Significant Behind-The-Scenes Changes in TNA’s Daily Running – Who’s at the Helm?, Insights into the Creative Approach, and More.

Significant Behind-The-Scenes Changes in TNA’s Daily Running – Who’s at the Helm?, Insights into the Creative Approach, and More.
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New information has emerged concerning the current management setup of TNA and the daily operating procedures of the company.

Previously, it was reported on eWn that Ariel Shnerer, the executive producer of TNA Wrestling, is managing the daily operations of the organisation.

According to information from Pwinsider, Shnerer has been lauded by the talent for his transparent and straightforward approach. He has maintained regular communication with them, and many have already received updates from the management and creative team about the strategic direction and plans for the upcoming Against All Odds 2024 pay-per-view event on Friday night. This represents a substantial shift from the practices of the preceding administration.

Concerning TNA President Anthony Cicione, he has been primarily focused on managing the company’s business aspects rather than the creative side. Reports also suggest that Cicione has been instrumental in nurturing TNA’s ongoing partnership with WWE.

Gail Kim is leading talent relations, a position she has excelled in and earned considerable respect from the TNA locker room.

The creative department of TNA Wrestling is under Ariel Shnerer’s supervision. The creative team comprises Tommy Dreamer, Jorge Barbosa, and Delirious, with occasional inputs from Gail Kim. Despite RD Evans leaving the company earlier this month, the creative planning process has remained consistent.

It’s also worth mentioning that there is no specific “head of creative”. Instead, it’s a collective effort wherein the team collaboratively conceptualizes what they believe are the best ideas.

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