Ryback Asserts Triple H Altered Vince McMahon’s Intentions to Undermine Him

Ryback Asserts Triple H Altered Vince McMahon’s Intentions to Undermine Him
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Ex-WWE heavyweight, Ryback, has been attentively following his former organization since leaving in 2016.

In a recent episode of his podcast, “The Ryback Show,” he alleged that WWE’s Corporate Officer, Triple H, manipulated the results of one of his matches. According to Ryback, there was a plan for him to win a six-man tag team match against The Wyatt Family, but Triple H reportedly used his power to guarantee Ryback’s defeat.

Reliving an encounter with The Wyatts before the Payback pay-per-view, Ryback explained that he was intended to join forces with Kane and The Big Show. The creative team had planned for him to achieve victory over The Wyatts in a six-man tag on SmackDown.

However, Ryback claimed, in Vince McMahon’s absence, Triple H deviated from the original plan resulting in Ryback being obliterated by The Wyatts.

Ryback expressed, “Hunter’s tough. I have firsthand experience of this. I’m revealing what I know. I’ve seen the kind of person Triple H is. There was an episode with me and the Wyatts, this was pre-the Payback pay-per-view with me, Kane, and Big Show, where I had a lead since Vince was present. I was supposed to beat the Wyatts in a six-man tag match on SmackDown.”

Continuing his story, he said, “Vince wasn’t at SmackDown. The writers informed me the night before that I’d be winning against Bray [Wyatt] or whoever it was at that time. But when I reached the show and Vince wasn’t there, Hunter altered it to me being demolished by the Wyatts just to assert his influence.”

Ryback terminated his relationship with WWE in 2016, naming the unequal pay structure for talent and creative dissatisfaction as the prime causes of his exit.