Ryback Alleges Triple H Altered Vince McMahon’s Strategies to Undermine Him

Ryback Alleges Triple H Altered Vince McMahon’s Strategies to Undermine Him
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Ryback, a former superstar of WWE, has been actively following the happenings of his previous company since he left in 2016. In an episode of his podcast “The Ryback Show”, Ryback took shots at Triple H, blaming the WWE CCO for deliberately altering the result of one of his matches.

The contention stemmed from a six-man tag team match against The Wyatt Family where Ryback asserts he was initially planned to win. He claimed that Triple H misused his power to assure his (Ryback’s) defeat.

Recollecting the match involving The Wyatt Family leading up to the Payback pay-per-view, Ryback shared that he was supposed to join forces with Kane and The Big Show. The original notion, which was disclosed to him from the creative squad, was that he would defeat The Wyatt Family in a six-man tag match on SmackDown.

In contradiction to this plan, Ryback pointed out that Triple H changed the plan when Vince McMahon was not around, which resulted in him being ‘destroyed’ by The Wyatts.

During the podcast, Ryback stated, “Hunter’s tough. I’ve experienced this. I’m just giving you insights into what I know. I know the monster that is Triple H, of how he is. There was a segment with me and the Wyatts where, this was before the Payback pay-per-view with me, Kane, and Big Show, where I eventually went over because Vince was there. I was supposed to go over the Wyatts. It was a six-man tag match on SmackDown.”

Furthermore, he stated, “Vince was not at SmackDown. I was informed the night before I was sent by creative, by the writers that I’m going over on Bray [Wyatt] or whoever it was at the time with that leading up to all this. I arrive at the show, Vince isn’t there. Hunter had it transitioned to me getting destroyed by the Wyatts just to show like this is what he does.”

Ryback split from WWE in 2016, mentioning unequal pay for talent and creative dissatisfaction as the key drivers behind his exit.