Sgt. Slaughter Continues To Vent – This Time About The Undertaker’s HOF Induction

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First Lacey Evans, now The Undertaker.

Sgt. Slaughter is full of gripes these days and he’s not holding back!


Speaking during a recent interview with “Sportskeeda,” the WWE Hall of Famer made it known that he felt disrespected by not being invited to The Undertaker’s WWE Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Slaughter went on to say that he’s the one who discovered The Undertaker and pitched him to Vince McMahon, who wound up signing the Phenom. The Sarge says it’s a “slap in the face” that he wasn’t invited to ‘Taker’s ceremony.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On first discovering The Undertaker: “I found Mark Calaway in a box of tapes. As a lot of people know, my back was hurt. I had to go work in the office… I had all these tapes and boxes and envelopes and pictures and letters from wannabe wrestlers and managers and valets and announcers.”

On pitching Undertaker to Vince McMahon: “I said to Vince, ‘You gotta see this guy.’ [Vince] said, ‘Well, I’ve never heard of him, so bring him in.’”

On not being invited to Taker’s Hall of Fame ceremony: “Guess who he didn’t invite to his Hall of Fame? Me, Sgt Slaughter, the guy that found him. Can you imagine not being invited? I should have been in the front row… That was a slap in the face right there. I really don’t understand it.”

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