RVD Selects His Preferred Samoan WWE Partner to Collaborate With

RVD Selects His Preferred Samoan WWE Partner to Collaborate With
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Top-notch wrestler RVD, also known as Rob Van Dam, shared insights and anecdotes on a myriad of subjects in a recent episode of his podcast, ‘1 Of a Kind’. During this particular episode, he bestowed the title of his favorite Samoan wrestler upon the late Umaga.

The WWE Hall of Famer had this to say about Umaga: “I’d always admired Umaga. Among all the Samoans, he was my chosen one. It was the unique style of his wrestling that resonated with me. I strongly felt that he truly understood the craft. He was one of the heavyweights among the Samoan wrestlers, but what set him apart was his distinctiveness. His wrestling moves – I’m unsure if they were his creation, but I hadn’t observed anyone other than him lift the opponent and turn it into a Samoan Drop. That, for me, marked his exclusive move and established him as the ‘extreme Samoan’, apart from the fact that his moves surpassed those of other Samoan wrestlers.”

RVD had cherished memories to share about an unforgettable bout. He recollected: “I distinctly remember, the exclusive match I ever competed in with the McMahons featured Umaga as well. It was a significant night that’s etched in my memory, with Vince McMahon, Shane-O, and Umaga on one end, and myself, RVD, on the other. I gave a good fight, but, they resorted to unfair tactics.”