Seth Rollins Reflects on His Incredible Experience at WWE Superstar Spectacle

Seth Rollins Reflects on His Incredible Experience at WWE Superstar Spectacle
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On a recent edition of WWE’s “The Bump,” Seth Rollins shared his experience performing at the WWE Superstar Spectacle show in India and teaming up with John Cena at the event.

Rollins and Cena defeated Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci at WWE Superstar Spectacle.


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On the Superstar Spectacle show: “That was beautiful. That was great. Getting to India and back was 50 hours in the air. It was a lot of travel and we were there on the ground for less than 24 hours. So it was a lot of travel for one show. A lot of people asked me, ‘How was it? What was it like for you?’ And I said, if the crowd wasn’t the most electric crowd I’ve ever been in front of, I wouldn’t consider going back because of the travel schedule for one show. But they made it so worth it. It was truly an incredible experience.”

On the crowd reactions at the show: “They’re singing my song, they start chanting for Cena, I’m in the ring when John’s music hit — I’m getting goosebumps just talking about it — it was the loudest reaction I’ve ever heard. I’m talking — I’ve been in front of full stadiums packed out, 75,000 people. This place was rabid. When he threw his shirt into the crowd, there was a fight over his t-shirt. It was unbelievable.”

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WWE Superstar Seth Rollins recently shared his incredible experience performing at the WWE Superstar Spectacle show in India. Rollins teamed up with legendary wrestler John Cena and together they defeated Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci at the event.

Rollins described the show as beautiful and great, but also highlighted the immense travel involved. He revealed that the journey to India and back took a total of 50 hours in the air, while they were on the ground for less than 24 hours. Despite the demanding travel schedule, Rollins emphasized that the electric crowd made it all worth it. He mentioned that if the crowd hadn’t been one of the most enthusiastic and energetic he had ever performed in front of, he wouldn’t have considered going back due to the extensive travel for just one show.

The crowd reactions at the Superstar Spectacle show left a lasting impression on Rollins. He recalled how they sang his song and started chanting for Cena. When Cena’s music hit, Rollins described it as the loudest reaction he had ever heard. Even though Rollins has performed in front of full stadiums packed with 75,000 people, he stated that the Indian crowd was exceptionally rabid. The intensity of their response was so overwhelming that when Cena threw his shirt into the crowd, a fight broke out over it.

The WWE Superstar Spectacle show in India showcased the passion and dedication of Indian wrestling fans. The event demonstrated the global reach and popularity of WWE, as well as the impact it has on fans from different cultures and backgrounds. The enthusiasm and energy displayed by the Indian crowd left a lasting impression on both Seth Rollins and John Cena.

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The WWE Superstar Spectacle show in India served as a testament to the power of professional wrestling in bringing people together and creating memorable experiences for both performers and fans alike.