“Should anyone dare to trouble my pet Larry, they will meet harm from me.”

“Should anyone dare to trouble my pet Larry, they will meet harm from me.”
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After Saturday’s WWE Bash event in Berlin, CM Punk shared his thoughts on his feud with Drew McIntyre in a post-match interview. He warned that anyone who threatened his family, specifically referring to his wife AJ Lee and their dog Larry, would face serious consequences.

“It’s a great feeling,” Punk began. “People have made a big fuss about this, but it was genuinely about the blatant disrespect shown to my wife and my dog. My first thoughts are to go home and show them both some affection — a big hug and a kiss in no particular order — and then move past this to bigger and better things. My wife has always said to me, ‘if anyone crosses Larry, make sure they pay for it.’ Just as I’ve always done, if anyone threatens my dog, they’re in for a world of hurt. I think Drew experienced that today, and now I can hopefully put this behind me. Now, my aim is the gold. I’m looking forward, not backward, and I know there’s still a lot of work to do. Eight months back, after being sidelined for six months, coming back and getting that win has boosted my confidence enormously.”

He went on, “I’m pumped about Monday Night RAW in Denver and stoked about what the future holds. Wrestling in Berlin in front of these incredible fans was a dream that I never thought I’d relive. Every time is just as special as the first and today felt even more so. I appreciate it all so much more now. I definitely don’t take it for granted anymore.”

Punk triumphed over McIntyre in a Strap Match at the recent WWE Bash in Berlin event.

“Dive into the victory celebration of CM Punk over Drew McIntyre at WWE Bash in Berlin 2024 in the below video.”

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