Shawn Spears Reveals What Happened To His ‘Chairman’ Character, Adam Cole Talks MJF

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During a recent interview with VIBE 105, AEW wrestler Shawn Spears commented on his ‘Chairman’ persona in AEW, which we haven’t seen much of in recent months. He said,

“First thing I thought when I hit him was ‘bullseye,’ that’s the first thing I thought. In terms of the backstage, I don’t pay attention to a lot of stuff online, especially since I’ve had my son, I just don’t have the time. Back then, I knew there was a lot of buzz and controversy. All that stuff is above my pay grade, I don’t care. My job is to go out and perform. I had a goal and I accomplished it. You guys are going to say what you’re going to say and watch what you’re going to watch. My job is to go out, perform, and let the chips fall where they may, and then go out and do it again the next week. It was a big moment. The Chairman is not gone, I will say that. The Chairman is just hibernating. He will be back, you will see him again. I will be swinging chairs again very soon.“


During a recent appearance on Matt Hardy’s “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast, Adam Cole commented on his excitement of being able to go back and forth of the microphone with MJF in recent weeks. He said,

“There was a lot of excitement going into this. I don’t know if intimidation is the right word, but it very much felt like a sink or swim type of situation for me, which was really exciting. I’m going to go toe to toe with what many consider, what I consider, one of the best talkers and one of the best guys of the generation in MJF. Either people are going to think I can hang with him or they’re going to think that he ate me alive. I love that feeling of going out there and feeling, ‘Oh God, we’ll see how this goes.’ It was really exciting for me to be tested in that way and to show everybody that I’ll go toe to toe with anybody on the microphone. It was exciting, but I definitely had nerves and butterflies.“

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