Shawn Michaels Unveils His Most Undervalued Fights as WWE RAW Announces Fresh Match-Up

Shawn Michaels Unveils His Most Undervalued Fights as WWE RAW Announces Fresh Match-Up
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Coming up Live on Monday’s episode of WWE RAW, you’ll be witnessing an electrifying face-off between Xavier Woods and Karrion Kross. The formal declaration was made public this past Sunday.

The fresh line-up for this week’s WWE RAW telecast is now out and here is what you can expect:

– In the Money in the Bank Qualifying Matches, the competitors are yet to be announced
– Locking horns will be Xavier Woods and Karrion Kross
– An interesting showdown between Carlito and Dragon Lee

Shawn Michaels, a beloved WWE veteran, recently had a conversation with “The Schmo” where he uncovered a variety of topics, including which of his past rivalries he felt was the most underrated.

Following are the notable highlights from his talk:

When asked about his most underrated match, he remarked, “I’m not certain if it’s blended with the two matches that I’m incredibly proud of, but one of the most underestimated rivalries was mine with Mankind. Mick and I had an incredible encounter at WWF Mind Games, but it was just a single event thing. I yearn that Mick and I had a better scope to create an extensive plotline, which could have been absolutely phenomenal.”

Discussing his experiences working with Jeff Jarrett, he shared, “Jeff and I always shared a terrific chemistry. Often these matches against Foley and Jarrett are referenced, but they don’t usually crop up in the grand narrative of my wrestling career.”

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