Seth Rollins made an appearance on Maggie & Perloff, where he discussed a wide range of topics.
The WWE World Heavyweight Champion discussed the fans turning on The Rock following last week’s SmackDown when he replaced Cody Rhodes in facing Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40.
“Welllll, maybe not ‘no one saw coming,’ I think some of us with a right mind might have seen this coming.”
Rollins was then asked how he thought it would play out.
“I don’t know. I was in the ring for the ‘Rocky Sucks’ chants. You saw my reaction, that was as legitimate as it comes. I was not prepared. I was prepared maybe for a little ‘We Want Cody,’ didn’t know if they were going to boo The Rock. The ‘Rocky Sucks’ ones, woah. That hit me. I was like, ‘I don’t know what to do with this.’ He’s a brand expert, Dwayne Johnson. He knows what he’s doing. He’ll figure it out, one way or another. I don’t know how this is going to sit with him. I don’t know if he’s on a level where it doesn’t matter to him, he’s going to do what he does, or is he going to take this to heart? He’s a passionate guy. Whatever he gets involved in, it’s because he has passion for it. I assume him getting back involved with WWE has a lot to do with his passion for this. That negative reaction, it might fester. Years ago when they did this to him and chanted ‘Rocky Sucks,’ they went a little further and there were some ‘Die Rocky Die’ chants. It was crazy back in the day. He took it and ran with it and it’s part of what made him who he is today. Who knows. I’m excited. WrestleMania season is upon us. So many possibilities. The Rock is back and it’s all good.”
In a recent interview on Maggie & Perloff, WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins discussed a variety of topics, including the fans’ reaction to The Rock’s appearance on last week’s SmackDown. Rollins expressed his thoughts on the unexpected negative response towards The Rock and speculated on how it might affect him.
Rollins acknowledged that while some people may have anticipated the fans’ reaction, he was genuinely surprised by the “Rocky Sucks” chants. He admitted that he was not prepared for such a strong negative response and was unsure how The Rock would handle it. As a brand expert, Rollins believed that Dwayne Johnson would figure out a way to navigate through this situation.
The WWE World Heavyweight Champion also pondered whether The Rock would take the fans’ reaction to heart or if he would remain unaffected by it. Rollins recognized The Rock’s passion for the wrestling industry and assumed that his decision to return to WWE was driven by that passion. Therefore, the negative reception from the fans might have an impact on him.
Rollins drew parallels to a similar situation in the past when fans chanted “Rocky Sucks” and even went as far as chanting “Die Rocky Die.” However, The Rock embraced the negativity and used it to his advantage, ultimately becoming one of the most iconic figures in WWE history. Rollins expressed excitement about the possibilities that WrestleMania season brings and welcomed The Rock’s return to the wrestling world.
Overall, Seth Rollins’ comments shed light on the unexpected fan reaction towards The Rock and speculated on how it might influence him. As WrestleMania season approaches, fans can look forward to witnessing how The Rock responds to this challenge and what impact it will have on his future in WWE.