“Should there be a requirement for a leader in the capacity of a President or Vice President, I’m willing to step forward and assume the responsibility of guiding this nation.”

“Should there be a requirement for a leader in the capacity of a President or Vice President, I’m willing to step forward and assume the responsibility of guiding this nation.”
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In an interview with Fox News, wrestling icon Hulk Hogan expressed his interest in running for the presidential office in the United States.

In 2016, Donald Trump, a recognized fellow member of the WWE Hall of Fame since 2013, and more recently known for his conviction, executed his presidential duties until January 2017. Trump only served one term before being defeated by the currently serving President, Joe Biden. Hogan, on the other hand, had a controversy-filled exit from WWE due to his use of racially offensive language in a private video that was exposed in 2015. However, he was eventually accepted back into the wrestling organization after several years.

During the interview, Hogan conveyed, “We need somebody in there that’s got some common sense. So, if you need a president or vice president, I’ll volunteer and take this country over, and I’ll rule with an iron fist, a flat tax – nothing but common sense. I know right from wrong, brother.”