Shawn Michaels asserts that the bright prospects of WWE are largely due to NXT’s outstanding performances.

Shawn Michaels asserts that the bright prospects of WWE are largely due to NXT’s outstanding performances.
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In a recent conversation with “The Schmo”, Shawn Michaels, the Executive Producer of WWE NXT, provided insights into the vital factors he takes into account while scouting talent to join the ranks at the WWE Performance Center and the NXT brand.

Michaels stated, “Truth be told, the ‘it’ factor is the thing everyone talks about. If one can define what that ‘it’ factor is, they could simply go out there, spot it, select those talent, and it’d be a smooth task. From my perspective, charisma holds significant value. I pay significant attention to the footwork. As I observe many guys striding across the ring, I don’t just focus on how they run or move, but also on their steps. I place a great deal of emphasis on footwork and coordination. Following that, comes the question of their coachability and teachability? At the end of the day, their attitude and character will become the defining factors. That’s a foundational element that Hunter established in NXT years ago. Here, character surpasses talent. This is the culture we strive to foster and it holds true 90% of the time. At NXT, it’s about a range of factors. If it was about one specific thing, it would simplify the process. However, what I can confirm is that we are on the hunt for exceptional athletes globally and the future of WWE appears promising, especially since NXT is presently excelling in every category, whether it’s men or women. We are spotting talent and we’re continuing to bring them into the NXT with the aim of maintaining the level of success we’ve achieved”.

Shawn Michaels also took to social media platform, Twitter, to express his contentment with NXT Battleground 2024 pay-per-view event held on the recent Sunday. Michaels, dressed as a chef, likened the show to a five-star gourmet meal. Check out the clip below:

Shawn Michaels (@ShawnMichaels) tweeted:
“Thank you #WWENXT Universe for a HISTORIC #NXTBattleground! 🙌”
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) June 10, 2024