Sami Zayn Experiences ambivalence towards reduced match counts in WWE PLEs.

Sami Zayn Experiences ambivalence towards reduced match counts in WWE PLEs.
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Since the beginning of the Triple H era, the WWE premium live events have generally showcased a more compressed card compared to what was showcased under Vince McMahon’s era, with an average of five to six matches being presented each time.

In an interview with Fightful, WWE superstar Sami Zayn expressed having conflicting emotions regarding these condensed cards.

Zayn pointed out, “Having mixed feelings on this is understandable since, as a performer, if you’re not factored in, there is noticeably more space in a card with seven or eight matches and consequently, a higher chance of getting featured. Currently, even if you are engaged in a significant storyline, your match may still not make the cut. This, however, is not reflective of the quality of your storyline or your performance. Given that usually only five matches get to be featured, there’s a chance your match might not be included.”

Further explaining his viewpoint, Zayn added, “With only five matches, it’s indeed not a lot. This seems to resonate with the shift in focus from quantity to quality, which is difficult to disagree with. In retrospect, I believe the transformation has been good. It underscores the crucial matches that have made it to the event making them feel vital. Considering that only five matches are featured if your match makes the cut, it indirectly communicates to the audience that this is something the company values, and hence, they should commit emotionally to it. This subconscious perception isn’t often realized by fans. However, fans are usually quick to understand their role in this and are more likely to emotionally engage when they realize, ‘Oh, this is something we’re supposed to take an interest in’.”