Shelton Benjamin asserts that no professional wrestler can match the athletic prowess of Billy Gunn, absolutely!

Shelton Benjamin asserts that no professional wrestler can match the athletic prowess of Billy Gunn, absolutely!
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Former WWE champion Shelton Benjamin recently made a guest appearance on the “Insight with Chris Van Vliet” podcast. During the session, he didn’t hold back praises for fellow WWE Hall of Famer, Billy Gunn, dubbing him unequivocally as the “greatest athlete in pro wrestling, period.”

You can access certain significant moments from the discussion below:

When discussing Billy Gunn, Benjamin declared, “Billy Gunn is the undisputed athletic king of pro wrestling, period. Find me another person who’s displayed such athleticism in enduring, high-caliber matches as Billy. Billy on the small screen? He’s David Banner. In person? He’s the Hulk.”

In regards to Gunn’s physical prowess, Benjamin added, “I believe Billy Gunn could outmatch, outperform, and outspeed anyone in the industry today! In my perspective, no one can outdo Billy Gunn. I once participated in a gauntlet match where I faced Charlie, followed by Billy, and finally Rey Mysterio. Three matches in a row, all on the same day. Following this, I was moved to Raw. But even then, I was left thinking, ‘Billy’s a powerhouse!’ The man is terrifyingly huge!”

Below is the embedded video of the podcast:

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