i will't pass to florida esteem my mom's ill i will't construct that and construct it oh well .

Then no that's that's the opposite i have confidence that esteem um i've heard of 1 take care of a selected team that they have been esteem no developmental will beginning you had this great money lively come on in and it turn out to be it's esteem you hear that number and also you're esteem well that's amazing then you seek esteem .

Esteem kevin owens kevin turn out to be sizable lively and didn't have to head to developmental which that you may presumably lively put him on no longer necessarily television i have confidence at that time he potentially mandatory to glean passe to wv kind nonetheless he turn out to be somebody that didn't have to head down there and esteem beginning over well the essentially the most valuable commodity in .

Wwe is freedom freedom and time i assume they're essentially the most valuable commodities and kevin had freedom and when he realized he had freedom that turn out to be when he started uh that's when he turn out to be online page when he realized they weren't going to fireplace him he turn out to be beautiful .

Preliminary kevin turn out to be very apprehensive esteem when kevin first got there he turn out to be very apprehensive he wasn't slightly obvious on story of he struggled with the cardio and stuff he started there have been a couple instances where he would esteem hunch up the fellows and be esteem hi there can which that you may presumably i lower on the relieve of you essentially in line .

Esteem are you able to give me a 2d to glean my settle i assume obvious um and he started increasingly getting urged essentially he could construct whatever he mandatory and he he did press it a runt bit laborious about a instances to where guys where i don't notify each person did to me i turn out to be form of esteem okay construct what you wish to construct .

Dude nonetheless i mean esteem all of us know what you're doing esteem don't pretend that we don't [ __ ] know that i on story of there turn out to be in actual fact he blocked me on twitter uh on story of i'll portray you this here is a stress-free one um i came in one day and that i seen it turn out to be his daughter's birthday .

And that i turn out to be esteem oh he wasn't coaching so i seen he turn out to be posting images alongside with his birthday on twitter and that i turn out to be esteem hi there man uh how's your daughter's birthday and his response turn out to be my valuable other's mom died i or there's our grandmother esteem i'm sorry i didn't know yeah i mean she .

My valuable other wasn't in actual fact shut alongside with her nonetheless she turn out to be in actual fact shut with owen i'm esteem man that that sucks i'm sorry and then he esteem blocked me on twitter i have confidence he idea i turn out to be gonna hunch him off for why he wasn't in actual fact there and that i turn out to be esteem i turn out to be in actual fact lively in search of to reward and when i i have confidence i joked with him about it one .

Time he's esteem oh no i did that on story of you acknowledged you idea finn balor turn out to be gonna beat me in a match esteem i don't notify you did even supposing on story of this turn out to be that turn out to be esteem eight months within the past and also you lively did it on the present time it turn out to be one amongst those ones where i turn out to be esteem i'm no longer going to push it on story of i don't care .

It's social media yeah it's counterfeit it turn out to be no longer valid nonetheless it turn out to be nonetheless it turn out to be one amongst those ones where i turn out to be esteem even as you specialise in i'm a stooge which that you may presumably portray me on story of i'm i'll shoot you serious about nonetheless by some capacity nonetheless uh nonetheless it turn out to be lively a odd one nonetheless kevin when he did his match with juice .

Um uh essentially that one amongst the fellows tried to agent it and built er uh no longer bill um triple h talked over him and acknowledged hi there kevin does whatever the [ __ ] he needs and essentially at that time kevin realized oh okay and that's why he had juice palm strike him as laborious as humanly .

That which that you may presumably factor in to interrupt his nose that's why he did the [ __ ] that's why energy bomb the [ __ ] out of him he turn out to be esteem he's esteem they're no longer going to contact me on story of they fireplace me [ __ ] it i'll return he turn out to be esteem i'll return to canada and lively retract a long-established job i don't give a [ __ ] .

And that turn out to be form of the factor is esteem even as you happen to can have that level of freedom to where they're no longer gonna name you out on the leisure i mean that's what so much of fellows who are valuable who are very lively misplaced their careers on story of they have been put in that runt box of even as you step outside of here we can fireplace you .

I i repeatedly in actual fact feel odd esteem the form of um even as you let me know where we're at too i don't deserve to esteem like sizable if we're at one esteem one okay icy uh redneck i steal to dangle and that i've by no capacity started okay well we can we can uh we can repeatedly wrap it up if there's the leisure we let's like a flash .

Fire you wish to love a flash fireplace valid like a flash obvious let's hunch what construct to possess what construct to possess for this like a flash fireplace what's like a flash fireplace uh what on fireplace is a movie starring brandon lee hunch lively what’s uh uh even as you have been to battle juba over there how would you construct the match uh does he .

Even have a wrestling background yes well no no longer an amateur wrestling background he's lively a talented wrestler skilled wrestler wait she turn out to be a movie critic earlier i've i do know the title i've viewed you floating around so i couldn't in actual fact mutter i designate him and the full lot you construct that's potentially why .

Uh let's seek given his dimension how tall are you six four six four how great you weigh 320. you're 220 no wait [ __ ] i'm composed flexing him so odds are i'm gonna hunch tall man runt man uh if i'm up finnish could very well be gonna be hunch for a choke slam turn me within esteem a victory roll come up i'll knee bar you even as you're going up uh hit me alongside side your dangle as laborious as .

You [ __ ] can it's a hip toss even supposing his finisher yeah well what as long as my paycheck clears he can dangle whatever the [ __ ] he needs am i in a position to portray you i tried to e-book an attitude on a wrestling present once appealing a hip toss where i grew to alter into heel the usage of 1 so the premise being esteem .

Me and also you have been within the ring and we're a team whatever and that i'm esteem this and then i esteem come over and alter and lively hip toss you and also you finish down and that i stand over you esteem esteem 30 vignette packages where it's esteem shadowy and white when it .

Occurs and it's esteem hits it and then esteem later on the evening esteem day barry i'm calling you out esteem whatever and esteem my tune has you attempting around you're ready to cowl i come in from on the relieve of you flip it around [ __ ] hip toss you you finish down once more we motivate this going for a runt bit bit .

You're cat mouse cat mouse in the end i come within the ring i hunch to hip toss you you convert the hip toss i powder and don't retract it and then in the end you glean the hip with the hip dirt and that i spent a long period of time pitching this attitude to somebody they lively went .

No come on that's [ __ ] radiant esteem if the leisure all that in actual fact does is present how foolish this all is that if we took out as great as folks mutter that it's no longer about the moves that in actual fact does present even as you even as you convert the pass it's no longer simply about as icy appropriate esteem if pop up powerbomb into esteem the [ __ ] grey 2d or esteem .

Esteem owens [ __ ] slamming sammy's head and the opposite factor esteem that's esteem shadowy and white 2d me going esteem esteem esteem sizable 80s esteem it does and it's lively go to shadowy and esteem you're lively selling your ribs you present up the ddp ribs the next week esteem you rattling substandard i snort to [ __ ] god explore .

Staunch now we now have then we now have to glean a chris canyon form to come out esteem uh more esteem you broke his neck with the hip toss esteem it's gotta be the full factor and then it turns out he's in on it later and he pulls out esteem the full factor turn out to be a gimmick he wasn't in actual fact within the halo yeah he lively acknowledged he assisted .

And he's esteem it turn out to be lively a hip solutions man how construct you specialise in it be troubled me esteem that and that i’d look after if the match happens and that i hit the hip toss in opposition to my the tall comeback and that i hit the pin and it's a kick out and the gang bites esteem i'm lively imagining esteem nonetheless in search of to pitch in a approach that esteem let's .

Let's construct a match or an attitude sincerely out of a hip toss and esteem are attempting and no one equipped um didn't in actual fact happen and that i stayed a toddler face he did [ __ ] finger gun spots and all appropriate here i’m human hip toss machine that's all what i turn out to be the hip toss champion for a while .

I lively have tossed each person nonetheless then each person does have tosses repeatedly doesn't topic and that i'm very picky with hip tosses even as you don't glean that [ __ ] hip in there i'm i i will easiest construct the standing judo hip toss i obtained't construct a outmoded running hip plus anymore you obtained't even if they arrive at you you .

Won't lively nope no longer even even if they construct i'll in actual fact i'll potentially esteem roughly uh take a look at them on the chest yeah and then turn in and throw it i i got valid particular the previous few years in particular with so much of stuff esteem there's so much of things i abominate now that i lively obtained't i obtained't lock up anymore if .

I’m in a position to motivate away from it esteem if i and that i don't i one amongst the things when i bustle seminars the first factor i construct is esteem okay guys glean into wrestling with out locking up esteem lively on story of you keep what number of kicks within the stomach or wants oh i'll portray them appropriate off the bat no inserting and .

At any time when something's carried out i mark it off the list of esteem okay so which that you may presumably't all lively construct 50 [ __ ] going for the waistline i literally construct this repeatedly on story of that's esteem i esteem i esteem wrestling i’ve a extremely tall pet peeve and it's when an amateur wrestler comes into skilled wrestling .

And they also're esteem finish doing what you're doing and beginning doing the [ __ ] basketball lock up you're esteem no esteem be the [ __ ] amateur wrestler esteem which that you may presumably construct this stuff i it's my supreme gripe about um uh what's the title shelf administration and that i have confidence sheldon's amazing nonetheless i repeatedly explore at it and hunch man how .

Esteem here is a man who turn out to be a [ __ ] lively an absolute stud of an amateur wrestler and also you haven't come in here and he wrestles esteem a a runt bit i don't know if it's a a a runt bit assorted rbd esteem i don't even know if i'd mutter esteem on story of he's no longer esteem a lesser version i esteem his .

Japan stuff a lot oh his jap turn out to be amazing nonetheless once more it turn out to be where he turn out to be being challenged by esteem guys who are more competent yeah nonetheless i lively in actual fact feel esteem so much of the stuff he did i'm esteem man i guarantee which that you may presumably construct methodology cooler [ __ ] than you're doing appropriate now i have confidence so much of folk are victimized by the the developmental .

Plan that methodology that's why i acknowledged about the homogenization where it's esteem each person does this yeah we got it all it took us a while we got it relieve wow yeah it took a while nonetheless the homogenization that happens in so much of conditions is on story of a combination of things um #1 is .

Clearly the coaches um and how they coach i i motivate that i have confidence your purpose as a coach must in actual fact be um it's it needs to be more shaping and much less constructing i'm no longer in search of to attain you uh right into a obvious route i'm in search of to relieve shape the form of .

I'm in search of to relieve book you to glean to be the remaining of you you're splendid and assured i have confidence while which that you may presumably glean to a level where you're splendid and assured and also which that you may presumably construct upon esteem persona from that standpoint esteem you'll be lively i need you to be essentially the most attention-grabbing you which that you may presumably very well be esteem in portray so that you can be the karate guy .

Wrestler okay how will we like you essentially the most attention-grabbing karate girl so we can like you i have confidence one amongst the assets you'll in actual fact seek with folks come out of the belt metal um bianca bella is a lively instance of this so much of what she does seems to be to be like esteem a extremely athletic person being urged by a extremely unauthentic person .

How she needs to be athletic in her ring it does give that in actual fact feel of on story of she doesn't have a talented wrestling background she's paying consideration to folks she's in search of to construct as most attention-grabbing she can she's [ __ ] amazingly athletic she's sizable mighty and he or she'll hunch available and be esteem okay construct this construct this backhand spring right into a in point of fact .

Uh non-sequitur pass on story of i'm a 58 365 days fashioned white man who's by no capacity carried out an athletic agree with his lifestyles nonetheless i have confidence that could explore icy maybe on story of i wrestled once in 1986. that's the backhand springs into things is one other i additionally abominate the front guidelines and things yeah and and so much of instances it's no longer that she's doing the leisure imperfect it's .

She's in search of to construct what she's being urged and he or she's very devoted nonetheless she's being urged to construct it by somebody who doesn't keep what she does yes and it occurred i mean dude angela dawkins is basically the most attention-grabbing man i've ever viewed ko somebody with a double leg he can hit you with a double leg laborious .

Enough to knock you out i don't mean a spear i mean he’s going to he’s going to hit you with a double leg takedown so laborious that even as you construct no longer brace your head that you may glean ko'd i've viewed him construct it more than one instances on story of he’s a [ __ ] machine nonetheless once more .

You don't seek that in any of his stuff on reveals on story of he's being urged he needs to be this he needs to battle esteem this and he's esteem on story of he had he didn't have a progressing background he's esteem okay well i assume here’s what i construct yeah i'm it's lively esteem any other job you hunch .

To a job even as you hunch to work mcdonald's you don't hunch no man that's no longer how i like cheeseburgers yeah you construct first off medium rare yeah secondly okay glean this american [ __ ] out of here give me some beautiful [ __ ] pepper jack no you don't you construct what you're urged so so much of folk hunch into the personal computer and that's all they're .

Doing is what they're urged so that they may simply be very talented um jason jordan turn out to be at his most attention-grabbing when he lively let out and [ __ ] went on story of that guy when he turn out to be competing uh at college he competed at 220 nonetheless he turn out to be wrestling guys have been 240 260 280 on story of there turn out to be no cap on the burden .

And he turn out to be having to shoot throw him so even as you happen to glean in there with jay and he turn out to be all he bulked up to 240 he could lively maul you he could lively chuck you to the moon you didn't have to head up for him and when he would construct that is when he regarded sizable nonetheless when he turn out to be in search of to construct smiling toddler face thumbs up drop .

Kicks that turn out to be esteem esteem him and ty dillinger uh uh sean spears after they have been tagging it turn out to be it wasn't that it turn out to be substandard it lively wasn't him yeah and that i have confidence so much of folk on story of of how developmental capabilities i [ __ ] i lower out so great of my [ __ ] .

When i went to developmental on story of i turn out to be urged i shouldn't construct it they kept searching me to construct more gimmick more gimmick more gimmick and that i'd by no capacity carried out a gimmick earlier than i did the villains factor earlier than i started doing that on the indies lively form of to amuse myself i'd by no capacity carried out one earlier than that i turn out to be .

Continuously a believer that a gimmick is what you did even as you happen to could't battle it turn out to be a approach to possess within the gap so i explore at it in any other case even supposing esteem for a gimmick esteem i'll give an instance and that i'll mutter this esteem i've been wrestling here is 21 years now i turn out to be trained by mikey whitbrick i’ve a ambitious background in fair amateur wrestling i .

Include a kind relieve i'm no longer esteem a collegiate i don't deserve to pretend esteem nonetheless esteem i will address myself i will roll i will construct this stuff um i discovered the gimmick is what got me on the present it wasn't esteem i turn out to be the i turn out to be the identical person in every match i ever had nonetheless the minute .

I put on a hawaiian shirt and started being esteem a [ __ ] idiot folks esteem oh we'll pay them and esteem earlier than i could construct the full lot i turn out to be doing earlier than there lively turn out to be lacking that one factor so i in actual fact feel esteem generally a gimmick could very well be a crutch i have confidence generally a gimmick could very well be an exclamation point .

Ideally it needs to be an exclamation point and it needs to be marketing it needs to be a capacity to give folks a reason to deserve to pay consideration to you nonetheless unfortunately you seek very essentially it does change into a crutch i i additionally seek the folks booked easiest on story of they’ve a gimmick and my fear with so much of fellows is i i .

Stated this earlier on the present time i turn out to be talking about um dan hausen who turn out to be very fortunate that he turn out to be in a remark to capitalize off his uh the steam he got from the gimmick to glean the roh job on story of with ease um on story of i've by no capacity viewed dominick russell outside of the gimmick i do know he did for slightly a while earlier than .

He did it nonetheless i've by no capacity viewed it so i don't i don't know the strategy lively he’s i don't know if he could simply be very talented he could no longer be i have not any belief i have not any body of reference he turn out to be i have confidence i could simply have met him at a present he turn out to be very nice potentially i've by no capacity heard i esteem it he's a extremely nice guy yeah nonetheless there's that fragment of .

Me that goes he can have with ease fallen into the dustbin with every other persona that participants esteem for a while and that i mean tall calyx is within the identical ballpark appropriate now he hasn't gotten to that time of excessive mass yeah nonetheless where which that you may presumably have folks on social .

Media who’ve oh i'm steve callix that's their social media address and so that they esteem asserting i'm tall calyx form things yeah and it turns into that meme where each person needs to construct it nonetheless if he doesn't capitalize on that and in actual fact glean somewhere on the next plane to motivate him .

I comprehend it's potentially personal ungrounded to chat about him nonetheless marty squirrel is a lively instance of this even as you explore at his stuff 2017-ish he turn out to be very great a memeable wrestler the full whoop whoop factor folks got into yeah and he took income of it nonetheless if he hadn't passe that and leveraged it to .

Gain the next purpose in wrestling that he in a roundabout method fell from for obviously his personal shortcomings nonetheless if he hadn't carried out that he would it would at remaining change into that factor while we're bored with this we're going to pass on appropriate that's what happens in so much of wrestling packing containers it's why you seek so much of wrestlers .

Alternate up their explore commerce up their kinds commerce the gimmick one factor i will i repeatedly have to credit low key for is that in ring he modified his kind a lot of instances esteem his things assorted as his career went on he modified his gear and his explore a few instances turn out to be it repeatedly a hit no longer .

If truth be told nonetheless which that you may presumably't mutter that he's wrestling and attempting out the true identical methodology yeah he turn out to be no longer a one software program participant yeah and it and once more look after him or abominate him he on the least understood which that you may presumably't give the identical meal every evening you should always give something a runt bit assorted on the least i have confidence a lot .

Of men with glean with gimmicks they tend to employ it as a crush on them dan hausen turn out to be a lively instance of somebody who i have confidence turn out to be in a remark to leverage it to glean a job to employ the honour and whether or no longer he's there already or whether or no longer he now whether or no longer he's already or no longer he has the replace to glean there on the least .

To in actual fact manufacture his skill online page by engaged on television and working with those that have those skills already conversely and that i don't deserve to be merciless about this on story of uh he once more icy guy nonetheless i have confidence jake parnell warhorse fell in that identical wretchedness by the opposite finish i have confidence he had that identical quantity of steam .

After which when he dropped the iwtv title i have confidence that form of felt esteem the nail within the coffin for the warhorse persona on story of he had the remark on television with cody and it turn out to be essentially passe to debut any uh uh eddie kingston yeah and then warhorse grew to alter into form of an afterthought within the full deal that turn out to be supposed to concentrate on him .

Which is miserable you don't repeatedly have motivate an eye on over that nonetheless it form of grew to alter into miserable and then with him shedding the iwtv title and that i don't know if he's no longer taking bookings or what his healthcare i don't know if there's any other extenuating conditions my first idea turn out to be .

With him shedding that form of that prestige that he had now he's in a purpose of esteem he if he turn out to be going to commerce up his bit now could be the time to construct it yeah on story of now he composed he composed has ample title price where folks know who he’s nonetheless you don't deserve to complete up being the fellow composed doing the .

Worst gimmick three years after it's no longer being attention-grabbing to folks well i have confidence the esteem orange cassidy is a beautiful first rate instance of esteem a gimmick that got to television nonetheless it turn out to be esteem orange cassidy turn out to be one other wrestler and that other wrestler turn out to be well-in most cases known as being a beautiful wrestler .

After which it grew to alter into orange cassidy as esteem a side attitude to that and folks hated orange cassidy for this kind of long time nonetheless now it's labored itself into it turn out to be in sizable over within the indies and then it went to television and it started all over once more and then about sizable over on television nonetheless he started with .

I'm a extremely lively wrestler who wants something and it's esteem that turn out to be his methodology to esteem and he leveraged it beautifully esteem and that turn out to be the full deal is that even as you explore at how orange uh evolved it that's one other lively instance of somebody who went in with what can have been an with out problems .

Memeable gimmick that in a roundabout method disappeared yeah um fragment of the reason i uh on story of i mean it turn out to be it turn out to be very easy it would have been very easy for me to lively motivate doing about villains when i got launched there turn out to be no there turn out to be nothing stopping me from lively calling myself the vaudevillain yeah .

There's no there's no guidelines against that and on high of that um there's i will have kept the gear i wore the gear one time uh for chikara for a king of trios and that i mean they have been paying me for getting 750 bucks a day 1500 i have confidence it turn out to be 1500 bucks a day nonetheless for 2 days it .

Gave me three immense to construct the gimmick okay icy i got no stutter with that um i didn't glean to construct the one king of trees turn out to be presupposed to construct so that's it nonetheless i've by no capacity carried out it okay nonetheless the full deal turn out to be esteem okay in portray for you it i'll construct it for that designate nonetheless my common sense turn out to be .

If i hunch available i don't deserve to be [ __ ] honky tonk man 78 years fashioned composed doing the identical gimmick i turn out to be doing in 1985 it's esteem i'm no longer so fashioned that i’ve to lively depend on the nostalgia of what i turn out to be i'd steal to uncover i will construct more i mean there are composed those that i have confidence are in actual fact perplexed when i glean .

Booked on the present and so that they’re ready for me to come out with the mustache and construct the full nine and so that they glean something fully assorted now they’ve to keep the gimmick turn out to be no longer a reflection of me as a person it turn out to be me having stress-free and doing something i loved nonetheless it turn out to be no longer i mean i'm me in english .

I feel if i i've made the comment earlier than that we weren't in actual fact pals and so much of folk bustle with that they're esteem aim groups are presupposed to be most attention-grabbing pals no they're no longer no they're no longer i guarantee you every famend designate team you've ever heard of [ __ ] hated each and each other .

Because within the slay one amongst them started doing the arithmetic and realizing i will be making methodology more money if i turn out to be on my possess that's beautiful great what lively occurred yeah that turn out to be lively have stress-free in ring of honor bill you [ __ ] portion of [ __ ] i'm lively kidding they'll elevate you within the later the egg .

Hello how did i in actual fact feel i turn out to be the fashioned member of violence limitless um oh in actual fact oh yeah the fashioned violence exiguous turn out to be me tyler bate uh tyler bateman and a man out of vegas named droll bum we have been the fashioned team in uh skilled wrestling battle relieve in 2006. and then i deserve to advise .

Bateman and uh bayman and uh bone tagged as that for a while then bateman took the title with him and brody king for a while and then brody king took the title uh for ring of honor so i i i will't portray you how consistently i wrote on story of i esteem brody king he's a terribly nice guy he's in actual fact pals .

With my older brother he's in actual fact gotten arrested on story of my designate accomplice it's a terribly stress-free truth in actual fact he seen bill battle on one i could construct that and that turn out to be it i snort to god that that's appropriate nonetheless nonetheless uh my brother my older brother uh works the uh booth for trauma uh at silly con so that turn out to be how he knew .

Brody esteem he knew brodie earlier than he started wrestling so um i had nothing nonetheless look after for brodie king it turn out to be lively that nonetheless i on story of of that there are so consistently i wrote and deleted nonetheless so when are me and droll bumpkin prodded for this attitude uh tweet .

Did i i tweeted jonathan gresham and asked him if his neighborhood is hiring esteem i don't have the leisure i need something and he's esteem for you yes i'm esteem no no i'm no longer kidding esteem you in actual fact glean a esteem no i mean legitimately are you hiring yeah i'll be amazing in response to hunter they're no longer hiring .

Oh yeah that turn out to be what i got urged no one even urged me all appropriate i gotta i gotta don't even be troubled reaching out thanks man i will mutter i'm lively kidding i'm making all that fragment up i'm lively having stress-free all appropriate now he did it turn out to be very applied to electronic mail nonetheless okay even as you're no longer even as you're no longer inviting inviting that's .

Ravishing yeah um which that you may presumably't be which that you may presumably't fault folks for no longer being inviting for me that's esteem are you angry that participants are going to meet your angry funds and consequence in and also you're no longer it's esteem no i'm no longer [ __ ] angry on story of it's a commerce .

You're no longer gonna glean employed for each and each job you need that's the strategy in which it goes and it's no longer a topic of no longer being salubrious it's no longer a topic of no longer being lively it's lively a topic of some folks in actual fact construct they’ve a selected portray in mind or a uh i for either their firm or for the attitude or for what they're going for and .

They're no longer necessarily going to continually going to align with what you construct i'm very fortunate um i i will't hunch into too many specifics i practically acknowledged something earlier i construct have that deal that's ready for me it's literally um a uh i don't know one other methodology to advise as opposed to to advise .

A uh governmental stutter that must be labored out uh obvious esteem obvious governmental restrictions no longer on me on hunch back and forth that must be labored out nonetheless i in actual fact have a standing provide from somewhere that i'm no longer going to head to detail about who's the fellow who's the fellow that uh that .

Hello who's the fellow gallows fought in africa energy energy legitimately no you comprehend it came out of nowhere nonetheless i turn out to be equipped something that it's lively it's i don't i don't deserve to advise the leisure turn out to be i it's been jinxed twice esteem no droll narrative to where esteem i didn't portray .

Anybody and it turn out to be going to happen and then it turn out to be esteem oh there's a remark of emergency happening we can't elevate you in okay and then it turn out to be okay the full lot needs to be obvious on this date okay icy esteem there is a remark of emergency nonetheless they're no longer allowing in obvious visas .

Uh including the one we now have to glean for you esteem okay icy i'll wait i'll be affected person nonetheless it's it's that complete deal of you wish to lively wail from the rooftop on story of you're so mad and proud that it's in the end going to happen and on the identical time you're esteem nonetheless i don't deserve to be that [ __ ] .

Who outs their opinion and then i explore esteem a [ __ ] [ __ ] and so all of them notify that they're esteem oh man why'd you construct that and esteem yeah if they motivate it peaceable you should always motivate it peaceable nonetheless there's esteem it's it's laborious it turn out to be fragment of the factor turn out to be that's why i have confidence i wasn't in this kind of drag to resign with ring .

Or with out mlw turn out to be on story of i turn out to be esteem i’ve one other provide on the desk it's lively i don't know exactly when i will retract it yeah and nonetheless you need in insist to enable you to when that provide comes you need in insist to retract it you exactly and that i don't deserve to be in a remark of affairs where on story of that turn out to be one amongst .

The principle questions i turn out to be asked turn out to be are you composed below linked mlw well by the times you're talking about by then i obtained't be so hi there is that the mind yeah lively lord tampa [ __ ] i hear rain i believed i turn out to be there i couldn't portray okay well [ __ ] now i'm .

No longer lively imperfect dick uh hi there you specialise in that you specialise in that's that's a dick let me portray you about dicks oh no no i obtained't portray that one which one i obtained't portray so uh i got i got the worst narrative i'm no longer telling you they're [ __ ] i'm telling it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] this i'm going to atomize my .

Profession appropriate now yeah so vince mcmahon's dick no no no no um i i will i will hunch away some names out of this nonetheless there turn out to be a selected wrestler tank i wish oh god in developmental who i don't know if i deserve to head up to now as to advise he turn out to be homophobic nonetheless he turn out to be very sad with male nudity .

So a lot of of the wrestlers uh richie steamboat no no i in actual fact got alongside with richie i do know so much of folk didn't nonetheless i got alongside with him um bill most popular him yeah he turn out to be i i met him when he turn out to be at harley's i turn out to be there it turn out to be him read him and browse kind each and each there for a couple weeks collectively too .

You potentially did the homophobia so let's return to it he turn out to be very sad with male nudity i'll portray you off-digicam who it turn out to be uh so essentially three of the fellows who who’ve been within the higher endowed neighborhood lively determined to form of circle the wagons while fresh to lively have a dialog .

And he's lively esteem yeah guys you're naked yeah i glean it it's very droll okay are you able to finish please finish um which there's a level of [ __ ] upness to this admittedly i have confidence nonetheless it turn out to be they have been literally doing it on story of it turn out to be esteem dude lively glean the [ __ ] over it esteem finish being with that odd guy .

Naked around each and each other it's esteem you're making esteem lively that turn out to be all they mandatory turn out to be esteem even as you're no longer gonna like it a agree with wrestling so essentially even as you like it a factor folks will put the screws to you lively on story of they’ll i do know i absolutely construct nonetheless i repeatedly i'll construct it over the stupidest [ __ ] .

I killed fragment of corey graves's soul once on story of i could so we're at i've urged this narrative earlier than nonetheless so we're at dusty's funeral which is a sizable methodology to beginning any narrative yeah um after the after the funeral uh where the reception did you seek knobs and sags there i did did i portray .

You a story earlier yeah i do know the knobs and stags fragment of this nonetheless hunch uh so the knobs in sags fragment turn out to be lively that uh uh i turn out to be com i turn out to be randomly complimenting a loud how lively jerry saggs regarded esteem he turn out to be in lively shape he regarded esteem he dropped some weight he's carrying a extremely nice .

Ultimate pressed fresh suit he turn out to be very hip uh he had esteem very nice glasses haircut and that i turn out to be in general attempting wholesome and lively and that i lively asserting i'm asserting it's esteem rattling bob's attempting lively appropriate now he's attempting in actual fact put collectively that's what i mean oh sorry sex and somebody had repeatedly well thanks so .

Worthy i'm in actual fact uh i'm i'm uh jerry's valuable other i'm esteem oh yeah he seems to be to be like [ __ ] sizable in actual fact feel free to portray him esteem he's attempting lively and knobs is there in esteem sweatpants in a blazer so yeah um so nonetheless so me and corey graves are sitting on the desk and on story of it turn out to be dusty so much of so much of fashioned wcw .

Guys have been there and that i seek my replace and that i explore over and that i'm in search of to motivate it collectively on story of i don't deserve to snicker too early and provides away what's happening nonetheless i explore at this guy and hunch hi there corey that uh that glacier over there and he seems to be to be like up he's esteem yeah yeah i .

Judge it’s oh and also you gotta let it breathe he uh he seems to be to be like a runt bit smaller when he's on television i have confidence it seems to be to be like so valid yeah i assume so now here is the laborious one on story of here is where i'm loading up the punchline and that i will't mutter it too like a flash i’ve to let it in actual fact sit down so i lively .

Let it leisure for a 2d within the past yeah it's potentially world warming oh wow wow wow i will't construct justice to it i will not construct justice to it with lively asserting it nonetheless cory's eyes did this and that i i have confidence it turn out to be vic from ascension he goes what turn out to be that he goes god's lively killed fragment of my soul .

It turn out to be the remaining dad droll narrative and that i repeatedly nonetheless it turn out to be the full factor turn out to be esteem i will't drag this if i drag this this needs to breathe this needs to breathe i'm by no capacity gonna have the replace to attain this droll narrative once more what other funerals am i gonna be at with glacier and cory grey esteem i mandatory .

Someone it's esteem cory's occurred to be there the full lot what are the funerals we're going to be out with glacier what other occasions am i going to be out with glacier so it nonetheless it turn out to be that turn out to be a extremely proud 2d on story of it turn out to be lively esteem the worst droll narrative nonetheless that turn out to be how i’d need if i mandatory .

Someone i'd comprise the worst droll narrative i could you should always lower yeah there must be i lively motivate smitten by knobs and sags and that's that hasn't left my head but no there it’s it's the dichotomy of the duo nonetheless it goes relieve to the full point about even as you're in a designate team oh my point about that with english turn out to be .

That me and him are so very assorted esteem we each and each look after movies nonetheless i'm esteem troma canon images uh jean-claude van damme i esteem i deserve to glimpse trashy crazy [ __ ] uh the one amongst the few shirts i've purchased within the remaining esteem 10 years on story of i glean so many free shirts is uh .

The dirt warriors okay uh which is um it's the boulevard warriors nonetheless it's uh divine and john waters as an alternative i esteem that [ __ ] shirt nonetheless um i esteem the homely cinnamon he likes true esteem he loves martin scorsese he loves steven spielberg he loves esteem .

Proper esteem lively tall oscar-splendid amelie he loves that form of facility so we now have nothing to chat about with movies the one factor we bonded over while driving even supposing turn out to be he didn't factor in me and that i urged him about the option and oates the hall of notes hotline which that you may presumably name .

And take away from one amongst 4 hall of dispute songs oh god no he's esteem that can't be valid no it’s explore it up and he's esteem attempting it up esteem no [ __ ] methodology so we're within the midst of esteem tennessee or can connecticut one amongst those places where it's lively esteem .

Trees and shadowy esteem that's all you seek it's esteem trees and the darkness yeah and we're driving alongside and we're paying consideration to this homely homely fine [ __ ] version of uh non-public eyes as we're driving down the boulevard shedding our [ __ ] on story of it turn out to be lively something odd we could bond over .

That's that's what we're going to complete on is making an are attempting oates i have confidence that's a valid factor which that you may presumably explore it up it's a valid it's it's composed around it's been around for esteem 20 years and somebody hunch take a look at on glacier maybe like obvious the full lot's okay he's getting smaller i seen some hungry polar bears .

Wandering around they may simply be drowning down yeah there's things are attempting tough for him so uh is there the leisure you wish to build over earlier than we hunch um no longer in actual fact i i i don't in actual fact put the leisure over okay i'll put over one factor complete debacle t-shirts even as you haven't checked them out .

Whereas you guys seen bloodsport and also you seen my candy ass hiabusa t-shirt all the strategy by means of the gap ceremony that's in actual fact complete debacle and so that they appear to be a legitimate supplier of uh esteem licensed merchandise from the hayabusa property he's in actual fact struck a take care of high booster's daughter so any any of these t-shirts that you're seeing .

Him put out or any of the merch from hayabusa on them are legitimate as here is sizable sasuke merch which is additionally officially popular by sasuke suited it's bustle by a nice guy named gary he in actual fact labored for epitaph data so even as you're a punk rock fan you'll look after that jupiter's none he passe to construct a merch for .

Epitaph too so he's he's lively folks uh so it's complete debacle shirt co uh they additionally makes they made some shirts for me to attain some icy stickers esteem you guys esteem keep in mind those fashioned marvel buying and selling playing cards from the early 90s yeah he does those nonetheless with wrestlers we got .

Esteem me chris hero rachel ellering uh rattling mary what even as you consult with him he he did sharkboy sharper turn out to be on television i steal to notify dan barry is the taking into consideration man i've carried out pwg three instances over the direction of 4 years i don't notify that i'm getting the [ __ ] you've literally died three instances as great .

Pwg as i’ve yeah you've been on television and went to the wrestlemania so uh and yes and that i turn out to be paid twenty thousand greenbacks for the below the mountainous battle royal which makes me snicker at every battle royal for ten thousand greenbacks i've viewed on the indies even as you settle i misplaced and made 20 immense that paid my .

Taxes that 365 days so even supposing that i oh got upset i couldn't construct the faye jackson sweatpants battle royale so i in actual fact i i i here’s what led dog on story of here’s what they’ve to dangle is i i in actual fact i by no capacity got asked to construct it nonetheless i had the explicit response loaded up i turn out to be lively going to .

Play i turn out to be going to add the clip of kendrick lamar's for free on story of the direction of the tune is that this dick ain't free i i absolutely toughen planned parenthood and that i esteem the truth that it turn out to be a fundraiser for it nonetheless this dick ain't free in portray for you me in sizable sweatpants within the ring you're .

[ __ ] paying me i assume the fellows weren't getting paid nonetheless i didn't know that beforehand and that i got urged by pbsm i’ve his paypal don't fear folks all appropriate let's glean out of here bye bye okay so .


He’s a weak you have been going to come out with that upsetting as hell match on and like me gradual esteem here earlier than the match started no longer that soon okay i lively mandatory to introduce myself to you .

These folks know i'd steal to have stress-free you clearly steal to be troubled the living crap out of your opponents that's sizable that's sizable i account for you on your depth i look after that here is to them even supposing i'm lively don't soar me or the leisure i lively wanna .

Good ample thanks ladies and gentlemen my title is all ego ethan page and that i’ve a secret i’ve to admit to each and each single one amongst you guys okay so when i got invited to this prestigious tournament i had to query my valuable other what the hell .

A catalina battle mixer turn out to be no longer realizing it turn out to be from an awfully talked-about movie known as step brothers did you guys know that you guys construct that construct that i didn't know that okay he knows he's icy no longer icy so earlier than the present i watched the movie guys beginning up to dangle thanks .

netflix thanks netflix thanks thanks so glimpse the movie query my pals query my valuable other all of them most popular it this dayton look after step brothers wow thank god i'm nothing esteem you pieces of crap on story of that turn out to be the .

Worst goddamn movie i’ve ever viewed the worst i in actual fact accept as true with you i didn't esteem it you didn't esteem it did we lively change into most attention-grabbing pals yup oh my god .

Effectively i uh happily we obtained't have any copyright infringements from the usage of all of the traces from step brothers we can freely quote that as great as that which that you may presumably factor in here on the catalina wrestling mixer let's construct it it falls below parody i factor in so yeah i have confidence we're more than beautiful with the usage of all of that we're fully lively nonetheless uh i .

Thought i'd by no capacity salvage two folks within the identical constructing that don't esteem step brothers yeah yeah i i form of i appreciated uh i'm in groom here on story of he's a ambitious mustache man great esteem myself nonetheless i have confidence i could simply need misplaced a runt bit respect for him and know a runt bit bit more about his netflix .

Queue alongside with ethan page who has lively been running into the ballotnonetheless he's battling relieve appropriate now each and each these guys form of i'd mutter fat bulkier potentially so much of the so much of the rivals on this tournament yeah we now have a luchador we now have hundreds high flyers like a flash .

Agile males paige and krim i have confidence are two of the supreme powerhouses on this tournament yeah their contest is going to be some distance assorted than what we're potentially going to explore with one of the most most other contests and one of the most most other matchups coming up most particularly jeremiah taking on phoenix .

Which i'm obvious each person here within the dayton remark is awaiting seeing as great as each person dislikes jeremiah on this remark hi there they'll composed look after seeing the rock star skilled world champion in motion and then obviously i don't know the strategy the brackets lined up in spite of the full lot with that and in spite of the full lot we composed have queer shane strickland .

Restful knocking around and in spite of the full lot the high-flying ara fox so this obtained't be this kind of high-flying engagement on story of 1 in all these two males are going to pass on here within the tournament it'll be attention-grabbing to explore how they counteract uh one of the most most high-flying maneuvers .

That their rivals are gonna construct on them sorry yeah that this may increasingly that i i’m falling apart hi there you're mad for the fn catalina rex wrestling mixer lively for about 90 seconds of monologue and then it lively goes appropriate downhill esteem i'm having a laborious time i obviously have to retract some more alpha mind .

Nonetheless appropriate now simon grimm's gonna have to retract some ibuprofen after being suplexed on the side of the ring which all of the kids are doing on the 2d all of the kids are suplexing each and each other on the side of the ring they look after that ring apron there's a wonderfully lively ring within the middle isn't more than ample padding within the middle .

Nonetheless they're lively throwing each and each other on essentially the most unhealthy fragment of the ring i assume i assume that's what the kids are doing on the 2d you talked about ar fox a sizable competitor he obtained the inaugural tournament flight two months within the past here at rockstar skilled nonetheless uh the factor is his opponent for round one .

Might possibly no longer be here tonight fox going by means of a thriller opponent oh miss okay that acknowledged i i i didn't know what turn out to be slightly happening with that i turn out to be queer about that with some rivals come out here esteem i acknowledged i turn out to be outside i turn out to be stretching i'm beginning a fireplace i turn out to be instructing some younger man scouts .

Available within the market techniques on how to construct a lean too up against the tower nonetheless as great as i construct on story of as some distance as we comprehend it could be somebody it could be somebody nonetheless appropriate now what all of us know appropriate now could be simon grimm and ethan page are going toe to toe appropriate now and head to pass form of uh meeting of the .

Minds mostly the mind of 1 other spot of and that i have confidence here is that here is so appropriate for a tournament that can crown the remaining american lucha corps champion on story of that that title it's in actual fact the championship of calamity and chaos .

You comprehend it's no longer lively for prime flyers it's no longer lively for powerhouses it's lively about craziness in that ring the title itself turn out to be created by sami callahan the chris brothers and jt davidson a decade within the past and tonight this may increasingly be retired with its closing champion .

The query is one amongst these two males appropriate now they may simply well be ethan ethan page is most absolutely within the motive force's seat appropriate now nonetheless it's been a extremely backward and ahead contest appropriate now there's no obvious winner here appropriate now um i when i turn out to be this bracket this .

Might possibly additionally very well be the toughest one for me to resolve out who my accepted could be on story of i esteem deciding on a winner nonetheless between these two males they're so evenly matched i lively in actual fact don't know where where it falls appropriate now i even as you have been to query me appropriate now ethan page on story of he's got a textbook .

Chin lock on appropriate now and that i esteem wrestling holds yeah i'm a tall proponent of it i’ve all of the wrestling motivate advantage badges it's esteem the knot of skilled wrestling exactly it's the human knot even as you’ll yeah uh of human anatomy so he's doing a slightly a lively job appropriate now of grounding .

Simon grimm and keeping him away from his high inserting offense she's hit with a flurry very early within the contest and now he's slowing it all of the formula down to his tempo maybe here is the more energy maneuvers as simon grimm form of wears down paige lively an beautiful complainer i've viewed him stay on a handful of .

Cases and he repeatedly impresses me nonetheless i gotta mutter he’s he’s a liar i i tried to construct the identical factor he did and uh step brothers is no longer on the 2d on netflix i turn out to be going to advise i in actual fact feel esteem he turn out to be giving out some falsitudes it can in all probability simply be on hulu even supposing no i checked .

It's no longer on here it's fully on amazon and also you gotta accumulate it in actual fact yeah it's a substandard time i'm gonna team my drum online page i'm gonna t relieve your mustache [ __ ] name dirty pool my friend yeah that's uh that's form of nasty dirty pool he's gotta salvage a mustache you should always dangle .

That's a weakness even as you're within the ring lively esteem having long hair yes you glean a motivate of that mustache it's in each build wherever the mustache goes the remaining of the body will apply folks will mutter that about the high they may be unsuitable it’s in actual fact what’s alleged about the mustache .

The mustache goes the body will hunch and appropriate now these males are going toe to toe appropriate now without a obvious winner exchanging those stiff forearms german impressive energy from grimm very great a deadlift he didn't glean too great spring off the mat there ethan paige well over 200 pounds that is .

Numerous man-meat to be lifting into the tip we're going for one other two submissions in a row board i believed this could be settle on some high impact maneuver nonetheless it's been one on submissions that's obviously what's going to potentially portray the story .

Who is going to be the remaining american lucha corps champion a wild beginning up to this tournament 224 pounds .

100. well bork i turn out to be no longer imperfect when i acknowledged on the high of this system that my long-established broadcast accomplice would have a busy evening ahead of him and .

If truth be told he has he’s within the 2d round against simon grimm appropriate now simon graham who obtained by submission did fox settle by submission uh let me notify here fox defeated alex colon with a 450 splash by means of a board and chair in spite of the full lot he did that that's that's my .

Fox that's my ar fox that i do know and that i esteem i'd potentially construct it with some aptitude and attempting out lively with this fresh haircut i'm digging what ar fox's got happening oh yeah it seems to be to be like sizable nonetheless i’m questioning why the hell would somebody in a tournament esteem this request to be in a boulevard fight match that turn out to be .

Fully insane he had a battle with alex colon did ar fox well he's out of his fox in mind lively point hi there hear when he's no longer here i esteem fox puns by the methodology lively to warn you for the remaining of the contest lively ample and presumably if he advances to the remaining i'm gonna be fleshy of fox and puns i esteem it that's all appropriate .

It's going to be you're going to listen to fox puns by means of this full fox and present take care of some punnett well appropriate now air fox he's doing a runt bit bit of wrestling here he's a runt bit bit of grappling which uh plays into the hand of grimm appropriate now .

And of the grim reaper i've got some more puns coming at you generally folks mutter puns are anti-comedy i mutter i'll retract any laughs i will glean so is is there a advantage badge for comedy oh yeah i've i've obtained it 10 instances over well nonetheless whoever wins this matchup faces ray phoenix .

In our closing for the american lucha corps championship a title that turn out to be created lively down the boulevard in belle fountain ohio by callahan the chris brothers and jt davidson prestigious title generous title it's been held by many males all the strategy by means of .

This spot from from guys esteem aaron williams ron mathis who held it early on in its lifespan uh within the uh 2007 2008 2009 time body to the younger guys esteem trey mcgellin and clayton jackson zachary wins who passe that title to to propel their career into the stratosphere even .

The rock star skilled world champion the juggernaut jeremiah a two-time american lucha corps champion fox working his methodology out of this one swinging a miss brim well scouted and lively going appropriate to it in search of to drop a fox on his head as great as that which that you may presumably factor in .

Nonetheless one bit what i gotta mutter grimm didn't scale fox thoroughly construct which that you may presumably have any belief how consistently he's been dropped on the relieve of his neck and relieve of his head got up and carried out one other flip on high of the man esteem i have confidence the the worst factor to work over .

Is the lower neck high of the high for ar fox it's indestructible alongside with the remaining of his body the man is sizable human at any time when that i hear the outcast tune a t aliens i have confidence of ar fox from him being from atlanta or one other world i will seek that it's it's esteem .

Two ingredients lively option one fragment madness and one other fragment dirty south from atlanta there you hunch which that you may presumably't motivate ar fox down simon grimm is gonna are attempting appropriate now and easiest will get a one count nonetheless a appropriate skilled he goes appropriate relieve to it once more maybe no longer that well .

Scouted working the high and neck nonetheless he has fox grounded and that i have confidence that's valuable even as you happen to're going by means of a high flyer the likes of the full fox and present and like a flash transitions into him he's wasting no time he's no longer dilly dally when he will get that motivate .

He's locking that motivate in directly he's no longer giving him a 2d to breed to glean his wind that he needs to for him to retract flight and fly within the air appropriate appropriate even as you don't have any air in you which that you may presumably't retract flight i have confidence the wright brothers acknowledged that .

I resolve i could besides quote them since we're in dayton i have confidence that's an instantaneous quote from orville i seen it on his gravestone on the present time when i went strolling around did you hunch up the woodland heart yeah i did it's it's a nationwide appeal yeah beautiful up there it in actual fact is sizable see of the dayton skyline .

Achieve uh put pennies on orville wright's grave yes each person else does i don't know what that's about i have confidence i’ve some lively luck i'm composed alive uh after after that skedaddle match uh i could very well be tiring and my body doesn't comprehend it but even supposing so we'll seek .

Hello you lived by means of that what 14 15 man match that's an accomplishment it turn out to be 127 on your files crowd rallying on the relieve of ara fox they look after ar fox he's no stranger to dayton he obtained the inaugural tournament of flight in june nonetheless he has followers all across the sphere .

Let's be appropriate and after the contest we lively seen i have confidence so much of folk steal to explore seek some more high-flying motion nonetheless grim's esteem no i'm in search of to glean a settle here appropriate i'm in search of to pass on and i'm in search of to ground a man and no longer retract as great punishment as .

That which that you may presumably factor in on story of that is exactly what abilities fox can construct to a man is is make every form of damage fox he’s methodology too some distance-off and that is a extremely low ceiling i don't notify you're gonna like it buddy oh death defying proved imperfect once more by the man that defies .

Gravity easiest two grim kicks out grip turn out to be a lively 7 8 of the methodology across that ring i didn't notify that turn out to be physically humanly that which that you may presumably factor in nonetheless all over once more ar fox has confirmed me imperfect time and time once more and this time turn out to be no .

Utterly different it's esteem esteem watching a ninja which that you may presumably soar within the air and commerce route while floating up there no longer lively the ninja jackie chan there you hunch esteem the remaining ninja nonetheless lively an remaining boot to the face by simon there i esteem seeing effort esteem that on the .

Sit down out getting your your toes your ankles over the wrist of your opponent lively to glean that extra runt bit of leverage to investigate cross-take a look at to motivate him down obviously no longer a hit there nonetheless composed a lively technique by grimm here we hunch once more we're going to explore some apron bumps how these children are and believe me i .

Fell victim in earlier tonight and it felt no lively and also you did no longer seek me for slightly a while in that match after i fell on that apron very runt padding lively metal on that apron oh i don't deserve to land on your head hear this man could simply or could simply no longer have a family .

Don't construct it fox he doesn't know i don't know i don't know i i i don't construct so much of learn for this that's that's the methodology of wrestling revolver appropriate yeah it's lively about flying by the seat of your pants it's all about attitude toddler .

It's all about attitude hi there wrestling for our abilities by our abilities i have confidence that's code observe for dive lively put an exclamation point on that mustache and he could simply put an exclamation point in a period there it’s on the match that's it .

Our finals are online page fork our finals are online page this may increasingly be ar fox versus phoenix
Right here’s the adorable wrestling match ever%sentence_ending

Simon Gotch 2021 Shoot Interview (Stout Interview)

Simon Gotch 2021 Shoot Interview (Full Interview)