Shane Douglas Names the Most attention-grabbing Jobbers, Heaviest Smokers, Worst Gimmicks, Smelliest Wrestler & MORE!

Shane Douglas Names the Most attention-grabbing Jobbers, Heaviest Smokers, Worst Gimmicks, Smelliest Wrestler & MORE!
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Shane Douglas Names the Most attention-grabbing Jobbers, Heaviest Smokers, Worst Gimmicks, Smelliest Wrestler & MORE!
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This is one other attention-grabbing shooter and wrestler. I'm going to present you the first of a pair of limited video games the first one i name name association a actually creative name i'm certain you'll agree and that i'm going to present you a descriptor or a sentence or something of that nature where you give me the name who only fits that description uh and it's going to be rather a pair of ones so if.

You would possibly bear it fast or whereas you would prefer to love glide in extra detail please attain first one is final man standing at the bar any promotion final man standing at the bar uh uh jake modified into beautiful upright you respect who else michael hayes michael hayes modified into beautiful upright at closing down bars i will’t mediate that.

Not mediate that in any respect uh subsequent one excellent bully excellent bully vince mcmahon no no bill watts bill watts lawful he he modified into somewhat extra somewhat better than uh than vince nonetheless vince is gorgeous upright in himself.

Uh most picked on or bullied the actual person that wherever they went they had been lawful the locker room whipping boy oh smartly i'm thinking love in my head love i keep in mind when uh outback jack came and they they did the depraved bunch of ribs to him uh you is also conscious of it's bizarre love i i will't.

Deem anybody that's love love lawful picked on and picked on as they glide around uh most events that that would perhaps well happen when guys would fetch excuse me when uh you respect there's obviously a pecking notify in wrestling love i i told you i modified into reticent to even open my mouth.

With uh with uh savage they're uh and that i will't mediate anybody at the conclude of my head nonetheless veritably you and any individual will are accessible in and lawful act love hey they're the conclude canine lawful and on the overall the fellows which are at the conclude of the cardboard will maintain in mind that and likewise you.

Know now not that it's a uh any form of line of succession or something nonetheless you respect the fellows had been the conclude of these dressing rooms whichever dressing room it is miles that they've earned that space you respect they've earned it by working the roads and and throwing their bodies around and issues and so i and one more time i will't even mediate off the conclude of.

My head i attain recall one time in ecw uh and it modified into an complete uh misunderstanding um uh rodman uh section of the bwo uh he came in and modified into as i recall the first time he walked in modified into meek as a mouse love form of love walked over this nook and put his.

Stuff down almost he didn't wish to be seen and uh perry saturn took that as being disrespectful and he jumped up and likewise you respect actually started he you stroll around and shake all people's hand and blah blah blah blah blah and that i pulled perrius you respect he and that i had been upright chums and that i acknowledged i don't mediate that's what that modified into.

I don't mediate he modified into being disrespectful with anybody i mediate he modified into insecure to death and uh you respect one more time misunderstanding i'm certain perry doubtlessly wouldn't whisper regret to him afterwards uh nonetheless i i will't mediate anybody that's been love bully bullied uh off something i had the open that i paid that i'd seen okay.

Uh smartly right here is one that on the overall all people's got a upright resolution for the uh wrestler who must maintain gone to the laundry better than they must maintain uh better than they did oh boy yeah a actually stinky wrestler that uh you.

Might smell from across the ring yeah yeah mick modified into uh now not now not the uh the essentially the most uh lavorious man we'll roar and that i keep in mind too michael hayes and uh jimmy garvin they historical to wear these uh you respect weightlifting gloves to fade no fingers in them.

And they i don't know where they saved these issues nonetheless they’d fetch down to withhold love two of you and boys love love smell any individual's ass now not very beautiful it does appear to be anybody who wears any leather so uh kane's disguise mankind interestingly his disguise balls mahoney on the overall i fetch all these.

Answers yeah yeah yeah uh subsequent one is let me maintain a peek uh only enhancement expertise you ever labored with oh my god uh return to the nwa the tenth and techwood uh studio the limited saturday night demonstrate and likewise you gaze the total enhancement guys on there the discontinue result gene liggin uh oh gosh love the the monkeys uh.

Uh one more time infamous names to community for me to preserve in mind nonetheless return and gaze any of these fits with the enhancement guys uh from the nwa then uh a pair of couple years in the past my manager had some fits and modified into taking half in them and that i modified into looking at and that i saved going oh my god oh my god these guys are extensive.

And he belief i modified into talking relating to the celebs lawful and that i pointed out no peek at the enhancement guys they're repeatedly perfectly positioned they're repeatedly to to find the camera uh lawful right george south one other lawful i mean george south modified into incredible uh all of these guys it will also maintain been stars in the enterprise and that i requested george that one time modified into you.

Know georgie and that i because we've been chums for longer than i will keep in mind uh you respect i acknowledged because he's lawful lawful enjoyable and fascinating to gaze in the ring and knows what the hell's he's doing and that i acknowledged you respect why didn't you ever glide on the dual carriageway you respect he acknowledged smartly i had family and that i didn't wish to glide on the dual carriageway so he acknowledged he modified into ready he.

Consistently acknowledged i sold four homes and yeah so he made his living and he had his enjoyable in the wrestling enterprise uh and got out of what he wanted out of it nonetheless these guys support then i don't one more time i don't gaze too valuable recently nonetheless uh the fellows support then these uh the enhancement abilities had been fabulous excellent what relating to the fellows who you.

Particularly work with because especially in the wwf in the early mid 90s you'll maintain had to maintain had your portion of gobbling folk upon superstars or wrestling scenario who who did you wait for working with there uh barry horowitz modified into repeatedly a upright one uh identical element repeatedly knew where he modified into in the ring uh.

and that actually is about fifty percent of being a upright wrestler is shining where you is also in the ring and finding that camera uh you respect what most folk name ring generalship uh barry modified into exemplary at it uh one other who i wouldn't roar modified into essentially enhancement uh expertise nonetheless uh buddy rose uh boy he modified into uh an fabulous.

In-ring expertise and actually also can educate uh a actually uh almost childlike persona uh you respect very aloof meek nonetheless he would uh uh you respect you fetch in that ring he knew his reach across the ring and he had he knew the excellent system to present you what it modified into you wished to learn in the rain uh heaviest cigarette smoker.

Oh lordy what attain you mediate right here uh slater historical to be a sexy heavy smoker uh uh harley modified into a sexy heavy smoker um you respect extra in my generation i i don't recall too many sandman obviously with every smoker lawful uh uh nonetheless there modified into it gave the influence love that wayne that modified into love a better element support in the day uh with.

The fellows that came forward of me nonetheless a pair of of these guys and that i actually don't know how they did it since you respect being in the ring even whilst you're in form it's you respect rarely gotten by a 60-minute match every night lawful and uh you respect being a smoker love something love my god that's uh.

The stuff that impresses me is the stuff that love i will compare in opposition to love i'm now not a smoker i know how subtle it is miles to fetch by an hour match or love something bam bam bigelow or vader floating around love flyweights lawful as mountainous as they had been that's the variety of stuff that repeatedly put.

Me in fear i will give you a pair extra then the worst storyline ever the worst storyline ever uh uh i'm certain the dean douglas saw storylines imperfect up there beautiful extremely uh i i i believed the gobbledygooker element modified into lawful fully.

Uh out of bounds over the conclude uh needless uh i loved hector um nonetheless you respect hey i i i gain it demeaning to save any individual accessible in that in that form of respect i mediate whilst you peek support at the sunshine when i modified into a baby increasing up with the former former-college sage traces uh a lot of these had been you respect by recently's.

Requirements very tasteless uh taking half in off of you respect cultures and uh uh you respect ethnicities and issues it's lawful stuff that thank god it's section of our past um nonetheless yeah i mediate recently as we fetch into it you respect.

Again i don't gaze valuable recently uh i see extra and extra sage traces which are form of in maine and pointless uh it's lawful love form of know throwing crap in opposition to the wall to detect if it sticks um uh had been you i voice you weren't actually looking at wrestling when bruno san martino modified into teaming with the batman.

Oh i certain modified into looking at yeah actually i knew uh uh what is batman's name um he lawful passed away yeah he's telling me something wasn't he tony uh one more time i'm so evil with names uh his son peaceable nonetheless he's been a pair years now nonetheless he'll he'll veritably name me uh he's his son started calling me.

Oh 20 25 years in the past because he'd heard it in an interview uh they historical to maintain batman uh on the studio wrestling and that modified into when the batman demonstrate modified into on tv and likewise you respect i lawful form of got grabbed by each nonetheless uh yeah you is also conscious of it's silly to claim about bruno because um you respect bruno when we had been going to ecw.

Uh you respect i i had known met bruno multiple events known a colossal amount of respect for him amount of respect for him and uh we dominic and that i had been with him and and by some means ecw came up and and uh he acknowledged yeah you respect i've watched it he acknowledged you respect i i don't uncover it irresistible's now not my yeah.

Why why attain you attain this why attain you attain that and that i i attempted to display to him i acknowledged smartly you respect wrestling had gone to this cool engaging film station and we couldn't lawful pull it support to where you guys had been we had to steal it past that and that i'm making an strive to display it to him and and he lawful saved burying it and buried.

It and silly and that i acknowledged uh bruno you had a man with a inexperienced tongue recently turnbuckles lawful i like george don't fetch me evil i'm thinking love okay it's the overall identical element lawful we're all peaceable doing the identical stuff uh i i perceive love his point of take a look at out coming from the generation he came from nonetheless yeah it actually is gorgeous valuable the.

Identical element you
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Shane Douglas Names the Most attention-grabbing Jobbers, Heaviest Smokers, Worst Gimmicks, Smelliest Wrestler & MORE!

Shane Douglas Names the Most attention-grabbing Jobbers, Heaviest Smokers, Worst Gimmicks, Smelliest Wrestler & MORE!