Roxanne Perez Issues Caution to Jordynne Grace in Anticipation of WWE NXT Battleground.

Roxanne Perez Issues Caution to Jordynne Grace in Anticipation of WWE NXT Battleground.
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After making her inaugural appearance in a WWE NXT match, TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace was confronted by NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez. The confrontation was aimed at setting the stage for their impending showdown at Battleground this coming Sunday.

Perez candidly clarified that she views herself as competing at a superior level. Her words were,

Look, I’m not going to downplay Jordynne Grace. She’s an outstanding athlete and she indeed showcased an impressive talent tonight. Yes, she is the reigning TNA Knockouts World Champion, but let’s not forget, I am a two-time NXT Women’s Champion. Does she really believe she can step into my sphere, my brand, my ring, and claim my title? Jordynne Grace is just like her ordained counterparts. She’s not at par with me. She’s calling to question the stability of our respective foundations? Apparently, she’s overlooked that I clinched the TNA championship in a main event at the age of 20. Therefore, I’d say my foundation is pretty darn solid. This Sunday at Battleground, she’s going to get a taste of ‘rox’. All of you will hear the words ‘And still’ echoed.