Shingo Takagi Pays Tribute to Owen Hart Cup, Expresses Desire for AEW World Title at All In Event

Shingo Takagi Pays Tribute to Owen Hart Cup, Expresses Desire for AEW World Title at All In Event
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Before his upcoming bout with Bryan Danielson in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament’s inauguration match this Sunday in the AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door 2024 event, Shingo Takagi reflected on his thoughts about participating in the competition in a discussion with Sports Illustrated’s Justin Barrasso, speaking through an interpreter. Takagi also shared insights about his aspirations for All Elite Wrestling.

Speaking about the significance of being a part of the tournament, Takagi stated:

“I has worn a singlet similar to Owen’s during my early wrestling days. This shows the immense regard I have for him. Owen was a frequent competitor in NJPW and anyone who garners admiration from a widely respected figure such as Jushin Liger certainly earns my reverence as well.”

Regarding his motivation instigated by witnessing the match between Will Ospreay and Chris Jericho at AEW All In, Takagi mentioned:

“I happened to be in London during the All In event. When I saw Will Ospreay up against Chris Jericho – a match that attracted an audience of 80,000 – I was captivated – contemplating that I could be in his shoes. That was the trigger that motivated me to participate in this Owen Hart Cup.”

His thoughts on Jon Moxley securing the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship were also shared:

“Jon Moxley claimed our IWGP title and stood his ground in AEW. I believe it’s only fair if I seize the AEW title and defend it in NJPW.”

When quizzed about his imminent match against Bryan Danielson, he remarked:

“As long as the fans are satisfied, I share that joy. I see this as an acknowledgement of both Bryan’s illustrious career achievements and my own accomplishments. I appreciate the global visibility this match offers. The entire world will witness the authentic ‘Made in Japan’ spirit in action. It’s an authentic dream match that provides a dream scenario for fans across the globe. This can certainly take the wrestling world by storm.”

Stay tuned for live coverage of Forbidden Door this Sunday evening for all the match outcomes including the much-anticipated Takagi vs Danielson encounter, and remember to share your match predictions in the comment section.