Shawn Michaels expresses joy and excitement over CM Punk’s return to WWE

Shawn Michaels expresses joy and excitement over CM Punk’s return to WWE
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WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels says he’s “happy and thrilled” to see CM Punk back in WWE.

CM Punk made his return to WWE at this past Saturday night’s WWE Survivor Series 2023 pay-per-view event, and the head of WWE NXT creative spoke with Peter Rosenberg on the “Cheap Heat” podcast to discuss Punk’s return, how the Voice of the Voiceless might feel about returning to the company after so much bad blood, and more.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On his reaction to CM Punk’s WWE return: “Like everybody else; happy, thrilled, Holy Cow. I got asked a couple months ago, ‘if you had a chance to use him, would you?’ Yeah, who wouldn’t? I understand business. I wasn’t always the most popular guy with people, but I was really good at my job. I feel like that’s one of the reasons I’ve had one here in the WWE for almost 40 years. I’m dependable and I’m good at my job. If you are that, there is always an opportunity here if you want one. I’m happy for him, I’m happy for the company. I’m happy for the WWE fanbase, the WWE Universe. Stories like this are always fantastic, even if they’re controversial, that’s part of what makes them fantastic. There are times, I don’t always know what’s going on. Truth be told, I don’t think sometimes they know what’s going on. Unpredictability is just that, unpredictable. That’s what makes this job so fantastic and so unique. That’s why we’ve continued to thrive for 40-plus years.”

On how Punk might feel returning to the company after so much bad blood: “Early on, it’s uncomfortable. After a while, you get used to it. Everybody would prefer to be liked. Second guessing is always going to on in this line of work. It is impossible to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. In any line of work and any walk of life, anyone can say, ‘I like this guy and I get along with him,’ and they’re talking about him two minutes later. That goes for everyone, even the most liked individuals. He’s been doing this for a long time. I’ve always liked Phil and I always understood the…heaven forbid you have a different opinion. That kind of stuff doesn’t bother me. At one time, it did, and I didn’t have the maturity to accept and respect other’s opinions if they didn’t agree with mine. At one point, it might have bothered him. I would imagine he’s accepted it as a reality and is good with that.”

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CM Punk’s return to WWE has been met with excitement and positivity from fans and fellow wrestlers alike. One such wrestler who is thrilled about Punk’s return is WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels. In a recent interview on the “Cheap Heat” podcast, Michaels expressed his happiness and excitement for Punk’s return to the company.

Michaels, who is the head of WWE NXT creative, was asked about his reaction to Punk’s return. He responded by saying that he, like everyone else, was happy and thrilled. He also mentioned that he had been asked a few months ago if he would use Punk if given the chance, and his answer was a resounding yes. Michaels understands the business aspect of wrestling and recognizes the value that someone like Punk brings to the table. He believes that being dependable and good at one’s job opens up opportunities in WWE, and he is glad that Punk has returned.

The WWE Hall of Famer also expressed his happiness for the company and the WWE fanbase. He believes that stories like Punk’s return are always fantastic, even if they are controversial. Michaels acknowledges that there are times when even he doesn’t know what’s going on in the company, but that unpredictability is what makes the job so fantastic and unique. He believes that this unpredictability is one of the reasons why WWE has thrived for over 40 years.

When asked about how Punk might feel returning to the company after so much bad blood, Michaels shared his perspective. He mentioned that early on, it can be uncomfortable to return to a place where there was animosity in the past. However, over time, one gets used to it. Michaels understands that everyone would prefer to be liked, but it is impossible to please everyone all the time. He believes that Punk has been in the industry for a long time and has likely accepted the reality of differing opinions. Michaels himself has grown to accept and respect others’ opinions, even if they don’t align with his own.

Overall, Michaels is happy for Punk and the WWE Universe. He believes that Punk’s return is a fantastic story, and he is excited to see what the future holds for him in WWE. Michaels encourages fans to keep up with all their wrestling news on and to follow them on Twitter and Facebook for updates.

In conclusion, Shawn Michaels’ reaction to CM Punk’s return to WWE is one of happiness and excitement. He recognizes the value that Punk brings to the company and believes that his return is a fantastic story. Michaels also shares his perspective on how Punk might feel returning to WWE after past conflicts. Overall, Michaels is thrilled for Punk’s return and looks forward to what the future holds for him in WWE.