Shawn Michaels’ reflections on the possibility of WWE NXT hitting the road in the future.

Shawn Michaels’ reflections on the possibility of WWE NXT hitting the road in the future.
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WWE NXT is planning road trips for several weeks as the brand prepares for its transition to The CW Network in October, a move on which Shawn Michaels recently shared his insights and whether the prospects of hitting the road will persist.

During a recent stint on the “Claibs Online” podcast, Michaels elaborated on the planned road shows set for October 1st and 8th and the likelihood of such events in the future.

Here are some notable moments from the podcast discussion:

Discussing the early road shows on The CW Network: “We frequently ponder about the prospect of more road shows and the feasibility of such ventures. You always need to consider what’s optimal for the product and what’s practical. When this amazing five-year partnership with CW was announced, we wanted to kick it off with something big. It’s a fabulous deal and a great partnership. CW’s enthusiastic support for NXT and their excitement about hosting us on their network set the tone for us to make a significant impact with the initial shows.”

On the prospect of additional road shows: “We made a decision to visit Chicago, followed by St Louis on the 8th. There may be other opportunities on the horizon, which will be announced in due course. NXT’s evolution is constant, as is with the whole WWE. We persistently strive to elevate the sports entertainment genre. At present, we are thrilled about the first two shows. NXT, Raw, and SmackDown are primarily focusing on something rarely seen in linear television these days, and that’s expanding their audience, particularly the younger demographic. In the current television scenario, achieving this feat is, quite frankly, miraculous.”

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