Several TNA Employees Let Go – Information Provided

Several TNA Employees Let Go – Information Provided
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TNA Wrestling, a major player in the wrestling industry, is in the midst of operational alterations which have led to the departure of numerous team members as part of a plan to reduce costs and a massive company overhaul by its parent company, Anthem Sports Entertainment.

Reports from Pwinsider reveal that Dave Sahadi, who filled the role of Creative Director, is one of those who have left the company. Sahadi has an extensive history with TNA, with stints in the company from 2004 to 2017 and again in 2019. His impressive career also includes a tenure as Creative Director at WWE.

It is worth noting that there have also been some exits from the live events division. Meanwhile, Anthem is presently thinking about future management positions, with the firm’s plans beyond the upcoming summer still uncertain.

Interestingly, the place and location for TNA’s mega event – Bound For Glory 2024 still remains undecided. While it is possible that other personnel have also left, the talent roster is believed to be unscathed.

Elsewhere, RD Evans, who held the positions of head of creative and producer, has also ended his association with the company.

Regarding Evans, his relationship with Anthem had come under strain in the last few weeks, prompting him to exit the company. Despite some narratives suggesting that his departure was a mutual decision, it is important to underscore that Evan’s decision to leave did not correlate with the aforementioned staff axing, and was a separate matter.