Salina de La Renta Expected to Unveil the Identity of her Child’s Father at Blood & Thunder Event: A Sneak Peek into WOW.

Salina de La Renta Expected to Unveil the Identity of her Child’s Father at Blood & Thunder Event: A Sneak Peek into WOW.
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Major League Wrestling (MLW) has informed the public that at the upcoming MLW Blood & Thunder event, Salina de La Renta will divulge the identity of her child’s father. The details of this awaited announcement are outlined below:

At Blood & Thunder, Salina is set to answer the burning question – “Who is the Baby Daddy?” This event will be held at the Coliseum in St. Petersburg, FL on Friday, July 12, and will be freely broadcasted on YouTube. Attendees can purchase tickets via or via Eventbrite for prices starting at .

Salina’s unexpected pregnancy announcement at MLW Anniversary’24 spurred a lot of buzz and intrigue around the paternity of the baby. The identity of the father will finally be revealed to the eagerly waiting fans and wrestlers on July 12. Adding to the anticipation of the announcement, Cesar Duran, Salina’s father, who is an important figure in Lucha Libre, had publicly accepted his paternity of Salina at MLW Battle RIOT VI dispelling years of guesswork about their relationship. As Cesar is a significant figure in wrestling, the baby marks the future successor of the family’s wrestling legacy.

The upcoming revelation signifies the next episode in the much-discussed Duran/de La Renta family story. Theories about the identity of the baby’s father are rampant, with guesses ranging from a luchador to an influential figure in the wrestling world. Fans can tune into MLS’s YouTube Channel on July 12 to witness this much-awaited disclosure. Tickets for the event are available at

In other news, a preview and the lineup for Season 2 episode 42 of WOW – Women of Wrestling are available below:

Matches include Top Tier vs. The Dojo Defenders, All American Girls vs. Las Bandidas (represented by Sylvia Sanchez and Angel Rose), Heavy Metal Sisters vs. Chantilly Chella and Holidead, and The Beast vs. The Classmaster.

Also, relevant to share, for any tips or podcast summaries you would wish to share (full acknowledgment guaranteed), please reach out at [email protected].