Sabu Would Rather Watch A Wrestler Than “Good Gymnast” Will Ospreay

Sabu Would Rather Watch A Wrestler Than “Good Gymnast” Will Ospreay
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During a conversation with Covalent TV, professional wrestler Sabu offered his thoughts on fellow wrestler Will Ospreay. While expressing admiration for Ospreay’s impressive athleticism, he also shared his critique of the wrestler’s style in the ring.

Sabu stated, “I appreciate Will Ospreay for his talent, I just don’t find his matches particularly exciting to watch. While he’s an exceptional athlete and quite adept gymnastically, his routines feel overly planned. Constantly executing backflips over the ropes feels more like a gymnastics exhibition than a wrestling match. It’s not that it’s bad, but it’s just not something I care to watch regularly. I prefer more traditional wrestling matches.”

Beyond AEW, Sabu voiced his concerns about WWE’s handling of his colleagues, specifically referencing how The Judgment Day’s Finn Balor seems to have lost some of his edge under WWE’s management.

“They shaped him to fit into their mold. This isn’t meant as a personal critique, it’s just that he has changed. He isn’t the same wrestler he used to be,” Sabu expressed.

Earlier in the year, Sabu revealed his interest in collaborating with Balor, who celebrated a decade with WWE recently.

Further topics of Sabu’s discussion included his perspective on why RVD didn’t participate in WWE NXT at the 2300 Arena. More about this and other topics can be found in the full video interview with Sabu. [Link to video]