Ronda Rousey opines that under Triple H’s leadership, the WWE Women’s Division has evolved significantly.

Ronda Rousey opines that under Triple H’s leadership, the WWE Women’s Division has evolved significantly.
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In a recent chat with “TV Insider,” Ronda Rousey, an ex-WWE Superstar and UFC Champion, shared insights about her latest book, Our Fight: A Memoir. She also spoke about her future graphic novel project, the evolving WWE women’s division, and more.

Highlights of the conversation are outlined below:

On the topic of women’s success in combat sports, Ronda Rousey mentioned, “Female players in combat sports globally are achieving newer heights than ever because people have started taking them seriously. This is a proof that women can fight and be vibrant and dynamic. This is creating a ripple effect across boxing, UFC, pro wrestling, and even Olympic wrestling. Women’s combat sports are on fire everywhere. Earlier, fighting like a girl was considered offensive, but it’s not the case now. Due to my mom duties and other responsibilities, I haven’t been able to watch wrestling as much. I saw a post from Nattie the other day noting that a half or all the matches on the card were women. That was our last real obstacle. To get equal representation in programming time.”

Commenting on the positive transformations within WWE’s women’s division, Rousey stated, “While the matches themselves might not have been allocated the same time as men’s matches, these advancements make it way easier for those coming after us to continue from where we left rather than starting from scratch. We can continue to forge ahead and assist future generations. Post-WrestleMania, WWE took a few steps backward, but now with Triple H taking over from Vince McMahon, we seem to be progressing again. I am extremely positive about what’s happening across the industry.”

Sharing her personal experiences that she drew upon as a writer and comic creator, she admitted, “You should be your first believer. If you have to force yourself to do something, you probably don’t love it enough. I loved training in MMA and fighting. But when it got tiring, I knew it was time to move on. Training and performing in WWE was enjoyable until I realized I was worn out. I then decided to move on.”

“Screenwriting and this upcoming graphic novel are the things I ponder over all day. Yesterday, I had to wake up early for a TV feature to promote Browsey Acres, our food truck venture in Hawaii. The moment my baby went to sleep, I was back to writing. Adam Novak has been a huge help in fine-tuning this second script. He gave me some points and I was eagerly waiting for my baby to go to sleep so I could get back to working on the script. What mattered was I had to be up early. I believe as long as you follow your passion, you can’t falter.”

Rousey exited WWE after losing to Shayna Baszler at WWE SummerSlam the previous year.